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I am 28. I live in Chicago. My salary is $60,000 as a Nonprofit Consultant. Come see how I spend my coin!

I actually cut out a lot yet this is still on the long side, so be warned. Sorry in advance.
Retirement Balance: ~$4,740. $4,450 in a Roth IRA I opened when I turned 26. I just recently started contributing more to it regularly. I was previously focused on building my emergency savings up. My last job didn’t offer retirement until the very end of my time there, and there was no employer match. I contributed the bare minimum to my 401k; it has about $300 in it. With my current job, retirement match is factored into the salary.
Equity: $0. Not a home owner.
Savings account balance: $15,765. $1,150 in a Chase savings account, $13,519 in a HYSA, $1,046 in my Qapital account. Technically I use Qapital to save for taxes, but I know I won’t owe anywhere close to $1,000 since my 2020 freelancing was infrequent. I doubt it’ll even be up to $250.
Checking account balance: $2,227 (payday was today!)
Credit card debt: $0. I use my credit card like a debit card so I can rack up cash back. I pay it off every day.
Student loan debt: $21,417. I graduated in 2015 with a BA in French and English. Original debt was ~$33,000. Before the pandemic my interest was 4.5%. Interest is now 0%.
SECTION TWO: INCOME PROGRESSION2015-2016 - $15/hr as a remote intern for a major website. This was my first paid position out of college. I learned a lot about web content and writing for online audiences. This was part-time at 25 hours a week.
2016 - $2,700/month as a Content Writer. I created scripts and training materials for various companies to train their employees. Started this job in March and was unexpectedly laid off in December. Sucked at the time but turns out it was a blessing in disguise...The work was soulless and I didn’t like it.
2017 - ~$850/month stipend as an Americorps VISTA. At the start of the year I got a Development position at a nonprofit I volunteered at, hoping to gain grant writing experience. I absolutely would NOT have done this had I not been living at home. I also collected an additional $400 a month in unemployment until July since I was technically a federal volunteer, not an employee, therefore still eligible for benefits.
2017 - $37,000/year as a Development Coordinator, primarily writing grants. The person in this position left and I was asked to step in. I didn’t get my ed stipend since I ended my VISTA year 5 months early.
2018 - $38,250/year - COL raise.
2019 - $43,000/year then $45,000. I was promoted to manager.
2020 - $47,000/year - COL raise.
2020 - $60,000/year. I had been job hunting hard when COVID hit and I subsequently became discouraged. I was desperate to leave my job...the people I worked with were wonderful but I felt like my growth was stifled, the amount of staff turnover was draining, and our pay was below market rate. I ended up finding my new job through my network. I was very excited to not work in fundraising anymore. The events of 2020 confirmed that I didn’t want to make a career out of coaxing rich white folks to relinquish a tiny amount of their wealth to support youth of color. My now-boss and I talked extensively over Zoom before I received my offer letter in July. It’s been a great learning opportunity, even though starting a new job remotely is strange and sometimes lonely. Having a cat helps :)
Main Job Monthly Take Home**:** $3,846. This is after $50 is deducted for Vision, Dental, Medical.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $100-$400. I write product guides for a website sometimes. These days I only take on work if I’m anticipating new expenses that month. This income is in addition to my 60k salary, since what I make from my side hustle varies. Last year I made $2,200, the year before it was over $5,000.
Other: ~$250/year in cash back from my credit card
Rent: $1,025 in a decently-sized studio that I share with my cat. Rent encompasses all utilities, including internet. This is dropping down to $975 starting April 1 - yay!
Renters Insurance: $5
Savings (monthly unless it says otherwise): ~$300 goes into a High Yield Savings Account. I automate $50 a week then throw in an extra $100 - $200, depending on the month.
I save $80 - $120 with the Qapital app. I got it before they started charging so my account is free.
Retirement contribution: $315- $415 into a Roth IRA. Maybe I should up payments so I can max it out, really torn between that or boosting student loan payments. I throw an extra hundred dollars in there some months.
Debt payments: All I have is federal student loan debt. Since starting my job in July I’ve been paying $500/month, throwing in extra when I have it. I’m going to increase this to $600/month starting in February. Would love to have it paid off by the time I’m 30, or during my 30th year. I’m not holding my breath for student loan forgiveness, but if it starts to seem like a real possibility then I’ll cut back on payments.
Donations: $300 to my mom and dad. I come from a working-class background and make more than both parents combined. My dad was unemployed for a while, and as I write this has become unemployed again. I worry a lot about my folks financially. In our culture it’s expected that we take care of our parents as they age, so there’s that component too.
Also $25 to a local nonprofit. $9 to a local theater company for which I’m a board member. Our board is very low-key and not a fundraising one.
Then usually ~$500 more throughout the year for various causes.
Electric: Included in rent.
Wifi/Cable/Landline: Included in rent.
Cellphone: $43
Subscriptions: ~$63. $18 for Patreon, $10.89 for Spotify Premium, $16.34 for HBOMax, $7.62 for Disney+, $9.71 for Netflix.
Pet expenses: I spend roughly $80 on food + probiotics and $20 on litter, which I buy in bulk. The monthly amount really fluctuates though. I’ve spent about $1,500 on my cat since I adopted her in October. Including getting basic stuff like a litter box, a cat tree, toys, food/water bowls, a carrier, etc. along with the adoption fee. I took her to the vet earlier last month and that was $450. She was vomiting frequently :(
Car payment / insurance: $0. Car free, baby.
Therapy: $100
Paid hobbies: $120 annually for my personal website.
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Yes. I’m a child of immigrants and we place a high premium on education. Skipping college was never an option. Luckily, I’ve always done well in school and would have gone to college regardless. I think about grad school sometimes but there has to be a good ROI. Maybe one day. I borrowed 33k in student loans for undergrad, which isn’t that bad considering that I went to a private school that cost $200,000 over 4 years. I paid for the rest with work study, along with merit-based and need-based scholarships.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
We didn’t discuss finances too often. I did get an allowance when I was younger and paid for the things I wanted (mostly books and CDs from my local Borders) by saving that money. My parents always had the mindset that credit cards can work as emergency funds...as an adult I strongly oppose that way of thinking. My parents accrued a lot of credit card debt and I never wanted that to be me. Which is why I only use my CC now as a debit card. I never put anything on there that I can’t pay off in full.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
I was in this program where teens get paid to participate in arts programs. I did theater for three years in HS, I think the stipend was ~$400 every two months. My first real job with wages was working retail the summer before college. I was making $8.25/hr. Both jobs were for spending money.
Did you worry about money growing up?
I didn’t worry necessarily, but I was aware that there were people with more than us. My mom was out of work for a few years due to some chronic pain and we had a Link card then. I had free/reduced lunch growing up and got fee waivers for all of my college apps. I was also aware of my privilege as an American citizen. My parents regularly sent money home to poorer family members. I learned early that it’s better to be working class here than it is over there.
Do you worry about money now?
Yes. I know I’m luckier than many. But I also have no generational wealth to inherit. Sometimes I feel really behind when I see people my age or younger with six figures in their retirement, $50,000 in stocks, or money passed down from family. I worry most about taking care of my parents in old age. I have an older brother so it’s a relief that we can at least share costs, when the time comes.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I became 100% financially responsible when I moved out at age 25. Before then I was contributing $400/month towards rent. If I fell on really hard times I could probably move in with my folks, but otherwise I'm my own safety net.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
My mom cashed out an $800 savings bond for spending money when I studied abroad in college, but otherwise nope.
Day 1 - Wednesday
Another dreary January day. It’s been consistently snowing for the past two days and very overcast to boot. I spend some time lazing in bed until my Mom unexpectedly calls to ask me if I can print out her worker’s comp form to see if she'll qualify for any. She contracted COVID from her job a few weeks ago and, thankfully, is recovering. I tell her I don’t have a printer and hang up, slightly annoyed, after telling her I’ll print it from the library later. This was the 4th day in a row of her calling me and conversations with her can be hard to cut short (I’m not an asshole, honest).
I get up and feed my cat, E., her breakfast with a probiotic, take my gummy vitamins, and get ready for the day (brush teeth, moisturize face and hair, put on black skinny jeans and a navy and white speckled sweater with hoop earrings). I throw some sliced bananas, kale, frozen blueberries, honey, almond milk, and ginger into the blender for a smoothie. Once that’s poured into a glass I take a seat at my corner desk to begin my work day.
My foul mood lingers but I work through it. There’s a big deadline coming up soon so my days have been pretty full. E. climbs into my lap while I work and I give her some head rubs. I adopted her 4 months ago. There was a learning curve for me, as someone who grew up with 0 pets, but E.’s made it very worthwhile. She only recently began to "loaf" in my lap and I love it, even during inopportune moments like Zoom meetings.
Lunchtime! Today it’s tomato basil soup I made over the weekend with open-faced grilled cheese on french bread. The bread is getting stale but it’s almost finished anyhow, and slathering it with cheese and butter works wonders. I put out the kitty’s lunch, too. E. eats some of it then jumps into my bed, curling up for a midday nap. Wish I could do the same. Sigh.
I buckle down and get back to work, now doing somewhat-tedious data entry. After about an hour and a half I decide to walk to the library to print my mom’s forms. I order a Toasted White Hot Chocolate with almond milk from Starbucks ($4.60) so I have something warm to drink on my walk. I’m not a coffee drinker because of my caffeine sensitivity. Sometimes even a mug of black tea will make me lightheaded if I drink it too fast!
Work day is over. I outline my to-do list for tomorrow and cross off the things I accomplished today. My Dad is downstairs to pick up the forms I printed for my mom. After dropping off the forms I change into comfy clothes and assign myself a freelance assignment. I’m applying for a weekend writing workshop next month that will cost $300. I may not get in, but in case I do, I want to be prepared! The fun thing about my freelancing is that I get to choose the topics I want to write about. I select an assignment on skincare products.
Time to make breakfast for dinner: smashed fingerling potatoes with sauteed bell pepper, red onion, and broccoli topped with a fried egg and half an avocado. Seasoned with Lawry's and drizzled with sriracha. I get cozy on my loveseat to eat dinner. I also send an email to a man I've been corresponding with daily, D, for the last month and a half. We met out of the blue on an online forum - not Reddit - and have been enjoying each other's online company :) I'm not rushing to label anything, especially since he lives a state away. We're just seeing where things go for now.
For the rest of the evening I read my book while E. sleeps curled up next to me and Wendy Williams plays on TV. Then I get into my nighttime routine: smoke from my one hitter, put on some music and hop in the shower, where I also wash my face. Out the shower, I lotion up with shea butter and rub a gentle toner on my face. I make a mental note to re-up on weed soon. It's taxed to hell (welcome to Cook County. They tax everything here) but at least it's stimulating the local economy. I floss and brush my teeth before getting under the covers.
TOTAL: $4.60
Day 2 - Thursday
My body naturally wakes me up around 7:30. I remain in bed, mostly browsing Reddit on my phone, before committing to getting out of bed. I feed E. her breakfast and daily probiotic, take gummy vitamins and clean the last of my dishes from the night before. The sun pours through my south-facing windows and my heart sings - yesss, let there be light! I brush my teeth, moisturize my hair with coconut oil and moisturize my face. I pick out a black ribbed turtleneck and black high-waist jeans to wear, but ultimately decide to rock my loungewear until I have to leave my apartment.
I make a smoothie with the other avocado half from last night, frozen mango chunks, the last of my frozen blueberries, ginger, almond milk, and honey. I highly recommend avocados in smoothies. The creamy texture is to die for! I log into my work email and have a couple fires to put out. While I work, I polish off the rest of my Vitner’s Crunchy Kurls. IYKYK. I also reply to my email from D. this morning. Yesterday we were both in bad moods but this morning we’re doing better, mood wise. We talk about how rough our Januaries were - with my mom recovering from COVID and his dad in the hospital since the beginning of the year - and how we deserve a nice treat for getting through the month. We agree that lifetime supplies of books (for me) and movies (for him) would be fitting.
My morning was full speed ahead but things are slowing down so I pause to read a Money Diary on here. I so admire this diarist’s conviction in language learning/maintenance! My French is dans la poubelle because I haven’t kept up in a long time. For a while I’d do Duolingo, watch French-language movies and shows on Netflix, and book trips to Francophone cities so I could practice speaking (last trip was Montreal in December 2018). When COVID blows over I want to go to Martinique. I remind myself to check out some French-language films soon. I’m open to any recommendations, especially media that focuses on Francophones outside of France, or those from immigrant communities :)
I return to my data entry task. Giving away grants is fun. Tracking dollar amounts and grantee info with excel formulas, less so. I finish up the last of my soup and grilled cheese sandwich and give E. her lunch. I put on the student loan episode of Patriot Act as I eat. I’d truly be wowed if student loan forgiveness actually came to fruition. It’s either somewhat likely or not likely at all, depending on who you ask.
Post-lunch, I’m craving cupcakes bad. Did I mention I have an unrelenting sweet tooth? I look up cupcakes near me and mentally bribe myself with a cupcake order if I get my work done.
My cupcake craving has subsided. I'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow. I normally eat dinner around 7 or 8pm but opt for an early dinner today: my leftover Mongolian Beef and peapod tips in garlic sauce, yum. I ordered Chinese takeout on Sunday. While my rice cooks, I bundle up for a trip to Walgreens. When I'm there I get a big thing of Dawn dish soap, some antibacterial wipes that are on sale, a bag of roasted cashews, a Reese's Fast Break bar, and a small bag of Pirate's Booty ($16.83).
By the time I get back my rice is nearly finished. My sink has some dirty dishes, so I wash those before reheating the Mongolian beef and peapod tips on my stove top. I'm one of those weirdos without a microwave… don't miss it at all though. I dig into my leftovers and reply to a message from D. which is quite imaginative. In the sexual sense ;) D. has a very sensual way with words and as a writer of course I'm into it. I go back for seconds, finishing the rest of my takeout leftovers. After dinner and some more reddit browsing I do my evening shower routine. At 10:30 pm my upstairs neighbor is annoyingly doing jumping jacks (that’s what it sounds like) or something that makes it very hard to focus. Ugh.
TOTAL: $16.83
DAY 3 - Friday
MorningI fell asleep unexpectedly and woke up around 2am. This kind of thing happens a lot. I guess my cat has adapted too, she’s always bugging me for food in the early morning hours. I feed my cat, brush my teeth, crawl back into bed and fall asleep an hour or so later.
I’m up again at 7:30, laying in bed before officially getting up. My mom calls me and I remember I promised to order her a Lyft to work. Her workplace has the COVID vaccine and she’s going to get the first dosage. She mentions that some symptoms are coming back - like shortness of breath, which she didn’t even have the first time - even though she’s been on the mend for the past week and just got the go-ahead from her doctor to work again. After I order my mom the Lyft ($31.46 incl. tip) I indulge in my nasty habit of googling medical stuff. I find an article about a woman who ended up in the hospital unexpectedly, 5 MONTHS after getting symptoms. Cue cortisol levels going up. I also have a work meeting this morning that I’m nervous about, having never led it alone before.
I get out of bed, feed my cat her breakfast + probiotic, take gummy vitamins, and get dressed with a black turtleneck, black jeans, and small hoop earrings. I try to breathe and remind myself that all will be fine. I have a habit of catastrophizing and generally thinking in worst-case scenarios, if that wasn’t already obvious. My meeting ends up going perfectly fine though, and my mom texts me later to say she took the train home (my Dad needed the car for work this morning). She is feeling fine for now. Since I skipped my morning smoothie I make one now with pear, kale, frozen strawberries, almond milk and honey. Eh, I’ve had better. But it’s drinkable.
My morning flew! I’m running low on food so for lunch, I throw some crinkle cut fries in the oven. Grab an avocado, red onion, and a roma tomato from the fridge to make a quick guac. I also make a side of sriracha mayo.
Today is payday. It’s my rent paycheck so I’m not as excited tho. While my fries are in the oven I move some money to my Roth IRA. I watch one of my favorite Youtubers, King of Reads, while I eat my lunch. He has an interesting take on Gamestop Gate and basically says, abolish all this stock market shit. I do think there are a lot of evils in American capitalism, which was literally built off the backs of s colonized peoples. Like is this system even for us?
After lunch I get back to work. I also do something I seldom do: order groceries off Instacart. The anxiety of the day has drained me and I don’t feel like lugging a bunch of groceries home. Plus, the store I order from is cheaper than the one closest to me. I get some jasmine rice, a family pack of Nongshim ramen, green onions, carrots, zucchini, sirloin steak, ginger root, yellow onions, chili paste, bell peppers, white mushrooms, yellow squash, bok choy, kombucha, bamboo skewers, grape tomatoes, a bottle of Apothic Red and some hazelnut cookies. Add $10 for tip ($74.48). I do walk to the local grocery store anyway to 1) get some fresh air while it’s still daylight and 2) pick up smoothie ingredients. From there I get a big bag of frozen mixed berries, frozen mango chunks, an avocado, three bananas, almond milk, coconut sparkling water, and a sweet Belgian waffle ($18.15).
I knock out the last of my work tasks just in time for teletherapy at 5:10. I love my therapist. Been seeing her for going on three years and she’s changed my life. We talk and I feel lighter, remembering the progress I’ve made since I first walked into her office crying in 2018. After we hang up I get an email receipt for the cost, which is accounted for in monthly expenses. I put away my instacart delivery and message a bit more with D. Even though we’re just emailing, I truly enjoy his company. He makes me feel incredibly attractive and soft.
Glass of red wine in one hand, I play with E. for 15 minutes. Despite her age (over 10) she’s spry and will bug the hell out of me to indulge her. I spend the rest of the evening on the couch decompressing with my wine. I do my nightly shower routine but skip the weed because I know it'll make me fall asleep ASAP. Then I fry up the rest of my breakfast for dinner ingredients (minus avocado and egg) and eat them with sriracha.
TOTAL: $124.09
DAY 4 - Saturday
Oops. Fell asleep and woke up at an odd hour. Again. Go brush my teeth and floss. My kitty is very awake and bugging me for attention so I smoke, play with her a bit, and go back to sleep.
Wake up a few hours later. I hear the unmistakable retching of my cat throwing up. Maybe she went too long without food...I mop up the small puddle with paper towels and spray my rug liberally with Nature's Miracle. When I feed E. her breakfast + probiotic she keeps it all down. I take gummy vitamins and get back into bed. From my phone, I go to my local dispensary's website to place an order for pick up, ultimately choosing a strain I've had before that's on sale. I log into my checking account to transfer money to my mom (accounted for in monthly expenses).
Actually get out of bed for real around 9:45am. Scoop E.’s litter box and prepare to get some freelance work done. I make a mango, pear and avocado smoothie with almond milk and honey and sit down to work. Girls plays in the background. I never watched this show when it was popular and was surprised by how funny it is (albeit problematic for a number of reasons).
Snack break! I brew some black tea and have it with the hazelnut cookies I got yesterday. 90 minutes later, once I’m two-thirds through my assignment, I make actual lunch: ramen noodles spruced up with minced garlic and ginger, scallion whites, bok choy, and mushrooms. All topped with scallion greens. Easy and d e l i c i o u s. There’s another snowstorm, urgh. I’m walking to pick up my weed and from my window, it doesn’t look too bad right now. Preorder a Honey Citrus Mint from Starbucks for the long walk ($3.27) and bundle up. It’s an hour round trip but I love walking and don’t really work out so...I take my exercise where I can get it. Stop by the ATM to withdraw cash for flower ($70). On my way back from picking up I indulge in a carrot cake slice from a popular bakery in the area. ($8.13 incl. tip). Okay, I’m set on sweets for awhile. For now :)
I finally wrap up my freelance assignment and share it with my editor. Shower time. Take a hit from my one hitter and do my nightly routine. Once finished, I change my mind on dinner. I’d originally planned to make a quick "bibimbap" (air quotes because it's very much a knock off) and even steamed rice ahead of time, but carrot cake is sounding good right now. Carrot cake it is! I have some more hazelnut cookies for a well-balanced meal. Give the kitty her dinner and fall asleep with the TV on.
TOTAL: $81.40
DAY 5 - Sunday
Woke up at an odd hour again. (around 4 am). E. is being a butt once again so I feed her an early breakfast with her probiotic. Brush my teeth, floss, and go back to sleep for a few hours. Get up and out of bed for real around 9:30 and clean up a bit, doing one load of laundry and vacuuming my rug and floors. I finally cook and eat the bibimbap meant for yesterday (minus the egg). I have a virtual date with a college friend I haven’t spoken to in a while, so we spend a few hours catching up! My friendship with her is ever-evolving. She was someone I put on a pedestal for a long time, until she disappointed me when I really needed her and hurt me deeply. I’ve worked to let go of that resentment and remind myself that 1) she is very much human, 2) she is not a better person than I am and 3) I can’t expect everyone to have the same heart that I have. Tough but necessary lessons to learn.
I really should deep clean E’s litter box today but ehhhh, not feeling it. I clean my bathtub, bathroom sink and mirror instead and wipe down some surfaces. I also sip some red wine blended with frozen strawberries (10/10, would recommend!) and start meal prepping for later. I’m making suya - West African meat skewers - so I thinly slice my sirloin steak while it’s semi-frozen and refrigerate the rest to fully defrost. I also chop up more garlic, ginger, bok choy, mushrooms, and scallions for ramen later. I know I’m going to get high very soon and won’t want to do too much, so I’m doing what future high-me will thank me for. Light an oudh incense stick, reply to a message from D., and submit my $250 invoice for freelance work. Put food out for E.
The snow is still pouring in from yesterday. Maybe we’ll get those 10 inches of snow after all. I smoke a bit and cook the same ramen as yesterday but add a fried egg and some sesame oil. I inhale the whole thing and drink all the broth, either it's really this amazing or I'm just stoned. For dessert, I brew black tea and have it with the rest of my hazelnut cookies.
Shower routine time! As much as I hate cleaning the bathtub, that first shower afterwards is the best. Wash my hair with Aussie Moist conditioner (I keep my hair very short and cut it myself) and moisturize with copious coconut oil. Listen to one of my favorite podcasts while in the shower, Say Your Mind with Kelechi Okafor. I love listening to her and her brother’s banter, it feels like I'm among friends.
I've been eating throughout the day so I'm not too hungry come dinner time. I have some crinkle cut fries with sriracha mayo and crack open a kombucha. Rewatch more old episodes of Girls. Why is Adam Driver so attractive to me, even if his character on the show is awful (they're all awful, really)?
Day 6 - Monday
Odd sleep hours strike again! I should mention that I also brush my teeth while I’m in the shower, lest you think I brush once a day only :) Take gummy vitamins and give my nagging E. her early morning meal after playing with her a bit. Scroll on Reddit until I fall back asleep.
Get up and start the day for real at 8:40. Clean a few dirty dishes from last night and give E. breakfast, round #2 with her probiotic. Brush my teeth moisturize my hair, and choose an oatmeal, knee-length knit dress to wear with small hoop earrings. I make a smoothie with a navel orange, some frozen strawberries, frozen banana that I almost forgot about, and almond milk. It’s February now. Happy Black History/Present/Future Month. February is actually one of my least favorite months but after the January I’ve had, I’m ready to move on swiftly. E. is fascinated by all the snowblowing that our neighbors do outside the window. Chicago hasn’t been hit this hard with snow in 5 years - 9 inches!
This is a very slow morning, work wise. Snack on cashews. Work on some excel data and open a tab for Girl Scout Cookies. It’s that seasonnnn. Note that there’s a four box minimum to get cookies. I’ll save my cookie order for next week.
The sunlight is giving me life today. I’m getting my Vitamin D through the window, though a walk to the beach sounds lovely. After doing a bit more work, it’s lunch time. I steam some jasmine rice and fry carrots, zucchini, mushrooms, bok choy, and scallion whites in soy sauce and chili paste for my knockoff bibimbap. With an egg this time. Then I decide to bundle up and walk to the beach for additional vitamin D. I only live five minutes away :) . The sand and shoreline are all covered in snow but peaceful nonetheless. I've actually never been to the beach in the dead of winter before. God, I love Lake Michigan. Never understood the hype around oceans, especially because you can't drink the water. Have my phone check in with my boss. Message a bit with D. and round up my tasks for the day.
D. encouraged me to follow my impulses and order the greasy pizza I’m craving right now. But I have food in the fridge. Sigh. Cut up my veggies and season them for veggie kabobs to go with the suya, which has marinated in a spice rub. Put the veggies and meat on skewer sticks and put it all in the oven. It comes out…okay-ish. The meat is a bit overdone and not as flavorful as I'd hoped. Not terrible for a first try, I suppose. Eat two veggie kabobs and two suya sticks. Fall down the Reddit rabbithole for way too damn long. Also check on my mom and how she's doing. She said she's okay now, taking things one day at a time. Feed the kitty her dinner. Do my nighttime routine (including brushing my teeth) and snuggle in bed to watch more Girls. Snack on graham crackers since I have no other sweets or candy handy.
Day 7 - Tuesday
morningMe and my fucked up sleep schedule. No judgment, plz. Wake up at an odd hour again, brush my teeth, feed the cat, smoke a bit, and go back asleep.
My mom calls me at 8 to tell me she might need me to call her a Lyft again - this is not a typical nor regular expense btw - because she has one of her work trainings and my Dad took the car for work. She asks if I still want to go to Nigeria this summer since she’s about to get tickets. IDK! I’m not comfortable traveling internationally...but my Nigerian passport also expires this year and it was a huge pain in the ass to get it in the first place. I enjoy visiting, though I always have a lot of personal shit to navigate while there. Being part of a diaspora is complicated.
Also wake up to a steamy message from D. Steamy enough for me to get myself off, truly the best way to start any morning. My period has started...fun. I was expecting it though. Feed E. her breakfast with a probiotic, take gummy vitamins, brush my teeth, moisturize hair, and get dressed in a grey turtleneck, black Adidas soccer pants, and gold hoop earrings. Blend frozen mango chunks, a small banana, greek yogurt and almond milk into a smoothie. I also brew a cup of lemon tea. Pop two ibuprofen and start my work day with a staff meeting.
Light a candle and keep working! Ok, I actually break for a few YouTube videos, one from MelinaPendulum about the Sex And the City reboot. To sum it up: why do one?? What’s the point if Samantha isn’t even coming back? I put out E.’s lunch. I also steam some jasmine rice to eat with the suya and veggie kabobs from last night. Damn I wish I had some steak sauce. Oh well. Eat lunch and call a Lyft for my mom. ($25.99, incl. tip). Work with more Sex and the City in the background.
EveningThe work day has ended and I am desperately in need of snacks! I load $10 on my Starbucks app and then decide to not get anything. I planned to fuck up some hot chocolate but the way my cramps are fading and coming back, it’s best to stay away from a drink with 57 grams of sugar. Pick up some Lysol wipes, a bottle of club soda, Fig Newtons, Ritz Crackers to go with the block of cheese in my fridge, a Reese’s Fast Break bar, and some Haribo Happy Cola gummies. ($11.69)
Get home, pour a small glass of Apothic Red and play with E. for a little bit. Then go down another Reddit rabbithole before making my dinner - ramen, minus the egg. Still delicious! Message D. for a bit and do my shower routine. I did not read very much this week, maybe it’s a testament to me not liking my book that much? Hmmm....my neighbor starts his incredibly annoying exercise routine and I fall asleep waiting for it to stop.
TOTAL: $47.68
GRAND TOTAL = $274.60
Food + Drink = $133.37
Fun / Entertainment = $70
Home + Health = $13.78
Other = $57.45
All in all, this was an unsurprising week, especially since I’m already in the habit of tracking expenses daily. The two atypical things were the Lyft rides for my mom - an infrequent occurrence - and my weed purchase, which happens once monthly. I suppose I could have included that in my monthly expenses. Please don’t roast me for my sleep schedule! I know issa mess. Also, I feed my cat four times a day in case that’s unclear.
Edit: Any and every time I left my home I wore a mask and then washed my hands thoroughly upon return.
submitted by prettygrlswriteplays to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

DD on Tesla ($TSLA). Bubble or Nah?

Alright. Hear me out autists. We all know bears are gay. But with TSLA shares reaching an ATH of $816.99, it sure seems like its fundamentals are completely divorced from reality. And the media analysts have been pounding on TSLA for seemingly years now. So is this a good company to be a gay bear on? Or Nah? (edit: TSLA ATH now @ $884 lol)
On 7 Jan 2020, Royal Bank of Canada admitted that "There is no graceful way to put this other than to say we got TSLA's stock completely wrong" and upgraded TSLA from $339 to $700. And on 6 Jan 2020, Morgan Stanley upgraded their TSLA price target to $810 when just 18 months ago they announced their comically low price target of $10 (that's $2 post split) resulting in a massive rally. Did Morgan Stanley dive head first into WSB level 3 autism territory, or is there something that the uninitiated could be missing? Let's do a deep dive into Tesla the company and see if their stock really is in a bubble, or if there could be some substance behind the current insane rally.
The common FUD narrative among TSLAQ is that TSLA's $800+ billion market cap is now larger than the 10 largest auto manufacturers combined. (edit: Apparantly this is a common FUD talking point that is/was false. TSLA is/was nowhere near that level when it was touted around as so. Although it is undeniable that Tesla's market cap became more and more absurd throughout 2020)
Indeed, this is quite insane. Even without us autists doing complex calculations, a simple google search shows that they would have to sell around 65 million vehicles a year to be priced at that level. So how many vehicles did Tesla produce? Tesla announced on 2 January 2020 that they've sold a little shy of 500K vehicles for CY 2020 with plans to increase production by 50% YoY. This would ultimately bring them to 20 million vehicles produced by 2030.
20 mil by 2030. Although we all know the term "Elon Time", which refers to CEO Elon Musk casually announcing an estimate of a product and missing projected timelines by large margins, there seems to be some credibility to this statement. Back in 2014, Elon Musk gave an interview (2:28) where he stated "I feel comfortable that we'll be able to achieve at least half a million cars a year by 2020".
OK. So let's give him the benefit of the doubt. As a matter of fact, Tesla is actually building factories at breakneck speeds with construction literally running 24/7 and each of their large factories (Austin and Berlin) is said to be capable of producing up to 2 million vehicles a year. Giga Berlin which was an empty field 9 months ago is already close to finishing its outer construction layer. Obviously they plan to announce more factory constructions in the future as well. So they do seem to be on track to grow on average 50% YoY for now. But 20 million cars produced by 2030 is still massively shy of 65 million vehicles. Even with growth factored in, TSLA's stock valuation still seems insanely high. So what gives? The common explanation among the Tesla fanboys is that TSLA is a tech company, not an automotive company, so it should be valued just so.
So what is this mystical technology the fanboys speak of, and how is it being deployed in terms of profitability for Tesla? Well, it turns out that Tesla has three main technological advantages and two main revenue streams that might put them leaps and bounds ahead of competitors.
  1. Autonomous Driving - Tesla is the current market leader in vehicle autonomy. It has over 3 billion miles logged as of April 2020. The next industry leader Waymo (owned by google) has approximately 20 million miles logged. One thing for sure is that no company will be able to catch Tesla in terms of pure data advantage within the next 4-5 years. And when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, data is king. This could be the bread and butter of Tesla. Tesla already charges customers $10k per vehicle to enable full self driving in which 25% of their customers choose the option. However, Tesla hasn't taken full profits on their books yet due to it still being in beta mode. Once they solve autonomy, an over-the-air (OTA) software update will be sent out just like how your iPhone updates and bam! now you have a self driving vehicle. Let's say Tesla charges $2k a year for a self driving vehicle that can also function as an autonomous uber driver which will help you pay down your vehicle or self driving subscription service. That's like selling two iPhone pros per every customer every year. And customers on their robotaxi network will also have to share 20% profits with Tesla. Think about this. The highest cost of ride hailing are for hourly wages. If no human is required to drive that vehicle, the cost of the ride hailing service will become insanely cheap. So cheap to the point that many people who live in cities will feel like they no longer need to own a vehicle and just call a robo taxi. People already do this in large cities! As this process accelerates, vehicles that don't have autonomy solved will lose market share dramatically every year. People who want cars will mainly want to buy a vehicle with an autonomous option, and people who don't care about owning a car will use robo taxis. If Tesla solves autonomy 4-5 years ahead of competitors, the entire auto industry will be disrupted by Tesla just like how the iPhone ended Blackberry and Nokia's dominance.
  2. Vehicle Manufacturing - Tesla is an innovator when it comes to vehicle manufacturing technology, specifically robotics. Along with their insane factory automation process, they also have giga casters that mold car pieces quickly and efficiently that no other manufacturers have, and giant automated paint shops. This cuts down massively on labor and allows for quicker production while keeping margins high. Due to innovative technologies like these, it is estimated that Tesla's Shanghai Model 3 vehicles net around 30% profit margins, even after they've recently slashed their prices by 8%. Tesla recently slashed their Model Y price by 30% but still boast an astonishing 29% profit margin which is approximately 3 times the industry average. So even if robotaxi doesn't work out, they are still an industry leader by a large stretch in terms of profit margins. These margins will only increase after Giga Berlin is operational due to no longer having to ship vehicles across the Pacific to European customers.
  3. Vertical Integration - Tesla is well known for its vertical integration. This is mainly due to having supply chain issues in the early days, but what this has enabled is agile production capability and larger profit margins. Due to this capability, Tesla improves components of their vehicles on the fly instead of the annual model release the traditional industry uses. Also, they don't have to share profits with suppliers or worry about constraints, delivery delays, or slow progress on contracts.
  4. No Advertising & Dealerships - Elon Musk is a walking billboard. The media literally gives Tesla free advertisement every day. As production increases, Tesla might have to start advertising in the future. But for now it seems like Teslas are selling themselves. Tesla has literally sold 100% of the vehicles they've ever produced, and they have never advertised any of their vehicles. Also, they do not have to share profits with dealerships with direct-to-consumer sales. If their market dominance and technology superiority continues, it is bound to stay the industry leader just like apple did with its iPhones. And if they solve autonomy first which they seem on track to do so, what's more to say?
  5. Regulatory Credits AKA Carbon Credits - This is one that TSLAQs love to bring up when it comes to Tesla profits. You see, a handful of US States enacted a law that requires manufacturers to sell a certain percentage of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) in their state which will earn them ZEV credits. If not, they will either have to pay a massive penalty fine, or buy ZEV credits from vehicle manufacturers who have plenty to spare. And Tesla has an overflow of ZEV credits laying around. So Tesla is literally getting paid by other vehicle manufacturers to build their vehicles. TSLAQs (incorrectly) state that the only reason Tesla makes a profit is because of regulatory credits. However, Tesla's ZEV credits only make up around 5% of their revenue (page 4, row 3) and it is slowly falling. No serious vehicle manufacturer will likely produce ICE vehicles in the year 2030 so ZEV credits fazing out is to be expected. Tesla vehicles are massively profitable as mentioned in bullet #2 even without the ZEV credits.
So we went over the main revenue streams of Tesla. And if all works out well, it seems likely that Tesla has a good chance of 'winning' if they maintain their market leadership. However, the competition is coming, right? We have our favorite EV players such as Nio, XPeng, Li, Rivian, BYD etc. Also the traditional ICE manufacturers VolksWagen has their ID.4, Ford has thier Mustang Mach-E, Audi has thier etron, Porche has their Tycan, and GM has the Chevy Bolt and 30 EVs planned for the future. It seems inevitable that these industry giants with their massive resources will overtake Tesla. Or will they?

Why the Competition is NOT Coming (Tesla's Moats):

  1. Difficulties of creating an EV vs. Mass Production: Creating a shell of an EV or a prototype is extremely easy. If anything, Nikola has showed this to be true. Rivian seems to be having the same issue Tesla had when starting up where they had to constantly push back release dates due to how difficult it is to engineer and manufacture an EV. So designing a prototype is easy. Manufacturing an EV is another thing. But mass production is a whole different beast. It took Tesla well over 16 years to perfect their technology and mass produce their model 3 despite having the best engineers in the world working for them. Ever wonder why every single vehicle manufacturer has constantly been pushing back their EV production timelines? It's because EVs are difficult. Also to note is that no vehicle manufacturer other than Tesla has been able to achieve mass production in EVs. And until then, Tesla has no competition in the near horizon.
  2. Supercharger network: Tesla has the largest charging network in the world by orders of magnitude and they will continue to grow. VW is a low trailing second in the market due to penalties in their dieselgate scandel and as a lucky maneuver, decided to build their electrify-america charging network. BTW, due to sunk costs, VW will likely be the only traditional ICE manufacturer that stands a chance of survival in the long run. Tesla owners barely get range anxiety like they used to back in the day. This is because it is easy to find a charging station even if they are going on a long trip with their map integration. However, you cannot say the same for the other EVs.
  3. Lidar vs. Camera: Tesla's vehicles notoriously does not use lidar technology. Instead, they almost only rely on vision (cameras). There are three main reasons for this. (I.) Cameras are extremely cheap. Lidar is not. One of Waymo's vehicles are estimated to have cost over $250k back in a 2017 estimate. Although in recent years Waymo seems to have developed lidar hardware that costs 90% less at $7.5k, it is still ridiculously expensive compared to cameras without adding much value. Here is Elon Musk's explanation, massively paraphrased: "Cameras augmented with AI can do almost all the things that lidar does chiefly depth sensing. Human vision does not require a separate depth sensor, and the entire driving infrastructure is built with human vision in mind. Lidar is a fools errand." Instead, Tesla augments its self driving technology with radar and maps. (II.) Lidar technology is usually augmented with something called HD maps. This is extreme detailed mapping (to the centimeter level) that helps lidar depth sensors with navigation. However, the issue with HD maps is that the file sizes are obviously large. And when detailed maps need to be updated due to construction or whatever which happens everywhere, every day, an OTA update needs to be sent out. And how do you update a fleet of all your vehicles when nationwide full coverage of 5G isn't a thing? So vehicles like Waymos are extremely good at driving within their geo-fenced locations, until they leave the area. And then they are absolute crap at it. OTOH, vision-based self driving vehicles are initially bad at the task until they have sufficient data and then they can drive well in almost every situation even without it being connected to the network. (III.) Vision-focused self driving AI can be augmented with additional sensors such as radalidar afterwards, but the inverse does not work. To put it short, if your lidar sensors disagree on the information they see at the moment, its entire system cannot function.
  4. Technological Dominance: Tesla's vertical integration and engineering produced innovative solutions such as the octovalve, heat pump, leadership in battery and vehicle efficiency, custom designed AI chips and an AI supercomputer server (Tesla Dojo) specifically made for autonomous driving advancement. No other company can come close to what Tesla is currently doing.
  5. Misdirected Competition: Remember how we talked about ZEV credits? Well most ICE vehicle manufacturers only sell their vehicles in ZEV mandated states and nowhere else. They literally lose money when they sell their vehicles, or have to massively hike up their prices to make a profit even with tax credits, unlike Teslas. For this reason, they only make enough vehicles to make up for their ZEV credits. Naturally, one can assume the limits of effort gone into such vehicles. Now, let's talk about the EV start ups. I've already mentioned the massive growing pains they will have to reach mass production. However, the Chinese EV startups have one thing to their advantage - massive 5G infrastructure within China which will undoubtedly benefit automation, especially in the case of HD maps. However, this doesn't apply outside of China. To add to this, they do not produce in-house custom AI chipsets which is a massive hinderance in processing data. Tesla did this with Nvidia for a while and ultimately decided that they had to design their own chips because of the lackluster performance.
  6. OTA Software Updates - A minor point, but Tesla has been designing their own software for years now. Well known to the public, Teslas update very frequently and with each update gets slightly better UI and performance. Yes - a software update allows Teslas to get better efficiency out of their vehicles. One can argue that any auto manufacturer can implement OTA software updates, but Tesla is leagues ahead at the moment with top notch software developers.
  7. Talent Pool: Guess what the #1 company engineers want to work for is? That's right. Tesla. #2 is SpaceX. Try all they want, but the best engineers aren't going to want to work with Ford or GM.
  8. "The Competition": I already mentioned the half-assedness of traditional ICE vehicle manufacturers but I wanted to bring up another point. One thing that traditional ICE manufacturers have weighing them down are their employees. Their ICE engineers don't translate well into a totally different EV drivetrain. There are sunk costs (equipment etc) that deal with ICE manufacturing processes. Also, Ford, GM, and VW all have unions, pension funds, and stockholders. What do you think their reaction will be when they decide to ditch the currently-profitable-but-soon-to-be-shrinking ICE vehicle component and transition into resource intensive EVs? That's right. They won't like it. The only solution is to half-ass it and slowly transition into EVs while trying to keep afloat their ICE vehicle component. With massive product line diversification and lack of focus, this is not going to be an easy transition. VW CEO Herbert Diess famously stated that "My goal for the future is clear: leading the Group into a sustainable and successful future. The global transformation in the industry will take roughly ten years, with or without Volkswagen." and tried to convince board members basically stating that VW will need to transition into EVs within 10 years or go bankrupt. Ultimately, Diess wasn't successful in achieving full cooperation of the board and had to compromise in his goals to a more gradual transition. The competition is NOT coming. Oh, and as for Waymo and Uber? Well Uber recently sold off their self-driving startup, and Waymo sunk a jaw dropping $3.5 billion for their operation. LOL. They are paying drivers to monitor their expensive "autonomous vehicles" while Tesla gets this done while making a profit. As of 2020, Waymo still only has 600 vehicles and has never left the bounds of Pheonix, AZ.
OK. So I'm sure I've missed some points but I think this paints a decent picture on why Tesla is considered the one and only market leader at the moment. Now let's go into...

Tesla's Disruptive Potentials:

  1. The $25,000 EV: In Tesla's battery day announcement, Tesla projected that their battery technology will enable them to build a $25k vehicle in the future. According to projections using Wright's law, this seems to be plausible. Most think this will happen around 2023-4. Think of the disruption this will bring. EVs are well known for having lower maintenance cost vs. ICE vehicles due to not having as many moving parts. The true cost of ownership for a $25k vehicle will be vastly superior to a $20k ICE vehicle. Once this happens, ICE vehicle demand will fall through the roof. The only ICE vehicles being sold at high volume will be used vehicles. What happens to the traditional ICE manufacturers then? Tesla vehicles are already perceived to hold their value much better than other brands because of the overall feature it comes with.
  2. Tesla Auto Insurance: Tesla collects massive amounts of data. They can easily profile their customers' driving patterns, check if they have self driving enabled, the route they drive etc. Currently Tesla vehicles are insured at a much higher premium vs. economic ICE vehicles. Once Tesla goes fully into the insurance business, traditional insurance companies will not be able to compete with them on price or margins. This is because the insurance business is based upon data on the customer and projections.
  3. Solar City - Tesla's other business deals with solar panels, Tesla power walls, and their Autobidder software which sells the electricity that you generated back to the grid. Tesla currently offers the lowest solar panel price in the U.S. and moreover, takes 20% of the revenue generated from their autobidder software. Renewable energy is poised to grow. More than 50% annually is the current projection. And Tesla seems to be one of the industry leaders in this market as well.


  1. Failing autonomous driving: definitely a major risk as the current stock price is largely betting on this single technology to materialize. However, their current progress and the rate of improvement after rewriting their autopilot code seems promising.
  2. Failing mass battery production (battery supply issues): Although Tesla is the largest producer of batteries in the world, they will need to produce more if they want to keep up with the current pace of expansion. This will be a major bottleneck for Tesla if they cannot solve this issue. As a solution, Tesla has reduced their reliance on copper and are said to be producing batteries with little to no copper. We shall see how this pans out.
  3. Tesla is infamous for its poor Quality Control on their vehicles and slow/poor Customer Service. We shall see if time solves this issue.
  4. Lack of Tax Incentives: Tesla's vehicles no longer provide Federal tax incentives to U.S. customers. However, they seem to be doing fine with over 80% EV marketshare in the U.S. alone. They're stealing market share from BMW, VW, Acura... you name it.
  5. Elon Musk Death: Elon Musk has been able to achieve amazing engineering feats. If he dies, I'm sure a lot of the company's potential will go with it.

Alternative Battery Technology:

  1. Solid State Battery - Quantumscape which is currently the leader in this sector has plans to enter mass production by 2024. We shall see if their battery technology turns out to be as efficient as Tesla's. If QS's SS batteries turn out to be superior to Tesla's, they might have to start purchasing from them.
  2. Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) Battery - Likely not a good use for vehicles. Very low efficiency and wasteful vs lithium-ion batteries. Currently no infrastructure for HFC in place. Might be useful for freight shipping. Elon Musk famously stated that HFC's are "Fool Cells"

Tesla Future Products Lines:

  1. Cybertruck: Insane profit margins, amazing performance. estimated production end of 2021 or 2022
  2. Semi Truck: estimated production 2022 or later
  3. Model S Refresh: Insane specs. Likely release is 2021
  4. 2020 Roadster: Insane specs but surprise! The "2020 Roadster" renewal never happened and most are projecting 2022 or later
  5. $25k EV: 'nuff said

TSLA Analysis:

TSLA Institutional Ownership: 62.85%
TSLA Insider Ownership: 5.21%
TSLA Fanboy Ownership: estimated 5%+
So there is a stable 70%+ of ownership that will not/cannot sell this stock, unlike PLTR which has only 12% institutional ownership and 63% insider ownership. This is the reason why I think the stock won't drop tremendously even when it tanks. There are plenty of people who are willing to snatch up more shares at a discount.
Why did TSLA shoot up so quickly in 2020: This is my personal opinion, but TSLA fans are known for doing deep research into the company. In the early days this was in forums such as the Tesla Motors Club where they shared their own research on revenue, projections, and potentials. Now we have YouTube and information dissemination has gotten easier. Interest in investing has skyrocketed in 2020. Stock market trading GLOBALLY has gotten easier via smartphone with apps such as Robinhood and the prosperity of the American stock market has no doubt attracted global retail investors. For years, Tesla's stock has been pushed down by FUD analysts. Paid by big oil and traditional ICE manufacturers? Or really that dumb not to do any DD and spread completely false information on a company that you are massively shorting. We might never find out. Retailers have caught onto Tesla's potential ahead of analysts this time. And as in Morgan Stanley and RBC's case, analysts have just been catching up on the future potential of Tesla to not make a further fool of themselves.
Future scenarios and Personal Opinion: Currently, Tesla holds over 18% of the global EV marketshare. As more EV players come into space, it might seem like Tesla is in danger of losing marketshare. Not everyone wants a Tesla and that is understandable. But as the overall pie is growing, Tesla, with their 50% YoY production increase plans (which is exponential growth), will likely remain a market leader sustaining their current 18% market share even in 2030 just like how the iPhone did. This is, of course, if they can keep up their growth.
Even if TSLA fails to develop their robo-taxi network technology, their full self driving subscription seems highly likely to materialize at the current pace albeit a lower revenue model.
Ultimately, do I think the current stock price is a bubble? Fuck yes I do, maybe by up to 20%. I'm not buying any more TSLA shares anywhere near this price. My FOMO was back when the stock price was $415 after doing my DD and this was with the intention to buy more shares even if the stock bottomed out. Well, it never bottomed because the S&P inclusion was announced shortly after I purchased it.
But if you ask my personal opinion, you gotta be a "buy high sell low" type top level autist if you're looking for short term gains and purchasing at this level. I'm looking at long term, slow moving, dead ass boring, Bitcoin HODLing, Warren Buffet style "time in market beats timing the market" boomer gains here. My next purchase will be whenever the stock price, if ever, bottoms out. However, just because I think TSLA is overpriced doesn't mean that I'm shorting this stock either.
Amazon was notoriously non-profitable or barely profitable until 2015 because they were reinvesting their profits into expansion. That is what Tesla is doing right now. Remember all the analysts who continuously warned investors for over a decade to stay away from AMZN because they are unprofitable? Well, I don't see any sane analysts parroting that narrative anymore. And then its stock price shot to the moon after they enabled profit mode. It's stock price nearly doubled due to the pandemic and I'm still not planning on shorting this stock even though the pandemic will likely go away in less than a year.
I don't know how TSLA will do in the short term. Nonetheless, I do believe that Tesla has the best chance among any auto maker out there to reach a $2-10+ trillion valuation within 10 years. So I'm just going to lean back and enjoy the show.
TL;DR: Tesla HAS NO COMPETITION. This is as if android wasn't developed until 4 years after the iPhone was released. Do NOT short or buy puts on TSLA. Although the current run seems absolutely insane, there is some substance to hold it up and possibly keep shooting up higher
Positions: TSLA shares @ $415 and a bunch more with an average price of $518. No calls because my wife's boyfriend did not permit.

Back of the Napkin Calculations

Warning: These are literally back of the napkin, pure crack fantasy calculations based on four factors:
  1. Tesla will be able to increase production by 50% YoY until 2030 without fall in demand or issues scaling. As a side note, Toyota sells 10.5 million vehicles in a year so only time will tell if Tesla is able to sell 20 million vehicles a year.
  2. ZEV credits will gradually diminish due to manufacturers switching to EVs.
  3. Tesla will solve level 3 autonomy by 2022 and will charge customers $1k/yr. Tesla will have level 5 autonomy by 2026 and launch its robotaxi network by 2027 which it will then charge customers $2k/yr.
  4. The robotaxi revenue is from the 20% profit sharing Tesla plans to do, but as far as the numbers go, I straight up pulled it out of my ass while referencing Uber's revenue and fudging numbers.
Year Vehicles Produced Vehicle Sales Revenue ZEV Credits Full Self Driving Revenue Robotaxi Revenue Total Revenue (Vehicle Related) Notes
2019 367k 20.2 B 0.6 B 0.36 B (est) 21.6 B (est) FSD early access (cost $8k, 1 time fee)
2020 500k 23.9 B (est) 1.5 B (est) 0.6 B (est) 26 B (est) FSD early access (cost $10k, 1 time fee)
2021 750k 35.8 B 1.3 B 0.9 B (est) 38 B (est) FSD at Level 2.5
2022 1.1 mil 53.7 B 1 B 1 B+ 55.7 B FSD at Level 3 (FSD subscription service - lower pricing model @ $1k/y)
2023 1.7 mil 80.6 B 0.7 B 2.7 B+ 84 B
2024 2.5 mil 120 B 0.4 B 5.2 B+ 125.6 B FSD at Level 4
2025 3.8 mil 181 B 0.1 B 9 B+ 190.1 B
2026 5.7 mil 272 B - 13.7 B+ 285.7 B FSD at Level 5
2027 8.5 mil 408 B - 30 B+ 1 B 439 B Robotaxi Launch (FSD subscription service @ 2k/y)
2028 12.8 mil 612 B - 55 B+ 5 B 672 B
2029 19 mil 918 B - 93 B+ 13 B 1 T
2030 20 mil 1 T - 130 B+ 20 B+ 1.1 T
As you can see, I omitted R&D expenses, operating expenses etc., and haven't even attempted to calculate their net profit or factor in that Tesla's revenue might drop due to introducing cheaper variants. But this back of the napkin, crack infused revenue model shows that Tesla's potential can be gigantic. This is even without its other businesses like Solar City or Tesla insurance etc. Please... don't reference this anywhere because it is dumb math and I likely made some huge errors lol.
See also:
submitted by jpjhun to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

OBLIGATORY FILLER MATERIAL – Giving thanks edition: Kickin’ around Caracas, Pt. 7

He grimaced and growled and launched himself toward me. He made it about 0.5 meters before an Ankylosaur tail club (or Thagomizer, whichever) connected with the right temporal region of his cranium. He never hit the ground as Toivo had him in a severe and decidedly uncomfortable-looking hammerlock. He had the goof’s hands pinned before gravity could fully take over.
I produce three inescapable thick plastic Zip-ties, of which I always carry a supply, and bind his wrists as Toivo frog-marched him back to his seat.
“Ribbit. Ribbit, asshole”, Toivo snickered all the way back to the land of the cheap seats.
His significant other or sister or first cousin or whatever is seated and begs us not to turn the plane around.
“He’s just drunk. That’s all!” she says like that’s some form of excuse.
For some. Maybe.
For your buddy, lover, cousin, whatever; no way.
“OK, then he’ll be handed over to the Japanese authorities when we land. No skin off my rosy-red proboscis.” I replied as Toivo unceremoniously dumps the miscreant in his aisle seat with a decidedly agreeable, and somewhat soggy, “kerflop!”.
Seems our loudmouth drunk needs his big boy pants before he begins a drunken tirade.
“Ick”, I noted to Toivo, reminding him that there are sanitizer stations all over the plane.
“Tidy up, “ I said, “No idea what communicables this carbuncle is carrying.”
I fit the next set of zip-ties snugly around his ankles as his significant something-or-other goes positively apeshit.
“You have no fucking right! Who the fuck do you think you are!?” she bellows.
I turn from grinning ear-to-ear at Toivo and look directly into this piece of human flotsam’s vacant, vapid eyes.
“I, ma’am, am the MOTHERFUCKING PRO FROM DOVER and this is my able-bodied assistant, Mr. Hyde.
<EEGAH!> replies Toivo.
“Thank you, able-bodied assistant”, I say to Toivo as he’s already wanting to head back to Business Class to begin ordering drinks from where he left off previously on the drinks menu.
I continue with this refugee from Uncle Tom’s Medicine Cabinet by letting her know into exactly what world of fuckery her significant whatever just wandered.
“I am also a duly authorized United States of America Air Marshall”, as I pull my Diplomatic passport and show her the very shiny and very official badge I keep there.
“So, if you would like to join your…whatever…when we land by being bound over to the local Prefecture Police personages, then, by all means, keep irritating me. My assistant and I have a very large supply of inescapable zip-ties.” I said, lowly, slowly, and growly.
She sat down suddenly, shut up, and was unpredictably very interested in the carpeted floor of the plane at that point.
I had Toivo connect the guy’s wrist zip-ties with his ankle zip-ties.
I look at my watch.
“Hmmm…6.03 seconds. Very nice, Mr. Hyde. A new record. You win a cookie. And a cold one.” I smiled at Toivo who realized that all, except his throbbing hangover, was forgiven.
“All set?” I asked. Toivo nodded in approval, and we departed that scene and headed back to Business class and away from the pedestrian displays of such hoi-polloi.
Luna greeted up with a brace of fresh cocktails.
“Why thank you, Luna”, I smiled, “How did you guess that corralling idiots was thirsty work?”
“Oh, Doctor Rock. You not tell me everything. You no Air Marshall.” She joshed.
“Funny.”, I said, digging out my passport, “This here says that I am.”
Luna looks more closely and swoons a bit.
“You are Pro from Dover! I hear you. Everybody in plane hear you! You are too funny to be Air Marshall!”, she laughs.
“Probably, but I’m on the injured reserve list. Oh, look. My drink’s gone dry…”
Luna laughs, Toivo stammers, and I get a refill.
Sleeping Ugly, in the rear of the plane, is still snoozing off his brush with death when this character in a natty and expensive-looking three-piece suit wanders into Business Class.
“You are Dr. Rocknocker, the, ahem, very loud Pro From Dover?” he asks.
I sit up straight, rearrange my work area and affirm that is exactly who I am.
“Might I take a look at your credentials?” he asked, very politely.
“You might if you tell me what this is all about,” I replied.
“I’m Bill Hubbard, and I’m the Air Marshall for this flight.” He says.
“Well, Bill. Nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Rocknocker, and Air Marshall pro tem for any flight I’m on. Call me Rock. That’s what the guys at the Agency call me.” I smile brightly.
“Ah. That explains it. Might I see your credentials, Doc…er...Rock?” He asks.
“Certainly.” As I produce my Red Russian Diplomatic passport.
He looks very confused.
“Open it”, I offer.
“Well, I’ll be damned. There must be some great stories that go with all this.” Bill smiles.
“That there are”, I say, retrieving my credentials and asking if Bill would like to join Toivo, yet another covert character, and me in a drink.
“Nah, thanks. However, if you don’t mind, I’ll take over that hogtied idiot back in economy for you. You look like your plate’s full enough.” He offered.
“That’s fine by me. I’ll have an IR (Incident Report) for you directly.” I replied.
“Damn. You really are a Marshall. Pack a plaster cast instead of a piece. Nice.” He laughed.
“Just my way of being disarming,” I replied.
Bill chuckled, shook his head, rolled his eyes, shook both our hands, and returned to his seat.
“Nice guy. Glad he’s here. I want nothing else to do with that loudmouthed asshole.”
“That much is certain”, Toivo agreed.
“Well, since you’re back with the living, care for a drink?” I asked as I motioned to Luna.
“You are -not- human”, Toivo gasped as Luna repaired to the galley to make our drinks.
“That”, I smiled as I drained my drink, “is something which I never claimed to be.”
Well, life wore on. We landed at Narita Airport in Tokyo without further incident.
Drunky McAsshole was escorted off the plane by Bill and he looked very, very unhappy indeed.
I nodded to him and tipped my drink in that inimitable Midwestern manner.
He didn’t even nod back.
The prick.
I thought we were headed to Haneda, but something must have changed in-flight. No worries, since all I have to do is collect my luggage, find a driver and get him to take me to the train station.
I wander down the jetway, Toivo close behind. He’s headed to the Marunouchi Business District, and I’m headed for Tokyo Station. I could take the train, it’s only an hour and about 3,000 yen, but I had a compelling reason not to go.
I didn’t fucking want to.
I’m walking slowly away from my terminal, and head over to passport control and baggage.
I’m through in a trice, and now I’m wondering what the fuck I’m going to do. A couple of travel cases, my well case, a buggered left hand, and…
As I walk out of the baggage area, I see this whisper-thin chap holding a placard: “Doctor Rocknocker, USA”.
“Hello? “ I asked the gaunt, thin-clad one.
“Hello. You are Doctor Lock…Lockrocker…Doctor…” He stammers.
“Yeah”, I say and hand him my business card, “I’m Dr. Rocknocker. Call me Rock. It’s so much easier for everyone.”
“Ah, yes. So, Mr. Dr. Rock. Pleased to be meeting you. I am from the train company. You have First Class on the Tokyo-Sapporo express?” he asks.
“Why yes. Yes, I do.” I replied.
“Then you will come with me. I will escort you to ground transportation to the train station and to your First Class chamber on the train.” He bows slightly and whistles shrilly for a porter to handle my bags.
“Thank you so much…um, and your name?” I ask.
“I am Gin, your humble servant”, he actually and really says.
“Gin? No shit? Excuse me. Sorry, that just slipped out. What a perfect name. Damn glad to meet you”, I said and extended my less damaged right hand.
He bowed, I sort of bowed; my back cracked like old kindling. He extended his hand, I extended mine. He bowed and I tried to shake his hand. If I were watching this from the outside as a spectator, it would have looked riotously funny.
I finally grab Gin’s right hand and at long last, a manly handshake ensues.
“About fucking time”, I muttered under my breath.
Gin and I are walking slowly to ground transport when he sees my slight limp, another gift of being a hired gun and traipsing all over the world. That and stopping a .45 with my thigh a few decades ago. That didn’t help much either.
“Stop here. I will get an electric cart.” Gin ordered.
I was a bit all-in by this time and too tired to argue.
“Groovy. Can I smoke here?” I asked.
“Not yet. Must wait until we reach outside.” He informs me.
“Fair enough.” I clip my cigar and shove it in my yap, but I didn’t light it.
Gin was going to lodge a small protest, but I say that I didn’t fire the thing up.
A cart arrives and we toss all my luggage and kit into the back. I take the passenger seat and Gin rides shotgun directly behind me.
“Gin, tell me, COVID is the reason it’s so quiet here,” I ask.
“Yes, Dr. Rock”, Gin exhales loudly, “It’s killing us who work in the ground transport and hospitality industries. Very bad. Not so many people die, that is sad, many, many more go hungry and lose jobs. This must stop soon.”
“I could not agree more, Gin”, I replied.
He’s just earned himself a real hefty tip, I muse, local tradition be damned.
We arrive outside and I ask Gin if I can fire up my heater now. He tells me yes, and that it would be fine to smoke in the vehicle that’s going to take us to the train station.
“Well, if that ain’t just ducky!” I chuckle. Gin looks on, very confused. “That’s great, Gin. Many thanks.”
“Ah. So…”, Gin says slowly. “Your ride is over there, we should be there in a few minutes.”
“Fair dinkum, Gin”, I say in austral approval.
I figured we’d be taking a sedan or van or SUV on the outside. Instead, Gin wheels us up to the second largest car, I would suppose, in the whole Goddamned prefecture. It’s a chauffeur-driven limo from Supernova-Zipline Limousines. It’s fucking huge; a stretch Mercedes limo. It probably has its own zip code, if not its own area code.
Gin grabs my bags and shoves them in the boot, scurries around, and pops open the rear door. I slowly de-putt-putt and ease into the opulent back seat of one of the largest cars in which I’ve ever had the pleasure of riding.
Jesus Q. Christwagons! Full bar! Stocked humidor! Satellite phone! Satellite TV. Satellite internet! A fucking closed-circuit telly system for the interior and exterior of the vehicle. An intercom for communicating with the driver.
“What?” I asked Gin, “No jacuzzi?”
“That car was busy today”, he smiled.
I literally goggled the inside of this vehicle. It’s ridiculous in its opulence; especially for the likes of me.
“All these are here at your disposal. Of course, you will be charged for what you use, although the driver has already been paid. A gratuity is up to you when you arrive at the train station.” Gin informs me as I take a quick break from stuffing my carry-on with bottles of exclusive Japanese alcohol and fine cigars from around the world.
“Send the bill to these characters”, I say and hand him one of the many business cards I filched from Agents Rack and Ruin.
“By your leave”, Gin smiles. He will not be accompanying me to the train station, but his counterpart will meet me there and get me to my cabin on the train.
I make certain I sneak him a hefty gratuity’ Oriental proclivities be damned.
He accepts, looks at the pile of yen furtively, stashes it in his pocket and barks some orders into the intercom. By the time we exchange handshakes, the limo has been started and we are ready to attack traffic.
Tokyo traffic in a huge limo.
This should be fun.
But it twern’t.
The locals were deferentially courteous. They waited quietly until the winds shifted and the driver maneuvered the land yacht out of the parking place and into the wind and traffic. Once rolling, other drivers seemed to intuitively know this was not a normal vehicle and gave us a wide berth.
Well, where the blinkered hell is the fun in that?
I settled back in the far back with my seat reclined, a drink at the ready and my already lit cigar.
Yes, I was ready for anything.
But, nothing untoward happened.
Nothing but an interesting hour-long trip through a surprisingly vacant Tokyo. COVID I reckon, but we arrived at the train station less than an hour later.
It has to be the cleanest damned train station I’ve ever seen. Absolutely immaculate. Tons of stores of every imaginable description, plus a very well stocked duty-free.
I was already fairly well stocked, but I dropped by a House of Havana to see about a few cigars.
“So sorry, not at those prices.”
Holy shit. Who can afford a cigar habit in Japan? Christ on a crouton. Prices for Havana cigars fully 200-400% more expensive than the usual extortionate price one pay for these dubious smogs.
A courtesy car pulls up and asks if I was “Dr. Roclocncker” or something in that linguistic style. I affirm my identity verbally and with a business card, which the driver appreciates.
He, without asking, by the way, grabs my luggage, tosses it into the golf-cart cum field transport and then asks me to park myself in the cart.
I ask, “Wot’s, uh, the deal?”
“VIP transport. Please to be hang on”, he says and we accelerate out into the thin crowds.
Within minutes we’re at my platform and my driver asks if I’m taking the Sapporo Express or the Tohoku/Hokkaido Shinkansen from Tokyo to Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto and transfer to the Hokuto limited express to Sapporo.
“The former”, I reply, somewhat vexed that they more than one line First Class, to Sapporo.
“Excellent”, he replies, and after going over my tickets, confirms what I had been told.
It really isn’t “First Class”, it’s “Gran Class”.
Evidently, there a difference.
From the brochure: “The Gran Class involves the use of a special train car with ample seating room (the more, the better), as well as the constant attention of your host or hostess. Trains generally have one Gran Class car along with standard and green cars. Service is also a point of interest in the Shinkansen Gran Class. Upon entering the train, an attendant will guide you to your seat. You will then be offered such amenities as a menu, drinks, blanket, drinks, warm towel, drinks, slippers (which may be taken home by the passenger), drinks, eye mask, and drinks.”
OK, I may have edited that a bit...
Once settled in and my bagged luggage whisked someplace safe but out of sight, I was handed a menu. They were very cautiously deferential about my plastered hand and made every effort to be extra accommodating for me.
I flip open the menu and read: “Our service reflects the land traversed, and is attentive to individual needs so that you may enjoy the trip in your own personal way. We are honored to make your travels a high point in your journey. The attendant can be called to your seat at any time using a button on the armrest. The menu options include gourmet delicacies, all locally sourced. For example, you may order a bento box featuring locally grown vegetables, along with fresh apple juice produced in Aomori*. Other options include drinks, snacks, alcoholic beverages, drinks, and a western-style lunch. All food and beverages are provided at no additional cost.”
Highly unlikely.
The train imperceptibly lurches and we’re moving out of the station and headed on our way up north.
Only 831 or so kilometers and this is one of the first runs of the Sapporo Express where you don’t have to stop after 4.5-5 hours, de-train, then catch a new express the rest of the way to Sapporo from Hokkaido.
This is just a very recent addition to the rail lines in Japan, and I’m among some of the first that get to experience a shakedown cruise and see how nice the cabin attendants can be towards me.
Halfway through my first drink, a Shochu (焼酎), which is a distilled liquor (like vodka), and fresh carbonated lime drink which I faux-racistly dub “The Locknockel”.
So solly. I’ll attempt to quell that impulse from here on out.
I’ll probably not be overly successful.
I am asked if I will be ordering lunch. I reply in the affirmative and leave it to them to find the best of what they think I’d probably like. I did ask for another drink, though. That appeared within seconds.
I’m slurping this new concoction and I glance out the window. Everything’s a fucking blur.
“Whoa! What kind of drinks do they serve here?” I asked, but Ford Prefect was nowhere to be seen.
It’s not the drink, it’s our velocity. Already we’re topping 300 KPH. You couldn’t prove it by me. It was smooth as silk and amazingly disconcerting to not feel at least a little bit of shimmying or shaking.
Not on these lines, Buckaroo. These are welded rails. Welded, ground and buffed to a high sheen.
The ride was smoother than my next drink, a Rocknocker made with Ao vodka.
“Named for the Japanese word for “blue,” Ao is made from Japanese rice and water sourced from the country’s southern island of Kyushu. Distilled in copper pots and refined through a bamboo filtration system, this vodka is creamy and lush, with an ethereal lightness and purity reminiscent of fresh spring water.”
It is also probably the favorite of distant dragons and important ancestors.
Anyways, the trip proceeded pretty much along these lines. Smoking was verboten aboard all Japanese trains, but when I asked about the fact that I recall, or so I thought, that one of the perks of Gran Class was a private room where a passenger could while away the time along whatever ways he or she would choose, they were ready to allow me a cigar.
“No, wouldn’t be proper”, I maintained, “Wouldn’t be right”, I continued and handed each of my three personal retainers a cigar.
They each brought me a version of a drink they just knew I’d like based on my past few hour’s consumptions.
They were right. They were all quite lovely.
Now, truth be told, my left mitt was bothering me. Somehow the pain messages were finding a way upstream and I had to admit that it positively throbbed. I decided to forego any further libations for a while and try some of that ‘pain medication’ the medicos back in Caracas gave me.
“This is in case you have harsh pain”, Dr. Esparraguera and Dr. Díaz told me, “That is, more than your usual.”
“What is it?” I asked eyeing the large and frankly suspicious-looking black capsule.
“Oh, just a bit of morphine. A shot of ketamine. A little oxycodone. A drop of buprenorphine. Some tramadol and a smattering of Thorazine. That and just a hint of mint.” They replied.
I wondered if I needed one or two.
Well, like my dear ol’ departed Granddad used to say: “When one’s not enough, and two is too many; best take three.”
Hey, I have a high pain threshold and I live with chronic pain. Now this hand was beginning to hurt to the point of a minor annoyance.
I swallowed three with the rest of my drink.
Then I was being roused by one of my cabin attendants.
“Sir, we are here. Sir? Sir? SIR!?!” the panicked attendant called.
“Oh, yes”, I snarfled. “So we are. Thank you so much for a splendid trip.”
She stood back to allow me room to go from horizontal to vertical.
“Ah! A few hours kip after a couple of drinks. I feel slightly more human again.” I said as I stretched and produced sounds like a cord of old firewood being run over by a custom Oldsmobile Rocket 88.
No one dared say a word, although there was a lot of body language flying around. They got my baggage and all my other bits-and-pieces loaded up and ready for me to travel.
I swear, I hadn’t walked 100 paces when we’re on the platform and there’s another thin-clad one with a “Dr. Rock” sign.
He walked over to me, I guess I give off Rock-ish vibes and ask if I am who I am.
I verified I was who I was.
Back in the read confines of another limo, a bit smaller than the one in Tokyo, but still none too shabby, and we’re headed to the labs of ウルトラシークレットテックカンパニー株式会社 [Ultrasecret Tech Company, Ltd.].
“How long until we get there?” I ask.
“Not long”, Came the reply, “20 minutes.”
“May I smoke?” I asked.
He pulled down a hand-polished wooden cover and a fully outfitted humidor sprang into view.
“I’ll take that as a yes”, I smiled and pulled out my pocket humidor and produced a smallish cigar that I figured would take about 20 minutes.
My co-pilot was watching very closely, and of course, I offered him one.
“Grab a spare for the driver”, I said, “But hold on to it until we get where we’re going.”
“Yes, sir”, came the brisk and rapid reply.
We arrived at the labs, which were housed in a very nondescript gray, closed window 5-story building. Could have been a bookbinder’s. Could have been a Gentleman’s Club. Could have been an abattoir, for all I knew.
Everything was done in muted and tasteful shades of gray, teal, light tannish brown and pinkish-mauve trying to go all purple. Carpets. Walls. Ceilings. Going to take some reconnoitering to get the layout of this place, I mumbled to myself.
“Dr! Rock! Hello! So glad you are here!”
It was the team leader, Dr. Uchibayashi Iesada, called Uchi from here on out.
The rest of the team, all doctors, were Yuhara Hideaki (Youhoo), Bando Michinaga (Bando), Fukutsuchi Kosho (Fukkit…no really), and Ms. Dr. Sasagawa Kaneru (Sassy).
And those are the names we used in parenthesis as I’m not going to type their names over again.
There was much bowing and handshaking and distribution of business cards. Again, to any outsider, it must have looked uproariously funny.
Seems I was to have my hand scanned today so the procedures can begin bright and early the next day.
I was told that I’d be staying here at the labs as they have one floor converted to a 5-Star Hotel, another floor for meetings, meals, and recreation. More floors for research, medical procedures, and whatever else these characters were into.
They are really big on cybernetics, robotics, automation, miniaturization, and human-machine interfaces.
Guess that’s why I’m here.
I was taken to my suite on the 5th floor, and damn, they weren’t kidding. This room was right out of the playbook of JP Morgan. Plush, well outfitted with every known electronic gizmo, probably surveillance cameras that could diagnose your drink before you had time to stir it, and a plush California King bed, Jacuzzi, and bar.
None of that mini-bar shit. Here, you’re good enough for a room, you’re good enough for a real size bar.
Plus, I had my own geisha.
Not for funny business, but a real geisha type person to aid and assist me while I was at the lab.
Her name was Ouchi Sakurako. She always addressed me as “Sir”, even though I told her that everyone calls me “Rock”, and that I was to refer to her as “Ouchi”.
Since that was her name.
She also told me what was expected of me and what I was to expect of her.
I was “Yōjin”, which I finally figured out, was Japanese for VIP. I was also 親分, which is “Boss”. Basically, I call the shots.
Ouchi was 従者, which is a bitch to translate; as it could be servant, valet, attendant, follower, assistant, or all of the above. She was an employee of the labs, specially hired for this position and she took it damned deadly seriously.
“No funny stuff”, she reiterated, wagging a finger at me.
I’m standing in my stocking feet, my square-toe Size 16 Black Caiman cowboy boots growling from the floor as I stand there, bereft of foot apparel, in my bespoke Cargo Shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, left hand bandaged like an Ankylosaur tail club, smoking a huge cigar and quaffing a fresh drink. I tilt my Stetson back on my forehead, peel off my Wayfarers, and give Ouchi a thoroughly washed stink eye.
“Do I look like I’d be into funny stuff?”
Ouchi tried. Give her ‘er due. In the style of Montalván, she really tried.
She burst out laughing.
“Oh, hell”, I say to her, “I like you. You’ll do!”
“OK, it’s not that funny a concept. You can stop laughing any time…”
Some people.
Ouchi was going to be with me for the duration. I was a guest, I was also a lab rat, however I was also a fairly high placed schmoe with connections. Ouchi had her own room in my room, which I thought was nice. Fairly basic amenities for her, but it afforded some privacy for the both of us if I needed to take a confidential call or I just wanted to take one of those uninspired butt-in-the-moonlight walks around my room.
I promised Ouchi that after the Myanmar incident, she would not have to worry about any shenanigans like that.
Ouchi gave me a tour of my suite, and as I hovered over at the bar, she committed several wanton acts of neatness. Boots in the closet along with my traveling bags. Hat hung on the hat rack. Sunglasses cleaned and left on my desk, next to everything she’s ordnunked on, in and around my desk. My yukata (informal male dude guy’s kimono) was pressed and laid out, as were a fresh pair of Cargo Shorts, and a new pair of slippers. I had an assortment of shirts from which to choose, so I decided on an R. Crumb print shirt.
“That should keep ‘em guessing”, I thought.
I had an appointment in a bit for some pictures. CAT Scan of the hand, MRI potentially, X-rays, the usual.
So, I figured they’d need me nice and relaxed, so I spent a few minutes instructing Ouchi in the fine art of making drinks.
She caught on quickly, and for the rest of my time at the lab, I don’t think I ever saw an empty glass. It either had a drink in it or it was drying from being freshly scrubbed.
She knew zip about cigars, but after a brief class on clipping and lighting cigars, I never had to worry about carrying or losing my favorite lighter.
I finished up my latest drink and cigar as Ouchi answered the door. There was an orderly with a wheelchair and was there to take me for some pictures.
The e-wheelchair was powered and could hit speeds of probably around 15 KPH, but I didn’t futz much with the controls as Sakakibara was a very capable orderly.
I was in and out of the radiology department in less than half an hour.
I dismissed Sakakibara as I wanted to execu-scoot around the labs and get the lay of the land. It was a very efficient layout of orthogonal ranks and file, so one couldn’t get too lost as the patterns repeated both horizontally and vertically.
Alas, I couldn’t smoke in the passageways and the tour got slightly boring after the next two floors of gun-metal mauve painted walls, excessively clean and detailed and primped halls, tasteful Scandinavian Modern art, fixtures, and floors.
It was like a hospital on steroids and I reminded myself that I hated hospitals, no matter how benevolent.
Besides, I was getting a wee bit cranky, cramped in the admittedly oversized wheelchair. I had decided, then and there, that I needed strong drink, a cigar, and a few laps in that Jacuzzi which I had only briefly glimpsed earlier.
I ring the door of my suite and Ouchi answers.
“Dr. Rock,” she says, “You are back. All go as planned?”
“Yes, Ouchi”, I replied, “However, now it is time for you to make yourself scarce as I need a very strong drink, a huge cigar, and reservation for a few hundred laps in the Jacuzzi. We don’t have a robe anywhere near the size that would cover my ample corpus, so it’s my Body Armor T-shirt and boxer-briefs. No funny business, remember? So you get to sit this one out.”
“No, Doctor”, she said in a most defiant manner, “I am your 従者, I will accompany you to, and in, the baths. You will be submerged and with your left hand in a cast, it will need to be wrapped and sealed in plastic. I will make you a drink, cut and light your cigar. You will sit. You will wait until I return. I will get you a robe and swimming costume. Now stand so I can measure you.”
“Umm, Ouchi,”, I coughed and swallowed, “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen. Everything up to you helping me into the Jacuzzi is fine, but that’s solo territory. I can manage, trust me.”
“I will hear none of this”, she said in a loud, steady voice. “I have my orders, and now you have yours. Sit. I will return with your drink and cigar. Then you will be measured so I can properly clothe you for the baths. I will hear no more of this. Are we green, Doctor?”
I looked at Ouchi with huge, wide laughing eyes.
“Green? Half a mo’, guv.” I smiled, “That’s my line. Where did you ever hear that?”
“I am very thorough”, Ouchi smiles. “I read your dossier before you arrived. It’s part of my job to know my clients.”
“Damn, Ouchi”, I smiled broadly, “Guess I can’t put one over on you. Very well. Veridian!”
“Veridian?” she asks.
“From lime to moss to forest to kelly. Green as the top of a new pool table.” I laughed.
“That is good”, she smiled, “Now, we have understanding. I will return with your drink, cigar and a tape measure.”
I shook my head approvingly.
Ouchi stops, turns, gives me a quick once over.
“A large one.” She smiles.
If smirks could cause injury, she’d be the one in the wheelchair.
“Cheek!” I smiled.
Ouchi spun professionally on her heel and busied herself with the projects at hand.
As I’m working on my fresh drink and cigar, after the indelicacies I was put through in order to get my measurements. Which in Japan, or so I was told, were reserved for kaiju, Ouchi returns with the result of her shopping trip.
Plastic bags of the industrial thickness size for my left hand, even though I’ll be losing the cast tomorrow. A plastic spongy-towely thing to keep the water out, and fine-lock zip ties to seal the whole thing from the ravages of the Jacuzzi.
Ouchi found me an absolutely delightful floor-length floral kimono that was almost as garish as some of my worst Hawaiian shirts. Then she handed me my bathing attire.
“Look, Ouchi”, I said, “But the words “Dr. Rock” and “Speedo” should never appear in the same sentence, much less the same thought.”
Ouchi was laughing up a storm.
“Oh, Doctor”, she said through steaming eyes, “Please forgive Ouchi. I saw that suit and could not resist.”
“Y’know, Ouch”, I said, “You keep up this gaijin-kaiju thing and I might really develop a complex. I know that I’m large, and while it’s easy being mean, it’s harder being large.”
I let her sit and cogitate on that for a few.
“Of course, Doctor”, she bowed and scrappled, “It was only Ouchi making a small joke. No harm intended.”
“Yeah, I know”, I replied, “But in this case, I’m afraid there’s going to be repercussions.”
Ouchi looked at me in horror. Had she edged over that fine line?
Before she could speak, I held up my right hand.
“New drink. Clean ashtray and draw a tub.” I said, “Then all will be forgiven”.
Ouchi looked at me with palpable relief.
Damn, the Japanese can be such a literal people. And such fun to mess with.
While Ouchi slipped out to do her 従者’ly duties, I slouched off to the head (loo, banya, restroom, etc.) and changed into my new ‘swimming costume’.
Obviously continental in cut and cloth, but a very verdant shade of green. It was also capacious enough to cover the bits I wanted covered and still be quite comfortable.
I complemented Ouchi on her taste when she returned with my drink and ashtray.
I went to stand to ease over to the Jacuzzi when Ouchi grabbed the drink from my hand, the cleaned ashtray, and set out new slippers for the bath. I told her that I could handle the cigar for the monumental five-meter trek.
Ouchi had a drinks cart lined up next to the tub, with the smaller of one of my humidors. There were plenty of clean glasses, ashtrays, matches (genuine lucifers), ice, a phone, a couple of geological magazines, and a copy of the latest Blaster’s Monthly.
She had done her homework.
She cautioned me on getting into the Jacuzzi. It was buzzing and frothing along so the bottom was quite impossible to see.
“It’s is, how is it in American? Oh. Six feet deep. There are seats along the side. You pick the one with which you are most comfortable.” She told me.
“Holy wow!”, I exclaimed, “That’s not a jacuzzi, that a hydrothermal pit”.
I eased into the bath after I shed my kimono as Ouchi mentioned she has never seen a man with so much hair.
OK, yeah. I’m a bit fuzzy.
OK, Yeti-fuzzy.
“Yeah”, I replied after slipping into the warm welcoming waters, “I decided to let my beard grow a few decades ago and now, I look like Bigfoot on a night out. After a tornado.”
Ouchi stared in stock curiosity and probably some disgust. She mentioned, cautiously, that she was, at first embarrassed by the hair on my chest…and back…and legs. And just about everywhere else.
I sat back in the Jacuzzi, blissing out.
“But the ‘1/3 of ZZ Top’ beard didn’t clue you in?” I asked.
“I have no male friends with a beard. I just…I …well, didn’t know what to expect.” She admitted. “I have to admit, you’re the first American for which I 従者. I didn’t know what to expect. Except they are large and hairy.”
I set down my drink. I set down my cigar. I surreptitiously took seven or eight very deep breaths.
Well”, I said, “If that’s the way you’re going to be…” and I bodily dunked under the warm, bubbling waters.
I could see her, blurrily, through the foaming waters.
The first minute passed and she just stood there.
Minute two noted her pacing a bit.
By minute three, she was getting alarmed.
At the four-minute mark, she was perhaps panicking a slight bit.
At 4:30 by my waterproof watch, I popped up and calmly asked her for my cigar.
“Are you trying to frighten me?” she almost yelled. “I thought you might be drowning. How could I do anything then?”
“Didn’t read my dossier closely enough,” I smiled, and put a fresh fire to my cigar.
“What?” she demanded.
“I am a devotee of static apnea. Trained to hold my breath. Since I was an ice diver years and years ago and worked on offshore platforms, I thought it to be a good habit to cultivate. My record’s almost seven minutes, but that was a few years back. Now, I can barely manage five.” I told her.
“But I didn’t know”, she objected.
“Now you do”, I smiled, “Please re-ice and refresh my drink, and hand me that glossy magazine. I feel the need to relax after all that exertion.”
Age and guile beat youth and exuberance every single fucking time.
For the next few hours, I read my magazine, carried on a polite conversation with Ouchi. I warned her about Americans, especially if they are of the Oil Patch fraternity.
“Overpaid. Oversexed. And over here”. The American GI in World War II Britain had nothing on an Oil Patch denizen on 28/28 in a foreign land. Especially if they’re young. Hell, you got to watch the old farts as well.” I said.
After translating that for Ochi, she nodded and said she understood.
“Unless they’re old Doctors of Geological and Petroleum Engineering. Hell, those buggers are the worst. Watch yourself every minute.” I said.
“But, you Dr. Rock, are a doctor of…” Ouchi stopped, smiled, and drenched me with a hand slap full of water.
“Ouchi”, I said, “Let me give you the real story. I’m an old geologist, blaster, and petroleum engineer. Been in the Oil Patch for four-plus solid decades. I’ve lived and worked in 50 countries and drilled wells on every continent on the planet, including Antarctica. I’ve been shot, stabbed, taken hostage, crashed in planes, and near mangled in rolled field vehicles. I’ve met with kings, sultans, presidents, and premiers. I speak 4 languages and can order a beer in 40 more. I’ve got more miles on me than an original Volvo 1800S. I’ve got a wonderful wife for these last 41 years and two amazing children. I have recently taken over the reins of a knucklehead of a Tibetan Mastiff. And yet, here I am, sitting in a frothing, foaming, fizzing Jacuzzi, up to my neck, as it were, in a far and distant land, with a most amazingly attractive and intelligent Japanese female lady type and we’re discussing whether I need another drink or cigar”.
Ouchi looked at me with wide, nearly perplexed, eyes.
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way” I smiled.
To be continued…*⇝
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

Galactic Economics 10: Wounded Animal

Next Story
Amanda Wilson was dreaming about surfing a black hole when she was woken up.
"... Wilson.... Ambassador Wilson… get up now," said a dark figure above her bed urgently. It was Steve, one of the Marine guards at the embassy.
"Wha? Steve? What time is it?" Amanda asked groggily. Steve was cute, and some part of her mind thought-
"We have to go now!" Steve shouted, cutting straight through her fantasizing, roughly pulling her out of bed. He pulled a heavy vest over her chest and secured it tightly around her waist.
"Body armor? What's going on?" Amanda was fully awake now, all sleep being purged out of her mind with adrenaline as the training from her previous career kicked in, "are we under attack?"
"Let's go!" Four Marines flanked her into the garage. She noticed they had not answered her question. As the car rolled towards the front gates of the embassy estate, she saw that a small but growing crowd of angry aliens had gathered outside, throwing rocks and tree branches at their vehicle. "The front's blocked, go rear entrance!"
A homemade molotov cocktail hit the front car hood as they turned around, but slid off as it ignited. Out the back, their vehicle raced full speed towards the spaceport.
"You gonna tell me what's going on?" Amanda demanded.
"No idea. Orders came to pull everyone out immediately," Steve said, and then added almost chuckling, "and these ones did not sound particularly optional."
The Terra Two was already fueled and ready on the VIP launch pad. The entire team hurried on, strapped themselves in, and launched.
As they took off, Amanda could feel the force of her own body pushing her into the seat. This was a much higher launch acceleration than normal. At least three, maybe four Gs.
"Does literally no one know what's going on?" Amanda grunted, trying to reach her tablet to bring up something, anything, to get an idea of what's going on. Why were they being rushed off the planet without warning?
"You haven't heard?" The pilot replied into her sealed helmet, "one of ours shot down one of theirs a few hours ago. I guess they won't be too happy about it."
Ambassador Amanda Wilson looked back down on the receding planet of Ribb, and she felt only sadness for its people as her ship blinked out.
Three Months Ago
Galactic Credit had, under pressure from several regulatory agencies, finally gone public. Despite increasingly sophisticated offshoring schemes that now involve creative accounting on multiple planets, its profits from the transactions being conducted on thousands of planets had become just too much to hide from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
On the first day it was listed on the NY Stock Exchange, XGC shares debuted at $150. Most good analysts took one look at the total market value of the company and howled, calling it severely underpriced.
This happens all the time. It is a well known market inefficiency that new public companies are generally underpriced. This is what an economic paper written in the 1970s about market information asymmetry called the lemon problem.
Economists theorize that in a market where investors are not well informed, eventually most of the goods sold on the market will be of poor quality, like lemon cars on the used car market. And therefore, most buyers would be willing to pay less even for high quality goods.
Applied to the stock market: because most investors are not well informed, and especially because many of GC's operations were offworld, the firms underwriting its value gave it a lower than fair market price.
By the end of day one trading, XGC shares had risen up to $500, and it kept rising. This was not so good for GC because it didn't end up getting as much funds as it should have if it had started prices at $500, but great for the people who bought in early.
"Is there a reason or endgame to this… crusade against the Trader Guild?" One of the participants asked in the first public shareholders meeting.
"Yes," Sarah replied professionally, "the Guild is a major thorn in the side for our business model and is incompatible with the values we hold as a company." Stearns sitting right next to her winced internally, hoping she'd talk more about the business model part than the latter to the stockholders.
"Our expert models project that the economies of several alien planets that rely heavily on offworld trading are severely hampered by the Ribbiths' collection of outrageously high and inconsistently applied protection fees. Planets on low volume trade routes where they generally do not target are actually experiencing higher growth rates."
"As a result, the number of GC transactions are not as high as we'd like, and we've had to invest more cash to get these economies…"
"Ms. Miller, is there any truth to the Ribb authorities' allegations that the destruction of Shroggit's spacecraft was premeditated?" A reporter asked, several cameras and microphones shoved into Sarah's face as she exited her vehicle.
"Absolutely not, and we will not be commenting further at this time, thank you," Bryce said as she escorted Sarah into the building from her car.
Someone had posted the video of the shootdown incident over Earth on YouTube. It wasn't anyone from inside GC; the video was not from the perspective of the Terra Two. It was from an amateur sky watcher. The quality wasn't high but it had caught the fatal hit on the Ribbith spacecraft. The first video, that is. Then several others were posted of varying quality and sources.
As the chase took place over several minutes, many amateur astronomers were notified and pointed their telescopes at the two ships. Then, several governments and militaries, heavily interested in the outcome, also pointed their high powered cameras at both ships. The only reason CNN didn't broadcast the entire battle live was because they found a stream source too late.
"So does anyone on Earth not know about this yet," Sarah asked, almost to no one in particular.
"There's no covering this up. But this is a slam dunk classic self defense case as long as you don't say anything stupid to get people mad at you," Bryce assured her, "Shroggit shot at you first, several times. And she's not exactly what you call a popular gal around here. That's if that supposed daughter of hers even has any standing to sue you on Earth."
"In other news, our stocks have gone up 6% to break through $1,000 in after hours trading. I'm thinking about getting a couple of those new luxury Terra Threes," Bryce said, trying to lighten the mood a little.
"Oh nice, for the company fleet?"
"For me."
You can divide economic and political institutions into two categories, some economic theorists posited: inclusive ones and extractive ones.
Inclusive institutions protect a large majority if not all of the people they cover. Their purposes are generally to facilitate free and fair economic and political activity. They allow decisions to be made that benefit the majority of the people in the system.
On the other hand, extractive institutions are designed specifically to benefit very few people: they allow a very small percentage of the population to exclusively extract benefits from everyone else.
The Galactic Trader Guild was very clearly an extractive one, and a particularly malignant one at that. Its entire existence was based around allowing one very small group of armed spacecraft owners, all Ribbiths, to extort protection fees from space traders, which with the introduction of credits, also meant it rippled down very precisely and predictably through galactic economies by raising prices on all traded goods.
Extractive institutions are generally considered inherently less stable, which is why many human economists were so surprised to learn that the Guild had operated the same way for as long as any species could remember.
Maybe their models were wrong. Oh well. Wouldn't be the first time.
Under intensive lobbying from human and sentient rights groups as well as corporations that were now losing money to Ribbith "protectors", the UN General Assembly unanimously resolved to stop recognizing the legitimacy of the Guild, and several nations on Earth designated it as a "state sponsor of terrorism".
Traders Only
New Thread: Know Your Rights! How to deal with frogheads, a legal guide by GC.
A spacecraft shootdown was an unprecedented event in Ribbith history. It had literally never happened before. In the millions of years they'd been top frogs in the galaxy, nobody had seriously mounted an objection to their bullying backed up by the legal veneer of the Trader Guild. Not to mention actually taking up arms against them.
Sure, there were examples of violent species here and there. They were rare, but a couple of the crazier ones had somehow developed and built primitive FTL spacecrafts. The Ribbiths just asked some volunteer ships to use them for target practice and actually do their jobs as "protectors''.
Without currency, and thus economy, and thus mass production, it's not like those species were going to ever pose a threat to their established advantage. They probably just nuked themselves to extinction on their own planet after the Ribbiths left.
This case, however, was different. In this case, a primitive but blink capable species had risen into the galactic community. There, they not only fundamentally changed the way everyone has been trading, they also secretly built several armed spacecrafts, one of which shot down a 34th generation Ribbith-class spacecraft seemingly effortlessly.
The Ribbith government was in an uproar. This event was so outside their normal frame of reference they did not know how to respond.
"We need to teach them a lesson!" One Ribbith "protector" had shouted.
"We can't! They could shoot us all down. We'd lose everything," another claimed fearfully.
There was no consensus. The Ribbith Guild representatives were a community of perpetual bureaucrats and bullies, not problem solvers. When their instinct to snuff out any deviations to the status quo had finally met a real existential threat that could fight back, they continued to waste time with debate, delay, and petty squabbles.
Meanwhile, the board of GC was talking about how to get rid of them.
In all of Earth's history, there have been many fallen institutions of power.
When many people think about one big power replacing another, they often imagine large set piece battles: one empire decisively conquering another with force of arms, like Rome did to Greece, or the British Empire to the Spanish Empire. And these do happen, but just as often, powers fail not because they were beaten into submission, but because people simply stopped caring about them.
One of the most known of these was the League of Nations, which became known in history for being the UN precursor that failed to stop World War Two. The virtual leaders of humanity at GC quickly became invested in that model of replacement; the infrastructure was in place, the right experts were consulted, and they were all just waiting.
What GC knew, from all the intelligence it had done in the past years and all the legwork it had done to get to this point, was that the Trader Guild was already a fatally wounded animal. Shroggit's death was an opportunity, one that struck that last blow. Now they just needed to wait at a safe distance until it bled out and hope nobody does anything stupid...
Eschewing respect, the Guild governed on fear.
Fear of death.
Fear of getting grounded for life.
Fear of losing everything your family ever worked for.
Rational creatures with very limited economy and opportunity could not challenge those. It would be like asking rabbits why they didn't just fight wolves; it wouldn't happen in a million years.
But now, as opportunity became more plentiful, and as risk takers were rewarded with great gains in the new galactic economy, they started to ask themselves: what are we really afraid of?
"I do not recognize your authority," Zarko said with a calm, loud voice, though calm was not anywhere close to the emotion he was feeling right now, "this is Zakabaran territory and they have permitted me to conduct trade here."
What? Zarko? The notoriously by-the-book food trader? Of the risk averse species from Zeep-zep? That Zarko?
Vrammoth the Ribbith protector was confused. She'd recalled collecting protection from Zarko once before, a few years ago. He had ejected one and a half ton of fruit straight towards her open cargo hold with admirable precision. That entire conversation had taken five minutes and she was out of there in ten.
Her anger mounting, she thumbed her microphone transmitter as she activated the two weapon turrets that were deploying out of her ventral bay, "you are in violation, Zarko! Lock yourself in the cargo bay and prepare for inspec-"
She was shouting at empty space. He was gone. The bad egg had blinked!
Vrammoth's drive was linked to his, and as she activated it to follow, she noticed that the new planet outside her windows was not any she'd ever seen before. A quick beacon scan proved that it didn't even boast a single spaceport.
It was a gas giant, with swirling red, white, orange, and brown gases painting its milky surface, and a faint but visible ring surrounding it.
Why would he escape here? Vrammoth put that thought out of her mind as her radar quickly reacquired Zarko's spacecraft.
"Come on, Zarko, be reasonable," she almost pleaded with him as her weapons tracked him flying towards one of the larger moons, "this doesn't have to end this way. You know my fees are fair and I never take more than I'm entitled to."
He ignored her. She didn't really want to kill him, but knew in her mind that was where this chase was leading up to. Vrammoth hadn't killed anyone before, but she had to disable a small trader craft that tried to run once. The incident was not pretty on the other ship: it never flew again.
Maybe she could put a low energy shot through one of his engines without hitting the reactor or pilot module-
A voice, not Zarko's she realized, came through her radio. It sounded very serious and very official.
"Unauthorized armed spacecraft. This is the Royal Australian Space Force, operating at Ganymede Station under UN Mandate 2674. You are in a restricted area. We have you weapons locked and your drive signature linked. Power down your weapons and cease your engines for boarding immediately, or you will be fired upon."
All at once, she saw her radar light up with six more vessels, all human in origin. Her sensor panels showed them all armed and burning in her direction: one with what was obviously a very large railgun, two with lower caliber cannon mounts bristling on their turrets, and three screening them with several much smaller weapons she could not identify on the hull.
Knowing when to fold a bad hand, Vrammoth complied.
Zikzik had become very rich too.
He participated in the Gak Spacelift as a trucker, and he liked doing it so much, he continued to do it even after the spacelift was over.
Zikzik became a contracted deliverer for Earth firms. At first, it was some lucrative contracts for GC and some other big firms that wanted custom technology imports from other planets. Then, he became a little bit of an entrepreneur.
With the help of some advice from his friends at GC, he started his own space cargo transport corporation, a first for aliens. He combined ships with two other friends, and that formed their delivery fleet. When Earth opened its doors for migrant workers from alien planets and needed lots of ships to carry passengers, they struck gold.
Figuratively speaking; gold was not worth very much on Earth these days.
After building up capital, the creatively named Offworld Transport Company started to scale. Adapting several concepts from Earth's shipping practice, like using standard sized cargo containers, made them far more efficient compared to lone space truckers.
Then, they had the bright new idea of building trading outposts in orbit for several major trading planets.
Working with Earth based spaceship manufacturers like Terra Corp, OTC was able to build cheap spacecraft without FTL engines. These delivered goods from planetary surfaces to orbital outposts, where goods could be held until they were delivered by larger, non-atmospheric rated FTL ships.
The orbital outposts could charge a slightly higher fee to compensate for the journey from surface to space. Specialization created value, and Zikzik was there to collect it. The fees made OTC so rich that they started contracting most of their trucking out to other delivery companies and just focused on maintaining orbital outposts.
In a way, Zikzik had mastered the art of selling prospecting equipment to gold miners too.
Next to Woggrot's ship were the spacecrafts of his friends Shakkut, Weggut, and Mirrot, all of who were also 150th or more generation representatives of the Guild. Working in a whole squad had been an effective strategy on some bigger routes, and today, this was going to be no different.
They slowed their armed ships to a halt relative to Bohor Orbital. He'd been noticing it building bigger every time he came by. He'd also heard from a trader that thousands of sentient beings now lived and worked on it.
In other words, a big, fat, juicy sitting duck.
Zikzik was working space traffic control on Bohor when he got the call.
"This is Woggrot, representative of the Trader Guild, I would like to speak to your pilot."
Zikzik picked up the radio and replied, "this is Zikzik, I'm the manager of Bohor Orbital. Please state your business here."
Manager, not pilot? Ok then, thought Woggrot. He was not picky. As long as he got his goods, he didn't care what the other guy called himself, "I am here to inspect the quality of your goods. Please reserve 10% of your total goods value in the docking area, and boost them over to the direction of my ship."
Zikzik muted the receiver, and hissed to his aide, "call the humans. Tell them we've got a Ribbith ship at our door!"
Then he got back on the phone, "yes, yes, of course. We have a lot of goods, please give us some time to gather them all."
"They've been at it for a while," murmured Mirrot across the radio. She hadn't gotten any protection fees for a while. The last few traders she'd intercepted had just gone running into human restricted zones, and she absolutely didn't want to find out whether the rumors about their new weapons were true. This score was going to make them rich and allow them to keep flying.
"Yeah, they must have a lot of goods," said Shakkut excitedly. He, too, hadn't been having any luck with traders either. Hitting this stationary orbital station was a stroke of genius.
"I'm a little concerned about that," Woggrot said, "I'm not noticing that much activity in the docking mod-"
That's when their radars each picked up the human ship closing in on them, from a hundred kilometers behind them. Where did they even come from?!
"Incoming human vessel, armed! We gotta get out of here!" Shakkut croaked. He was already getting his blink drive ready. No way was he gonna risk it all with the kind of ship that went toe to toe with the infamous Shroggit!
"Son of a bad egg, they tricked us!" Woggrot said angrily. He looked through his long range scope at where his turret was already locked: the most prominent part of the orbital station, a tower of reinforced steel and glass, where he could see a smug… whatever that species was called… looking right back at him! Furious, he squeezed off a short burst of incendiary autocannon shells.
Without waiting for them to hit, he gave the order, "scatter! There's only one of them, it can't chase all of us down," and then blinked out.
Zikzik was luckily not in the tower when the shells hit: they blew out the entire tower structure into vacuum and knocked everyone on the station off their feet. The traffic control crew of twenty four beings perished instantly.
Detecting a dramatically decreasing atmospheric pressure, the vacuum doors closed, but not fast enough. Several chemical fires got out of the control room and into the hallways, and there, they spread fast, everywhere. Well trained fire crews in the market finally managed to manually disconnect the hallway connecting them to the blaze in the Command Sector of the orbital station as the thousands of beings began to make their way to the hangar to evacuate.
The Command Sector of the station was where critical reactor, propulsion, life support, and automation modules were housed. The sensors failed first, burnt to a crisp by the conflagration. Thinking that the station was drifting out of orbit away from Bohor, the maneuvering rockets on the station began to fire automatically to send it closer.
Bohor Orbital started to boost towards the atmosphere. It was doomed.
The multinational UN task force at Ganymede got the call, "one Ribbith aggressor reported at Bohor Orbital." They sent two ships. More than enough to take care of some pirate scum.
Major Riku's ship arrived first. His active radar sensed all four Ribbith ships, not one as expected, and as he burned towards them, he cursed as he saw all four ready their blink drives to jump. He linked his drive to one of the ships, and readied his missiles.
That's when he saw the control tower at the Orbital explode.
Without hesitation, he locked all four ships, and fired.
Capitaine Laurent arrived next. She didn't see what happened, but her long range cameras could see the burning orbital station, and she gathered what had happened from the four missiles racing out from Riku on her tactical map.
In accordance with her training, she linked her blink drive to one of the pirate ships, and released one missile for each of them as well.
On her screen, as the first four missiles got within ten klicks of the Ribbiths, the pirates completed their blinks. All eight missiles suddenly lost their radar targets, and went inert.
A second later, Major Riku sent her a message, "split and chase," and blinked.
"Avec plaisir."
Zikzik made his way to the hangar, where he helped cram as many beings on board into the cargo ships as he could. Technically, the station was supposed to have enough emergency lifeboats as it had beings, but many of those were in the now inaccessible Command Sector.
Cargo ships from the planet started to head towards the orbital outpost. As other traders heard the call on social media, trader ships from other planets began to flock to Bohor to try to get as many beings out as they could.
Unfortunately, the hangar was limited in size, and its airlock could only cycle as fast as it did. At least two thousand were still on the orbital station.
Woggrot radar scanned the space around him. There was no one; they must have linked their blink drives to another ship. He breathed a sigh of relief, retracted his weapons, and tried not to think about what must be happening to two of his friends.
Six short seconds later, a SIM-9X from a Japanese Space Self-Defense Force Stealth Destroyer ended his protection career permanently.
As Zikzik sprinted through the mostly empty hallways of the doomed orbital, he found a Gak child dragging an injured Olg friend towards the hangar. He picked them both up, one in each paw, and sprinted towards the hangar shouting into his radio, "wait I've got two more!"
He helped them onto the waiting evac ships, then stepped out of the hangar as the doors closed and the filled ships vented into space.
Another squadron of evac ships came in and the hangar pressurized. There were still hundreds onboard the station, and the planet outside was getting awfully big...
Shakkut had blinked behind one of Ribb's moons.
What happened next was highly disputed and controversial:
Radio operators at the mine on the moon claimed that they heard Shakkut surrender his ship when the French spacecraft blinked in.
Laurent and her crew later all testified under oath that they saw him start to turn his turrets towards them when they sent four Fox Twos up his tailpipe in quick succession. With pirates, you could never be too sure.
Conveniently, their battle recorder malfunctioned for the entire duration of the short twenty five second engagement.
Zikzik and a skeleton crew directed the chaos until the orbital station hit the outer edges of the atmosphere. Then, evacuation ships could no longer come in.
"Last ship out!"
The evacuation crew fitted every possible being they could into the last four waiting cargo ships. No space was wasted. All their cargo goods had been vented into space trips ago. No one was carrying anything.
It was not enough.
Zikzik stepped out of the hangar for the last time as he and the remainder of his crew silently watched them leave.
They were still onboard when the station was incinerated by the Bohor atmosphere.
Weggut blinked to Ribb too. He managed to put his spacecraft down on Ribb before Laurent had time to burn in his direction. He promptly sold his ship at a steep discount to a delighted Dlaiva who was visiting the spaceport.
Weggut never left the ground again.
Mirrot surrendered herself at the human embassy on Bhak. She was transported to Earth and eventually tried at the Hague for Crimes against Sentiency and several dozen lesser charges of Conspiracy to Murder.
Despite having her accounts frozen, an alien rights group loaned her a very good criminal defense lawyer who got her first charge dismissed and convinced her to make a guilty plea deal with prosecutors, in exchange for testimony at the UN against the Trader Guild and its criminal operations.
She was sentenced to twenty years in a minimum security prison, with the possibility of parole after seven. The sentencing judges looked favorably upon her for fully cooperating in the Bohor Orbital investigations.
The trial was broadcast across the entire galaxy. Mirrot became known as the first Ribbith to ever face justice for crimes against another species in a courtroom.
Not the last.
The existence of the Guild continued for a few more months, until no Ribbith protectors remained. Some of them, like Vrammoth, reformed and became productive members of the galactic community. Others, having lost their revenue stream, were grounded after running out of fuel and credits. A few kept trying their luck, and eventually met their fates at the hands of the enforcement arm of the newly formed Galactic Union headquartered on Earth.
Ambassador Amanda Wilson, former envoy to Ribb, became its first Secretary General. Her first task was to establish rule of law in the galaxy. They were enforced by voluntary participation from member worlds. At first, they were mostly Earth funded ships and human crews, but some other species were starting to work alongside humans and getting various citizenships on Earth with service.
After Bohor Orbital, Sarah and her friends lobbied the Union to establish a Medal for Extraordinary Service to Sentiency. It was named after the first creature it was given to, Zikzik. The rebuilt station named itself after him, as well as several other spaceports.
One of the organizations to eventually be funded under the Galactic Union mandate was the Galactic Red Cross, which absorbed a lot of the offworld activities from Earth's International Red Cross.
After a three-year long relief mission, Gakrek was finally declared food secure. No species would ever experience total planetary famine ever again.
"So, what now?" Jen asked.
Sarah and her friends, Jen, Jackson, Reese, Benny Jr, Zarko, and Stearns were gathered around a warm fire in a campsite a few miles from Tahoe.
"Get rich, build the largest company ever, and save the galaxy, what else is there to do?" Sarah smiled.
"Oh there's plenty more to life, and more to money than we've ever considered," said Stearns as he roasted a marshmallow.
"For example, have you guys ever heard of an idea called the bancor?"
"NO! Not this again!"
I want to thank all of my readers for your enthusiastic support! And for all the feedback and corrections I've gotten along the way. I plan on writing more, and then coming back to make some serious revisions to the early chapters on the RoyalRoad page, but the ten chapters I wrote were all I had originally planned.
I am writing more stories in this universe after the events of this story, but they will explore different main characters and have slightly different themes.
Next Story
submitted by rook-iv to HFY [link] [comments]

Beware The Devourers!

There was nothing otherwise special about the day. In fact most others of his age would have considered it early if they were leaving a party at two in the morning. But to one Alexander Fitz the world changed forever. On that very cold winter morning of February 02, 2037 he figured out a way to send subspace signals and more importantly was able to detect them.
While perhaps a most circuitous route, the former changed mankind in ways theorized many times in science fiction stories. Some would argue it was the latter that served to be the biggest impact to Humanity overall. It wasn't until later in his life did Alexander's popularity increase. Even longer for his invention to be made known and for Humanity to come to a certain unavoidable realization. As the reason for why is quite simple really, money. Of course at the end of the day it always comes down to that.
His invention was fully utilized in the grand scheme that was popular at the time known was capitalism. By using this tech he was able to circumvent many safeties in place for trading on various stock markets. Honestly several such ways have been used in the past with various levels of technology, though the brilliance was keeping it secret. The very nature of subspace signaling meant that signals could be sent and received practically instantaneously anywhere in the solar system. Well, theorized to be several light years actually but that hadn't been tested yet.
By being able to keep it a secret for so long is what allowed 'Xander Corp' to rival the economies of many nations. It wasn't an overnight thing either, it took many decades and none dare give thought to how many hidden deals were made along the way. Eventually the entire world became a subsidiary of the corporation, governments alike. All beholden to one Alexander Fitz.
Was he a tyrant? A genius turned madman? Honestly not much is known about him. Some even suspect his name isn't real and he wasn't even a man, though I rather not delve into that as there are countless conspiracy theories.
It started off as small projects around the world. Helping this community or that one. The Human penchant for wars and violence dwindled, not because everyone got along all of a sudden. Just that it became unprofitable to do so otherwise. Of course by this point many suspected what was going on, but they couldn't give words to their thoughts for fear of reprisal from those higher up. Human nature being as paranoid as it is didn't help matters. The small projects started to become mega and were mass transit or accelerated automation. Off-world projects had begun, bases on several planets and moons. Practical designs of space elevators were proposed.
That is when Lex, as he liked to be called, did something considered impossible and sure to fail though all were powerless to stop him. He released plans for a transition from what the world had embraced for so long to one that was more similar to a science fiction utopia where currency was obsolete. Many people thought it would fail, all unspoken of course. In the end it didn't matter because the only person that could decide if it failed was Lex himself and he wasn't all that inclined.
According to official documents, Alexander Scott Fitz passed away on November 13, 2180. At the ripe old age of one hundred and sixty eight. The medical advances that enabled such an increase in life span were considered quite normal by this point. The entire world mourned his passing and what was once world kindness day was also celebrated as a day of remembrance.
A reading of his last will and testament was broadcast throughout the solar system and almost every single person watched it at least once. A few things became quite clear and Lex didn't hold anything back. His invention of subspace technology and how he had abused it to achieve utopia. There were some grumbles about how it had been established on false pretenses. Though by now there was no chance of turning back from utopia to the ways of old. Also there was a very good reason why he never shared that technology, but was leaving it up to Humanity to decide if it was ready to face the ultimate reality of it. Included at the end of the broadcast was a transcription of the very first subspace signal test.
Transmit - [02:13:11]: Hello
Received - [02:13:11]: .....
Received - [02:13:28]: .....
Transmit - [02:13:32]: Hello
Received - [02:13:32]: .....
Received - [02:13:49]: ..ll.
Transmit - [02:13:57]: Hello
Received - [02:14:14]: Hello
Transmit - [02:14:24]: Echo
Received - [02:14:41]: Identify!
Transmit - [02:15:13]: This Is Lex. Who is this?
Received - [02:15:30]: This species is unknown to us. I am automated signal relay station #3H-271. I must insist you cease all communications and exit the area immediately.
Transmit - [02:17:24]: What? Why?
Received - [02:17:41]: This galaxy has been designated lost. The blight that are the devourers will consume all. The council determined the threat long ago and the only recourse was for all species in the 'observable' universe to travel as fast as possible away. It is a stalling tactic at best, but no better option was devised.
Transmit - [02:20:18]: What the fuck! We don't have a way to leave the area, we haven't discovered how to travel faster than light!
Received - [02:20:35]: I'm just an automated AI established to warn any foolish enough to journey to any known infected galaxies. Though I do have protocols that may be able to help you, as my creators were wise and were prepared for the possibility that species may evolve after the mandatory evacuation. I've begun transmitting schematics for FTTL to allow you to escape. You may transmit a final message that I will forward to the council, but all other communications must cease. Detection of this relay must not be allowed. Others must be warned.
Transmit - [02:31:01]: FTTL data has been received. While I may not be the right one for this, I will say thank you for the warning. We appreciate whatever help you are able to provide. With FTTL I hope we are able to one day find you, the council, and all other species amongst the stars. If not, then may this message allow us to be remembered in some small way. From all of Humanity, we thank you.
Received - [02:31:18]: Humanity, the devourers!
submitted by gedekran to HFY [link] [comments]

[Serial][UWDFF Alcubierre] Part 74

Beginning | Previous
Joan Orléans fingers drummed on the chair of the Admiral's Bridge on the UWDFF Sun Tzu as she scanned the updates on the various tasks relating to the defense of the solar system. This was a task she spent most of her waking hours on. Reviewing. Reconsidering. Revising. It was also familiar territory for her in general. Something of a time honored task at this point. She had been in this seat much the same as this one looking at these panels similar to these and wondering how best to protect Humanity in the last war as well. Of course, the Automics had been simple by comparison. Against the Automics, the enemy was something they had built, and its needs and desires were easy to understand. It wanted what Humanity had, and it intended to use Humanity against itself. It had infested Humanity's most populated places, growing and metastasizing like a malignant cancer. Extracting the tumor had been difficult, and the corpus of Humanity paid a dear price, but it was a known problem with a known solution.
Now, she had very little concept of what they faced and what their prospects might be. Their history with the Combine was brief, and what insights that might have been gleaned in that encounter were difficult to extrapolate to the present circumstances. She knew that their prior success could not be viewed as an indicator of the likelihood of future success. The Combine had been largely caught off guard in Halcyon, and they had managed to make the most of the situation. Despite their losses, the First Armada had secured the objective, gained valuable assets and struck an apparently grievous blow against the Combine's capitol. It would be quite fortunate if the Combine, determined it was not worth pursuing the matter after such a bruising encounter. But Joan knew better than to believe that would be the end it.
They would come. How could they not?
She would come if she were them, and she would come with all of the fury and violence she could muster.
There was nothing to do but prepare. Properly prepared, perhaps Humanity would have options once the nature of the foe was revealed. Of course, those options were probably severely limited by Ambassador Mandela and Secretary General Venruss' decision to let the XiZ Collective off of their short leash. Now, all of her plans needed to contemplate the possibility that a unique and valuable asset may be unreliable, which considerably constrained operations. There was little to be done about it now, the XiZ had secured a spaceborn cold fusion generator for their exclusive use while they remained in Sol. The Collective could utilize that power to leave whenever they saw fit, and all Humanity would have to stop them was the hope the XiZ would show them more kindness than the rest of the galaxy had.
Joan's nose twitched and the pace of her drumming increased.
Nothing to be done about it. Take the situation as it was, not as you wished it to be.
Status reports.
She swiped up her non-drumming hand in a few gestures, re-ordering the panels and assigning them a prioritization for review and access. She then began to review the panels in order of descending importance.
First and foremost was the defense of Earth. A planet was likely the least defensible object in the history of military warfare. Everything about its structure -- its size, its shape, its stationary nature, its distribution of assets -- made it nearly impossible to protect everything of consequence. An enemy could strike from a single direction whereas they were required to defend an attack from any direction. Reinforcements would be difficult since burns could not be conducted in a straight line. Logistics were a nightmare in general. Even if they recalled the entirety of the United World Defense Force Fleet, there would still be holes.
Matters were further complicated by the fact that Joan could also make few assumptions about the intent of the enemy. At least the Automics sought control over the Earth and its assets. There was every reason to believe that, having a galaxy at its disposal, the Combine would be content to eliminate the Earth rather than fight over it. This raised the possibility of attacks that might focus on an immediate obliteration as opposed to the wars of attrition Humanity had grown used to.
Joan had no sense of what such an attack might look like or what defensive options would be available to them.
The best she had been able to manage was to recall a portion of the Second and Third Armadas to Earth, reducing the protection the outer settlements would have if they are attacked. Even then, there were not sufficient ships to create anything other than a patchwork of floating garrisons above key resources and cities while still trying to retain a line-of-sight between major command groups. With this disposition, that multiple command groups could fire their mass drivers in conjunction with one another in an overlapping field of fire if the invading source was sufficiently far away. In some cases, planetary defenses were of use, particularly the orbital launchers, but those had been developed for asteroids and space junk in mind rather than full scale assault by alien species. They had been bulked up after the Automic War, but coverage was spotty. She understood the lack of fixed defenses, it was simply too expensive to try and encircle an entire planet, particularly when available resources in the post war period needed to be funneled into stabilizing Humanity itself. She had been part of that decision and, given what was known at the time, still believed it to be the correct one.
Of course, if they had known there was an enormous, hostile civilization on their doorstep, they might have re-prioritized, but Joan continued to think the task of defending a planet was inconceivably difficult regardless of circumstance. Far better to build redundancy. So long as Humanity was tied to a single place, it always risked being forced into precisely this corner. Damian's decision to reactivate the Exodus program was a good one, even if it was too little, too late.
Joan sighed.
"Never easy," she said aloud to the emptiness of the Admiral's Bridge. She swiped a hand in irritation, pulling up the detailed view of the next panel, which provided an analysis of Humanity's solar system telemetry. Any number of measurements were collected, collated and presented in the panel, but Joan was primarily concerned with the set of readouts that were relevant to the detection of wormholes. The science was complicated, but a combination of instruments that detected shifts in gravity, light, and a few other currently monitored datapoints had been deployed to provide an observation network throughout the solar system, with particular emphasis on Earth. If a ship was sent through a wormhole, Humanity would know at the speed of light, which Joan fervently hoped was sufficient.
Despite the passage of almost three weeks since Halcyon, there had been no indications of a wormhole being created within Sol. Joan had questioned Kai on the matter, and he had offered a number of potential explanations ranging from a lack of vessels with an appropriate key, to the time required to muster Combine resources, to the complete and total destruction of the Combine by the artificient. This had preceded a rather tense exchange surrounding the departure timeline to visit this Cerebella, after which conversation became untenable.
Seeing nothing amiss in the readout, she pinched and then swiped a few times, bringing up a panel outside of her prioritized list. It depected Kai Levinson's medical charts and images of his brainwaves over time. Cerebral activity was elevated and continued to increase. His thought schematics continued to alter as well. Dr. Lai believed that Kai was in control of his body and his thoughts, but thought it possible that the line between him and his counterpart, the Evangi Neeria, was becoming increasingly blurred.
Kai Levinson remained in control, but he may not remain Kai Levinson.
Joan did not know what to make of that beyond a continued resolution to treat all words out of Kai's mouth as having potentially put there by another. He was a potential resource for gathering information, but Joan also questioned whether any of the information could be trusted. Still, regardless of what he said, it would provide a record of interaction that could be cross-examined at a later date to determine the extent to which he was reliable.
She minimized the medical data panel and pulled open the next on her list. It depicted the progress of the Exodus mission. The first wave of vessels had been loaded with a hastily assembled list of Humanity's best and brightest and then jammed full of everything they could fit in that might help with a colonization effort.
Terraformers. Seed stocks. Vehicles. Self-assembled Habitations. So on and so forth.
Joan glanced at the launch timelines and manifest details.
Exodus Wave One
UWEM Horizon
UWEM Fortune
UWEM Destiny
UWEM Outta Here
UWEM Potential
Joan snorted at the Outta Here, which had been named by a poll and Damian had elected to keep because he found it amusing. Despite the redacted details, Joan knew all six ships would be departing for separate locations to increase Humanity's odds. Each of the locations had been selected based upon data available in the Combine Archives from the XiZ, who would be providing the wormholes to reach to locations. The locations had been chosen based on their distance from Combine settlements and the likelihood of compatibility with Humanity. All would be in within Combine space as the contents and nature of the other Restricted Zones were not available. Many would not be in close proximity to each other, meaning that they would be cut off in the event Humanity lost access to wormholes.
Each of the ships could hold almost ten thousand people. She wondered briefly whether they would be filled to maximum capacity and under what framework that composition was selected. All of those logistics had been left to the United World rather than the military, though the UWDF would be providing supporting personnel to the Exodus Mission vessels.
Their launches were coordinated to provide the XiZ enough time to recharge worm projector and re-target the wormholes. The XiZ said they would require less time than that, but, out of abundance of caution, they staggered them. Each would make their way from their holding ports in Earth's inner orbit and toward the wormhole staging ground a short distance away. From launch, each vessel was expected to reach its destination planet within a few hours.
Despite having traveled through a wormhole herself, it was still fantastical to contemplate. Even the Alcubierre had been something that had felt almost magical. There were few things that could inspire Joan to daydream, but the possibility that Humanity would no longer be tethered to the Earth, that survival would not longer hang upon protecting the indefensible, was one of them.
She raised her hand to swipe away the readout when an alert blared and the panels were shoved to the side to display a new readout.
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole
She immediately swung into action, raising her hands and beginning to swipe when a second panel appeared beside the first read out.
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #2
Joan pointed to the first panel and then swiped down to up, expanding the associated data. The wormhole had appeared--
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #3
Alert Trigger: Potential Wormhole #4
The panels kept populating, creating a running list. Joan snarled and swept her arms wide, her hands bracketing the four triggered alarm panels and then compacting them downward, placing them into a signal frame of data. She then swiped her hand left to right until she could see the location readout.
The first two wormholes had appeared almost on top of one another, both a few light seconds away from Earth. The second two were similarly clustered, but were positioned closer to the moon. For both pairs of wormholes, a line drawn between them would be perpendicular to the Earth, meaning that it had a line-of-sight that was not obstructed by either of the wormholes. In the case of the second pairing, there was also an unobstructed view of the moon as well.
She delved into the data further, wondering whether they had already lost the war before it had begun. There did not appear to be any indications of an energy discharge, Earth would already be reporting if it had--
Her eyes widened. "Mass?"
She exhaled. Telemetry did not read any inbound matter of concern. It had picked up, very briefly, an object traveling at a high rate of speed between the wormholes. The granularity of the data was not particular high on the object. It had a roughly cubic shape with size roughly akin to a UWD supply ship.
Not the full scale assault then. Or, if it was, it did not take the expected form. There was very little she could parse from a roughly cubic shape existing in their solar system in two locations for a few seconds before disappearing. Unfortunately, the only source likely to helpful on the matter was questionable.
"Comm link, Admiral Kai Levinson. Command Priority," Joan said, her hands flipping through the data and parsing as much as she could. The delay between the Earth and Moon incursions had been offset, it was not just an artifact of the speed of light that she had received them separately. The third wormhole appeared approximately ten seconds after the second had disappeared. The time within the pairs were both the same at slightly under three seconds.
Kai appeared on the vidlink beside the alarm triggers, his face serene despite the thin visor encircling his head and passing over his eyes. "Fleet Admiral, how can I be of service?"
Joan took a brief moment to calculate what to reveal and how to reveal it. If there was an opportunity to get an assessment of Kai, this might be it, though she had precious little to base any judgments on. "Wormholes have just appeared."
Kai flinched at the announcement. "They're here."
"They've already left."
"That was fast," Kai said, his head tilting to the side as if listening. "Scouting?"
"That was my first thought."
"What was sent through?" Kai asked.
"We have very little data. No energy discharge. No mass fired."
"Joan, I need you to tell me what was sent through. Any data you have. I cannot help if I am blind." He waved a hand toward the visor on his face, "Bad choice of words. You get what I mean."
"What are you looking for?" Joan said.
He shrugged, "Something that can help. As I told you already, I have no idea what state the Combine is in. It is equally likely that this is the first effort of the artificient. I cannot say which is which without more information, and even then I may not be helpful."
Joan raised a hand and jabbed it in the air, sending the Alert Trigger reports to Kai. She then leaned forward, her eyes pinned to Kai as he read the outputs. Almost immediately after beginning, he looked like he had been punched.
"How precise are these measurements?" He whispered, gulping repeatedly and shaking his head.
"They're a rough approximation. The instrumentation isn't refined enough for anything other than a size and a general shape, but those two are accurate."
"Cube," Kai whispered. "That's not possible."
Kai was either an extraordinary actor, or the information was deeply disturbing. For all of Joan's reservations, she leaning toward the latter. "What is not possible?" Joan raised a hand and swiped a few times, pulling up the readout of Kai's medical status. Heart rate elevated. Cerebral cortex on fire. He appeared to be under extreme duress.
He turned his head to the side again, a grimace on his face. "Well then tell me then. She needs to know what you know." He shook his head, "What are the Sclinter Amalga?" Kai's lips withdrew, his teeth baring, "Stop playing fucking games. Out with it."
Kai's brain scan flared, indicating a significant increase in synaptic activity well beyond typical Human utilization. After a moment it subsided and the blood drained from Kai's face. "Joan...we are in trouble. The...they aren't supposed to be here. They don't have a key. No one ever gave them a key. Not to here."
Joan tried to unravel the dribble, but was having difficulties. Kai appeared to be laboring considerably, as if undergoing a significant internal struggle, and she was no longer certain who was talking when he was speaking. What she did know, was that she had more questions than answers. Answers that she needed, now. "Who is not supposed to be here?"
"Go on, tell her." Kai said. A moment later, he straightened, a detached look coming onto his face. His heart rate normalized and the brain waves shifted. When Kai spoke, it was in a duller monotone. "Admiral, there is a species that makes use of vessels that fit the description provided by the data you have sent over. This species is known as the Sclinter Amalga. They are an external resource the Combine utilizes to exterminate species that are deemed to be a threat to organic life."
"I see. You outsource your genocide?" Joan asked.
Kai inclined his head, apparently unconcerned by the characterization. "It was more efficient. The Sclinter Amalga inhabit Pelageo, a cluster of systems that produced a remarkably high density of sentient life. Pelageo is located close to the galactic core and so they were encountered soon after the Evangi were tasked with establishing the Combine. The Evangi are not a militaristic species. We are administrators. The Sclinter Amalga are multiple militaristic species, all shaped by competition within Pelageo. They were very powerful."
"And?" Joan said, knowing the background might be relevant, but deeply aware of their very limited time.
"They were deemed unsuitable for inclusion in the Combine, but the Evangi were incapable of dislodging such a collection of species, particularly once they entered into an armistice with one another upon our appearance. The option of isolating them was considered, but this particular issue was likely to reoccur as the Combine was built. Many species would not be suitable for inclusion. Even if isolated, they could pose a risk to organic life, as Humanity has so amply demonstrated." Kai took a breath and then plunged onward, his reference to Humanity seeming to refer to some group he was not a part of. "A solution was devised: we would reach an agreement with the Sclinter Amalga. They would provide us with a necessary, distracting service we did not wish to perform, the removal of threats to organic life, and we would provide them with limited exceptions to isolation in the form of wormkeys to specific locations for specific vessels."
Joan processed this information as it was handed to her, "And these...Sclintern are now here to perform that same service?"
"It should not be possible. No Amalgan vessel was ever provided with a wormkey to a Divinity Angelysian Restricted Zone. No Amalgan vessel was ever provided with a wormkey for anything other than a specific place for a specific purpose."
"We traveled to here just fine, we did not possess any keyed vessels," Joan said.
"We had the use of a..." Kai's voice drifted off.
"Neeria?" Joan asked.
Kai looked startled. "The Amalgans are fastidious about their engagements with the Combine. A highly improbable chain of events would need to occur for them to gain access to a worm projector. More importantly, such an occurrence would be of horrendous consequence."
"A secondary consideration in using the Amalgans for Cleanse Contracts was that possibility that they would become weakened over time, reducing them as a potential threat. Even if we had entered into an agreement with them, they were still unsuitable for existence by the parameters we judge species on. Eventually, there was some expectation that the Amalgans would be defeated and then could be replaced by another species, thereby starting the process anew. A component of the Cleanse Contracts was a requirement that the Amalgans pursue the targeted species with all of its power until one was extinct. It was an expedient solution." Kai took another breath. "We utilized the Amalgans often. They never failed. They only grew stronger. If they gain access to a worm projector, they are likely to be the strongest force in the Combine."
Joan folded her arms. The explanation was surreal. A galactic species had hired another galactic species as a genocidal hitman, thereby turning them into some manner of omnipowerful species that was now potentially out of control and targeting Earth. If there was a framework for defending against this, Joan would very much like to have someone explain it to her. "Why did you not just eliminate them once you grew powerful?"
"The nature of the Combine made this difficult. Member species were selected for their orientation toward certain goals the Combine possessed, most of which focused on internal stability and efficiency. Among these species, a Peacekeeping force was considered an acceptable investment for the periodic disputes that might occur. Developing a military force capable of destroying the Amalgans would be difficult to explain, particularly as the nature of the Amalgans was not widely understood and the Amalgans had always performed their duties as agreed upon."
"Well, if its the Amalgans, then it looks like they've gotten access to a worm projector. Maybe the Combine lent them one," Joan said.
"They would not accept a Cleanse Contract on that basis. They only accept durable assets, particularly ones that reduce their isolation as agreed upon."
"Fine. They have one. How do we defend against them?" Joan asked.
"You do not," Kai replied.
"Well, that's not an option. We have advantages here. They're unfamiliar with our physics. This is home territory. We have Griggs' Pulses."
"The Amalgans fight exclusively in other species' territory. They have been conducting Cleanse Contracts across thousands of species, all of whom have similar levels of technology to Humanity--"
"What are our options, Neeria? That's what I want to know."
"Flee and hope they do not find you. Allow me to seek the Cerebella and obtain what assistance I can," Kai said.
Joan flicked a hand up and opened the panel for the Exodus Mission. She had no intention of disclosing its existence to Kai. If that was the last hope for Humanity, then it needed to remain a secret.
A number of inbound messages were appearing, including from the Secretary General. There were also new Alert Triggers filtering in. Two by Mars. Joan assumed that, as the speed of light permitted, she would receive similar triggers across the solar system as the Amalgans conducted their scouting effort.
Joan looked back at Kai now, "We're not going anywhere, and neither are you. I'm not sending the only being that knows anything about these things away just when they show up." Joan raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you take a page out of the Ambassador's book and try to negotiate with them? Buy us some time?"
"Admiral, if they are here, they are done negotiating."
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