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Steel, Short Interest Stocks & The Bubble?

Does anyone else feel like something is off?
I think the fear has set in.
Even investors holding GME are scared - not knowing when to jump off, afraid they will miss more gains.
Tulip-mania is alive and thriving.
Instead of tulips, it’s short-interest stocks.
The rise of the retail investor is awesome.
It really has been great to see the average person become a millionaire at the expense of billionaires and hedge funds.
Vito’s 🎩 is off to all.
For years and decades Wall Street has tried to make all of this look so difficult and overwhelming that you bought into the system and handed over control.
They made bank and you made 6% - if you were lucky.
COVID and the rise of the Reddit, Discord or whatever is your internet fancy destination to chat stocks has dethroned some of the big boys.
For now.
I think there are some good companies that will be here for the long haul that are shorted and I believe they were shorted out of greed and in a market with no liquidity- it would have worked.
It always did.
Until now.
Short squeezes have always happened, it just wasn’t so public and in a backdrop of massive liquidity and organized legions of traders that are much smarter than they have been given credit for.
These pigs got too fat, became hogs and were slaughtered.
Now my advice, for what it’s worth, is don’t follow the same path.
Don’t be a hog.
Be a happy, full pig.
I believe the market is 100% disconnected at this point and the bubble is swelling.
Everything has been sold over the past month, growing more and more each day to raise liquidity to either cover 🩳 or buy into the other side of the trade.
What sealed it for me this afternoon was Apple earnings and the reaction by the market.
In what was probably the greatest quarter ever shown by a company and the momentum building on all their services and wearables, it went down.
Maybe it’s up tomorrow morning, but I doubt it.
Any other time other than the current micro-market we are in and $AAPL pops $20+.
The market is priced to perfection on Tech and there is not much more room against the ceiling on the FAANG’s and all their cousins and step-children.
Tech has been what propelled this market through the lows of March 2020.
What’s going to take it from here?
Who does the baton get passed to?
I think it gets dropped and there isn’t a clean hand-off.
It’s going to get rocky and turbulent, until the market finds itself again and corrects the overcorrections and tulip-mania ends.
And it will end.
It always does.
Stonks just don’t go up.
Anyone that follows me knows this and is currently feeling it.
The steel stocks, feeling heavier than the steel itself in everyone’s portfolios.
I’m a bull on steel.
I live it daily and have for 25 years.
I’ve never seen anything like what is going on right now from manufacturers idling last year to not being able to make and ship it fast enough now.
Input prices soared to record levels in second half November, December and early January.
This was due to inventories through the entire supply chain being at record lows.
However, construction and manufacturing have stayed very resilient throughout 2020 and gained steam heading into 2021.
Zero and negative interest rates have become the norm across the world, the ideal backdrop for investment and building.
Governments seem determined to spend their way out of deficits and create jobs and infrastructure across the world.
It has already happened in China.
So, why are prices going down is what everyone keeps asking and more importantly - why are steel stocks going down?!
“It’s priced in!! You are an idiot.”
This is Vito’s DM’s in a nutshell.
My answer is, it’s not.
Was I early - 100%, but March is still a ways off and June feels like next year.
Here is what’s driving prices - scrap and iron ore have pulled back to due to buyers of finished product holding off thinking the market has become overheated, so manufacturers have held off buying inputs, but here are the two most important points to consider:
  1. Manufacturers order books are full for Q1 and Q2 2021. European mills are sold out. US mills have backlogs that are pushing summer. The supply chain for all finished steel products for essentially any industry is bare. The cupboards are empty.
The only reason finished product is sitting anywhere is because transportation cannot be secured to move it.
Especially, ocean freight.
The space is elusive and at prices not seen in my lifetime.
It costs 300% more to move ocean freight today than it did at this time last year and is being auctioned off to the highest bidder in many cases.
When I say the supply chain is broken, I’m talking about the entire chain - from tip to tail.
With this disruption, spot prices on anything steel are staying high and will, even if inputs drop - which brings me to point number two:
  1. I have said we wanted to see prices level on inputs, if they slide a bit, even better. Why? The futures sold over the past 3 months for the next 6 months are at some of the highest price levels we have ever seen. When manufacturers have orders at $1,000+/ton for the next 6 months and inputs drop, margins expand, exponentially.
Do I think the input slide lasts and scrap and iron ore keep dropping?
The Chinese came into the market today and started buying some scrap to test the price action.
European manufacturers have not yet purchased.
If the scrap price remains the same to weak, China will likely buy some more to see what price will firm the market and to put pressure on iron ore prices - as they are the biggest buyer of iron ore in the world.
It’s a game of chicken right now with many players on many levels.
The most similar, recent market I have seen was the 2017 to 2019 market.
Prices on steel and steel stocks started climbing in early anticipation of steel tariffs in the US.
However, then input prices did not move up until February/March 2018 and then the tariffs further spiked the market. Buyers rushed to get orders in and the highest costed material arrived in late 2018.
The market was overbought on oversupply.
A glutton of oversupply that carried into mid-summer 2019.
With oversupply comes lower and lower prices until equilibrium is reached.
That became a challenge as US manufacturers pumped more into the system, absolutely making those that bought imports bleed all year long.
It put many of the speculators and trading companies out of business.
2019 was death by a thousand cuts.
No one has forgotten it, too fresh.
Currently, we are not in a position of oversupply, but quite the opposite.
Shortages may have been artificial in nature due to idling and destocking in 2020, but demand is real.
Countries have already shown signs of being territorial in India and Russia, not allowing exports because of internal demand and considering penalties to discourage.
This is how I see it and my thesis still stays the same.
“What about the tariffs being removed?!”
I don’t see it happening immediately.
If they are removed it will likely be in increments of 5% every 60-90 days to not shock the market.
The tariffs have not been the benefit that many believe they have been to steel in the United States.
They artificially created a bubble that burst long ago in 2019 but no one really noticed.
The tariff is a pure tax that ends up 100% being passed on to the consumer in the end.
China actually subsidized the tariff through Value Added Tax credits on many of the products that were not already dumped in the US.
There was a massive tariff, yet product cost less than before the tariff??
Yet no one noticed as China gave away tax credits and manipulated currency.
There was an equal sum game.
The tariff did however keep out European manufacturers that played fair.
They stand to benefit the most from tariffs being lifted in the US.
Imports are healthy if played on a level playing field, as the US cannot support all US demand on all products.
Moreover, this is a global economy and the US isn’t the only place to sell steel anymore.
In conclusion, because I know many of you are asking yourselves - “when will this DD fucking end??”. . . I believe in America. America has made my fortune, and I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonor her family. . .and I also believe in the rest of the world pumping more liquidity into infrastructure.
I think it’s becoming quickly obvious that more stimulus is necessary, but needs to be better targeted to those that really need it.
Not to a bunch of retards putting it on red or black.
Steel is all around us and will be used for the green wave.
So will other metals from miners - zinc, copper, cobalt, rare earths.
I’ve shared in previous DD’s that militaries will also be upgraded and how much steel goes into aircraft carriers.
Steel stocks have been slipping day after day for the past two weeks.
I can’t blame you to say, “no fucking way, how many dips can I buy?!?!” - just stop asking me if you are going to print this Friday.
You are not going to print on Friday.
I’m sorry.
I said this was a June play in anticipation of what I have laid out here.
I moved up to April on $MT and March on $VALE based on the sheer volume of order books.
I believed that earnings would be very good and get better through earnings season.
$NUE is tomorrow.
I’m guessing they did very well and will show beats and give decent guidance.
Stock will likely go down.
Because it’s the trend and the market is disconnected.
I’m somewhat a contrarian investor and it has benefited me more than ever in the past year.
Contrarian investing is a strategy of going against prevailing market trends or sentiment.
The idea is that markets are subject to herding behavior augmented by fear and greed, making markets periodically over- and under-priced - DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?
"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful," said Warren Buffett, a phrase that encapsulates the contrarian philosophy - THIS IS HARD TO DO, which is why most people don’t.
Being a contrarian can be rewarding, but it is often a risky strategy that may take a long period of time to pay off - CHECK and CHECK - it has been risky and it’s taking time.
I’m still betting on it happening.
So are these guys:
I’ve always said, I’d need to be BlackRock to move a market this big. . .that’s a big stake!
I’m sure we will see others as they disclose their holdings over the next months.
Goldman Sachs has even called for the commodity super cycle
They played it right last year and see opportunity on the horizon.
Commodities - the shit that everybody forgot or ran away from.
The land of misfit toys with steel and oil playing nicely together, recoupling.
Since I entered the steel business as a youngster the first thing I learned is “steel follows oil - watch the oil”.
So, I always watched oil prices and they do tend to run in tandem with oil moves.
Since early 2020 those two went their separate ways, by force, not by choice.
It is common for steel market participants to refer to high correlations between oil prices and the prices for scrap and steel. Among other reasons, this is related to supply chains, because the oil industry is a consumer of steel, the price of oil affects the processing and transportation costs of scrap, and oil is viewed as a reflection of a broader economic reality
Oil is gaining strength and projected to keep gaining.
EIA forecasts that global oil consumption and production will rise during 2021 and 2022, and global oil inventories will continue to decline during much of that period. EIA expects that Brent prices will average $53/b over the next two years.
“So, where does that put us with steel stocks?!”
In a position I believe to scoop up the short term, as the thrashing that has taken the market down may have finally put some companies in a position to pop off a good earnings beat. Then catch a massive wave of Q1 and Q2 goodness.
The Q2 volumes and margins will be showstoppers and I believe the stocks will be bought up prior in June.
That’s why I gave June options originally as well as common.
We caught a peak, that I did not anticipate to last so long on the downside and the short covering action was further exacerbating the decline of the entire market.
Now, these levels look like complete steals to me - but so did it yesterday and the day before that and the day before that.
Then after writing this entire DD, China announces its cutting capacity.
Sellers were motivated to raise offers amid higher futures prices, because funds flew into the ferrous market after the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced on Tuesday that it will urge a cut in steel output via mixed measures, according to a Shanghai-based trader.
Huang Libin, a spokesman for the ministry, said they will forbid the increase of steel capacity and encourage mergers and acquisitions in the steel industry to help curb output...
I guess we will see what tomorrow brings.
I never thought I would utter the following words and it feels very weird to say them, but I hope it’s big green dildos.
I missed the nightly prayer group tonight.
Save some dry powder, don’t YOLO anything, diversify so you limit down days and if you are on the $GME merry go round, it’s ok to get off.
I know it’s crazy and you feel like you are part of something big happening, but my feeling is most of the institutions and hedge funds have handed off the baton and it’s just you guys with each other and maybe a couple more smaller positions left. They may call a truce and then it’s Lord of the Flies.
I don’t want to hear the story end that way.
I want everyone to get out and leave them busted.
Then we make the movie.
Until then, I’ll be here.
submitted by vitocorlene to Vitards [link] [comments]

I investigate the link between monsters and missing people. The trees are a death trap.

“Daniel, can you run through the case for me one more time please?”
I looked across the desk at my new assistant. He was exhausted, I could tell. His brain was frazzled from repeating every tiny detail so many times.
He took a sip of water and prepared to do it again, just once more.
“The target is Liam, he was twenty three years old at the time of his disappearance six years ago. He lived with his parents, Brenda and Steve and was a single father to Macy, four years old at the time. He was a responsible young guy and an outdoorsy person who often took his daughter to the local woods.”
“Good.” I replied. “What happened to him on March 6th?”
“He’d spent a day in the woods whilst Macy was having a rare overnight visit with her mother. He didn’t get to hike alone often and took whatever opportunities he could.
“He returned to the home that evening, agitated. His parents said he wouldn’t calm down and kept repeating that something was following him. His behaviour was erratic and paranoid.”
Daniel took another sip of his water and rifled through the mounds of paperwork on the desk to jog his memory of the timeline before continuing. He was doing well, but I enjoyed watching him sweat.
“His parents managed to calm him enough to get him to sit and eat dinner. There was no one surrounding the house or in their garden, despite searching.
“Still unsettled, he told Brenda at 9pm that he was going for a walk to clear his head. She thought it may help and didn’t stop him. When Liam didn’t return by 11pm Brenda began to panic.
“She tried to call her son but his phone was switched off, which was very unusual. She didn’t know what to do. Her and Steve drove around the local area but couldn’t find Liam anywhere. He didn’t return home and was reported missing the next morning.”
“Has there been any evidence since?”
“Nothing. Not a single sighting either, which is odd for a case like this. But there are numerous theories, most relating to a photograph that Liam took and posted online only hours before he returned to the home.”
I picked up a photograph that stuck out amongst the local news clippings and documents I’d managed to acquire from police, rescue forces and PI’s.
It was one I’d spent hours looking at.
It showed Liam, a handsome young guy beaming at the camera, trees around him and his face reflecting the happiness he felt within nature. I’d started to feel like I knew the missing boys face better than even his mother did, having studied it so intensely.
It would’ve been fairly innocuous, if it weren’t for the shadowed figure just visible in the background.
Humanoid in shape, the figure appeared to be standing behind a tree, watching Liam as he walked through the forest. It’s features were clear; eyes, a nose and a smile, all engulfed by darkness. Every time I looked at it I felt a chill of fear and excitement.
The case had gained very little traction; police had mostly written Liam off as a runaway. They kept up a cursory investigation but explained away his erratic behaviour with drugs, despite everyone close to him insisting that it was completely out of character.
Most professionals involved had disregarded the photograph as an optical illusion.
Not all were so eager to declare the mystery solved. Difficult to find Internet forums discussed the photograph regularly, coming up with a colourful array of theories.
Did Liam run away and stage the picture? Was he kidnapped by some sort of Bigfoot? Did he stumble on something he shouldn’t have in the woods and paid for it on his later walk?
Some even speculated that his ex, Janie, killed him to gain custody of their daughter. This was a theory that was fiercely denied by both Janie and Liam’s family. The couple maintained a good co-parenting relationship and the arrangements for Macy were agreed.
His mother contacted me when police officially closed the case after seven years of following useless leads and tips from conspiracy theorists. Macy had started to ask about her dad, to question what happened. Brenda couldn’t bear the not knowing.
“I got your number from a friend at a support group I attend. She said you’re the best.”
That’s all Brenda said to me when she called.
She couldn’t pay. Usually my services are very expensive but Liam’s case intrigued me, so I took her on pro Bono.
It was Daniels first case, and my first working alongside someone else. It was unusual, to have someone in the office who wasn’t crying, or lamenting me for not being able to resurrect the dead.
It was going to take a while to adjust but after the incident in the bar with Olive I was grateful not to be alone. I hoped I’d made the right decision, Daniel’s online credentials were shining as he reeled off the case in perfect detail.
If it worked out I would have so much more time to work out who was trying to stop me getting to the truth.
I thought of Valerie. The hour that I waited for her in the park to turn up and how cold the bars were on that swing. We were sixteen, confused and in love, her disappearance broke my heart.
I couldn’t be more desperate to follow the lead but I had to be smart. I needed Daniel to acclimate before I trusted him to help me with something so important.
I had to see how he’d cope when faced with a monster.
In Liam’s case, everything pointed to him having been taken against his will by the entity in the trees. I’d had the photograph studied by experts in editing, all of them said it was untouched.
That was rare. I’d never before had a piece of evidence so compelling. I ran the risk every time of unearthing another human monster and another human tragedy. Or finding someone like Kai, who didn’t want to be found.
Not this time.
“Tomorrow we’re travelling to the woods and we’re going to retrace Liam’s steps. Are you ok with that Daniel?”
He looked nervous. Daniel was young, inexperienced and sceptical of almost everything I’d told him, regardless, he showed promise.
I’d tried to be upfront and whilst I was grateful that he hadn’t left immediately exclaiming my insanity, I was concerned that he was woefully underprepared.
I’d met him online two years ago, where he’d obsessively categorised missing persons cases, sparing no detail. His reservations were natural.
It’s a hard pill to swallow, finding out that monsters are responsible for a huge number of unresolved disappearances.
Daniel thought that I was making some kind of sick joke, that it was an initiation.
He nodded and we parted ways, him carting a huge folder out of the office to study the case overnight. I’d tasked him with mapping the route and helping us find the spot that Liam took the photo. I wanted to really test him.
I pulled up an hour or so before sunrise outside his small flat, just above a shop.
He’d dressed ridiculously, in a shirt and blazer. I held my tongue, making a conscious effort to come across nicer.
“Morning Amelia!” He beamed, feigning a cool exterior. He couldn’t hide the sweat on his brow or the small tremor in his hands. Not from me.
“Are you ready?”
“I am. Last night I did some research into the local area and the woods Liam went missing in. Did you know there are eight people who disappeared in those woods in the last decade alone?”
“I didn’t know that. Good work. I think we could be dealing with something very dangerous... I have to ask, Daniel... Why the suit?”
I just couldn’t stop myself.
“I’m working. These are my work clothes.”
I laughed a little and touched the accelerator with my woodland walking boots, feeling a little smug as Daniel whimpered a meek protest.
“You’ve not done any field work in your research have you.” I smiled to myself, revelling a little in his fear.
“I find my skills are on a computer. I can dig up dirt, hunt anyone down via their digital footprint and put together a comprehensive file. But no... I’ve never taken it out of my bedroom.”
“Do you know why I offered you this job Daniel?”
“Because I’m thorough. I’m useful.”
“No. That’s not it.”
I smiled again as I took a hand off the wheel and reached across him to the glove compartment, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one as I wound my window down slightly.
Online sleuths were ten a penny but there weren’t many with the skills that Daniel had, I’d chosen him for a reason.
“I hired you because I traced you back to the email address I received the anonymous files from. I haven’t come across many internet detectives with the balls to hack a secure police system.”
Daniel grinned, it was a victory he needed to help subside his nerves.
“Like I said Amelia, my skills are online. I saw some old posts of yours about this case on the forums and I thought I’d give you a hand. We’d been talking for some time and I really wanted this job.”
I felt my whole body cringe. I did need a hand. The files he sent we’re regarding the case that kept me awake every night for over a decade. The only one I’d been unable to solve.
I didn’t want to burst Daniels bubble by telling him I’d already seen those files and that they were of no use to my investigation. It was his drive and ability that I was interested in. I let him have his victory.
“Tell me if I’m overstepping but I didn’t realise that you... knew her.” Daniel continued, plugging the silence that had followed his admission.
“You are overstepping.” I hissed back. “We aren’t discussing Valerie today. Who is the target?”
“The target is Liam-“
“The target is Liam.” I asserted with finality, tossing the end of my cigarette out of the window. I wasn’t ready to let him in, not yet.
We continued towards a small village silently, an antiquated sign marking our turning off the busy stretch of road and into meandering hills and valleys.
I stopped the car abruptly in a small, deserted car park on the edge of the woods.
“Where did he enter?” I asked.
The woods weren’t especially large, not in comparison to the vast national parks of America. For England, however, it was more than just a small smattering of trees. Certainly enough to be classified a forest.
Choosing the correct entrance point was vital to covering similar ground to Liam.
“He lived over that way.” Daniel clutched a piece of paper and pointed to his left, dawn just breaking in full over the tree line. “So he will have gone in through something the locals call the cross tree.”
He pulled another scrunched piece of paper from his pocket and I despaired a little as I noticed his formal shoes. They looked expensive. He unscrewed a photo of two trees that had intertwined about two metres up, creating a perfect natural archway.
It wasn’t hard to find.
There was something about the way the trees danced with each other in the morning light that made it look more eerie than peaceful. Like two lovers in a violent, passionate embrace.
“There’s no need for work clothes in this job, you know?” I joked, trying to make conversation and squash the earlier tension as I held my copy of Liam’s selfie up to various different trees.
“I’m learning that now. There was no induction pack.”
I scoffed. I supposed I wasn’t such a traditional employer. When should I have broken it to him that we were extra busy during holidays?
The forest terrain was treacherous. Even through my boots I could feel the protruding tree roots and uneven surfaces. Daniel was struggling, shivering a little under the canopy that blocked out the freshly risen sun. We walked for hours.
I wasn’t sure what exactly to look for, I couldn’t liken the monster in the photograph to anything else I’d dealt with, leaving us in unfamiliar territory.
Finally, after starting to feel hopeless, I noticed something.
I faced Daniel and held my finger to my lips, stopping him in the clearing we’d reached.
The sounds that accompanied the trees had stopped, there was no birdsong, no tree branches moving in the wind, not even the sound insects rustling in the leaf litter. Instead there was a feint hum, surrounding the area and vibrating from every direction. It was low pitched and hypnotic.
Daniel started to shake as he noticed the low, rhythmic tones. I felt my own heart start to pound a little.
Whatever was near was doing a great job of trying to insight panic. I wondered if that hum was what Liam heard, alone, following him through the trees as he made his way home.
That would fuck with anybody.
“Come on! You didn’t hide very well the first time, why are you hiding now? We’re here for Liam!” I shouted into the open space.
I was angry. Angry that something would be so blatant and yet so cowardly. It was trying to use us as playthings.
“Who said that was the first time.”
The hum came to a grinding halt as the creature spoke and its words echoed directly through me.
“Come out. Face me.”
I noticed that Daniel had dropped his map and his whole screwed up pile of printed documents. The internet wasn’t going to help him now and he knew it. I was confident I could keep him safe... for the most part.
The leg came first. The burnt looking, shadowed leg that lengthened and contracted as it moved, like a slinky making its way down a steep set of stairs. The body followed. Unlike anything I’d seen before the monster moved like the laws of physics didn’t apply.
It wasn’t typical of the monsters I was used to facing. Many of them resembled humans, or at least things that humans might recognise. This, however, was something entirely new.
For a moment, I felt exactly what Liam must have felt. The panic, the terror, the desperation to flee and go home. It wasn’t a good feeling.
As it stabilised, fully in our view it morphed into the human-like shape I’d grown so familiar with when studying the photograph.
It’s extremities resembled the branches and roots of the trees around it. It’s eyes formed in the space between the shadows, glowing a yellow that just stood out amongst the winding branches.
And that grotesque, sinister smile.
Not all monsters were so unpalatable, but I could feel the hatred coming from inside this one. Like it’s sole purpose was misery.
“What happened to Liam.” I quivered desperately.
“Which one was he.”
Without the forest to obscure it the monster voice echoed with each word, like a second, and third, and fourth voice all lived inside it. A mocking laugh following every letter.
“The one you couldn’t resist so bad that you let him take a picture of you.” I held up the photograph, inching slightly closer.
”mmmmmm.... hahahahahah.”
I took my eyes off the monster long enough to recover from the profound effect that his evil smile was having on me. I turned to Daniel, scanning his torn and muddied clothing as I noticed a damp, dark patch on his posh suit trousers.
I hadn’t intended to scare him so badly. I hadn’t expected to be scared so badly myself.
“Is he alive?” I shouted.
”Of course not. He tasted so good. How do you think you taste... Amelia?”
I felt my face sink. I tried to control it but I couldn’t.
“How do you know my name?” I demanded, shaken.
”Your reputation precedes you. There are so many out there who would consider me a hero for removing you from this world.”
I took a step back, piecing together the parts that didn’t make sense. A monster like this wouldn’t reveal itself. It just wouldn’t.
This was a trap. Just like Olive.
“Who hired you?” I screamed, my hands clammy and sweat forming on my neck. I tried to hold my composure.
”There’s plenty of candidates aren’t there. Your work, your life, your involvement with that pretty, young girl... What was her name? How did she taste Amelia?”
I swallowed a lump in my throat. The sickening voice spoke with such knowing of my intimate personal tragedies.
He knew way too much. And we’d found him far too easily.
“Who are you working with? How do you have these details?”
*”I bet you’d love to know the answer to that. You still didn’t answer my question though. What do you think you taste like?”
I snarled. I wasn’t going to get anything from him and I knew it. Distressed, it took me a few moments to notice the creature extending a long, branch-like arm towards my new assistant.
“Daniel move!” I screamed, watching in horror as he leapt backwards, stumbling in his muddied shoes and tripping to the ground.
I ran towards the monster, fumbling in my pocket for the knife I’d used to sever my connection with the sirens. One that had got me out of many scrapes. The creature noticed the small blade in my hand and it’s smile extended, past the perimeter of its face.
”They said you had weapons... Your weapons won’t be effective against them. You have no idea what’s coming.”
I plunged the knife, deep into the shadowed mass as it stood and waited, laughing, accepting its fate. It was apparent the entity was nothing more than another message, a living warning on a suicide mission.
That terrified me even more.
As the knife made contact the creature started to disappear, fading into blackened particles. I didn’t like to kill anything, that was never my aim, but no one deserved to die like Liam did either.
One by one the particles faded into nothingness, leaving behind a lighter atmosphere. As the last of the creature was obliterated the colours in the forest grew brighter and the sharp tweet of a bird broke the silence.
“What the fuck was that!” Daniel’s voice bought clarity to the area as he hoisted himself up from the floor. The creature was gone. I clung hard to my blade.
Clarence, a good contact working closely with monsters, hadn’t explained to me how it worked or what it was made of when he’d given it to me. He said it was a secret of the organisation he worked for and if they found out I had one he’d lose his job.
I’d tried to turn him down at first, insisting I’d rather die than kill, but I’ll be damned if it hadn’t come in good use more than a few times.
“I meant...” Daniel continued, breaking my stream of thought.
“I know what you meant and I told you when I hired you, open mind. You need to adjust to the things you’re going to see. Now get us back to the car, please.”
We stumbled through the trees and out of the woods. Daniel was embarrassed, he tried to hide the wet patch in his trousers but he knew I’d seen.
“It’s ok to be scared you know.”
“You weren’t. I don’t want to be scared anymore Amelia, this was awful... and the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. I’m ready for our next target.”
“Me too... But first we have to inform Brenda that her son won’t be coming home and that her granddaughter no longer has a daddy.”
I shed a tear for Liam as we loaded the car and got back on the road. I had nothing to give his mother, no evidence of life or death and not a single real answer.
Daniel was wrong too. I was scared.
Monsters and the people that work with them are responsible for so much damage. And I know all about it. There was a chance that these warnings lead to Valerie, and an even bigger chance that I was being trapped.
Whoever was after me already knew the answers to my cases and they’d reached the monster first. They were able to make such a terrifying creature willing to die for their cause.
This wasn’t just about stopping me finding Valerie. Someone wanted me dead.
case 3
submitted by newtotownJAM to nosleep [link] [comments]

[Axial Tilt] Destination Vacation

Entry for the Extreme Environments catagory.

“Anything else I can get you?”
“No, no. This is great, thank you.”
The human started sipping his drink as ChashelVel nodded and made his way back to behind the bar. He immediately started to clean out the citrousy, alcoholic remnants of the drink he had just served from the blender that had created it, blinking his nictitating membranes in astonishment as he did so. Vel would never understand why anything would willingly drink something that was half ice.
Not that Vel was complaining about human patronage. His little bar had been hanging by a thread a few years ago, and now he was already planning his second expansion. And it was all due to these crazy humans.
Vel’s little establishment was certainly nothing to look at. It was a ramshackle old building, only held together with patchwork and prayer, as some of the visiting humans liked to say. The keshfiber floorboards and frame were old and weathered, their natural luster long since supplanted by dull grey. Vel had placed giant, leafy, potted plants inside wherever he could in a desperate bid to hide some of the most noticeable wear and tear. By blind luck, this had created an aesthetic that humans went wild over.
A crisp, refreshing breeze was blowing in from off the sea, carrying the briny scent of the water with it. The open air patio of Vel’s bar looked out over the short span of beach leading up to the water, and sapphire blue waves were lapping at the white sand not 50 meters away. The moons were to thank for that, as all three of them were directly overhead, and the tides were at their peak as a result.
Vel flicked his eyes over to his thermometer. 37.5 degrees; it was nice and cool for him. He had initially set up his bar here so that members of his own species could have a place to relax if they had been overworked and wanted to drop a climate zone and cool down for a few days. Vel had never dreamed that anyone other than a fellow Vendrrin would be a patron here. There wasn’t a species in the entire Federation that could handle the heat his species thrived in, and even at a Vendrrin’s coolest acceptable temperature ranges, most xenos would be incredibly uncomfortable.
To anyone from another species, Vel’s little pile of sand was just the mostly inhospitable northern edge of the extremely inhospitable habitable climate band on a farming world meant for the sapient species with the highest known temperature requirements. But not humans. They saw this hunk of beach as a tropical paradise, and they were out here playing in these temperatures. It was utterly bizarre, but it had been a boon to Vel and he was determined to enjoy every second of it.
“Hey boss, when can I get out of here for the day?”
“I don’t know, KlevinkthTial, is your work for the day finished?” Vel tried as hard as he could to keep his frustration and disappointment from seeping into his voice, but it became more and more difficult with each syllable he uttered to his newest employee.
“Well, yeah, mostly. The new filter system is all set up, I just have to attach it to the pump. I can finish up first thing tomorrow.”
“If it will be so quick, why can’t you just do it now?”
“Come on, I’ve been at this all day. Some of the humans are supposed to be setting up a new game today. Botch-something. I wanted to check it out”
“How much water is left in the tanks to get us through until tomorrow if we don’t get the filters up and running now?” Vel knew the exact amount, but was curious about the answer he would get.
“Eh, a few gallons,” Tial said tentatively.
“This is a bar. 90 percent of our income is from serving drinks. We need water to be able to function. You understand that right? We won’t make it halfway through the evening. Now go hook the filters up to the pumps and make sure everything works. Then you can be done for the day.”
The young Vendrrin grudgingly headed back towards his task with a sigh. Vel blinked his membranes a few times in frustration as he watched Tial walk away. At least Tial had been honest about the water levels. Vel could work with that.
He spent the next few minutes tidying up his bar before contemplating the humans managed to distract him from his concerns about Tial’s work ethic. A group of humans was playing a game of volleyball on the beach against a group of Vendrrin. While the humans had a remarkable advantage in strength and raw speed due to their high-g origins, the Vendrrin’s advanced reflexes were allowing them to put up a surprisingly good showing.
Vel’s eyes flicked once again towards the thermometer on the wall, but this time gaze carried a little further and stopped on the picture he had pinned next to it. It was a photo one of Vel’s first human customers had given him of their pet leopard spotted gecko. And it was like Vel was looking into a mirror. True, the pet lizard was tiny, it wasn’t bipedal, and most of its body proportions were wrong, but everything else was straight out of the uncanny valley.
With the massive diversity of known life throughout the galaxy, convergent evolution had played similar tricks on several other sapient species, but Vel had never heard of a resemblance this close. All of Vel’s employees thought he was strange for keeping the picture pinned where he did, but he had never paid them any mind. He couldn’t explain why, but that gecko helped him keep his perspective on life whenever things were getting crazy.
Vel had to consciously pull himself back to his cleaning before he meandered too far into his own thoughts, and turned away from the gecko picture. He set about his tasks with a renewed vigor, and had just finished organizing the glassware when his favorite customer slid onto the barstool directly across from him.
Daniel Cross was a large man by human standards, barrel chested and with arms thicker than a Vendrrin torso. His massive frame was covered by a baggy pair of shorts and an incredibly loud shirt patterned with leafy trees, while his feet were covered only by open toed sandals. Dark sunglasses obscured his eyes, and the rest of his face was hidden behind the mop of sandy brown hair on his head and a bushy beard of the same color. He was half a head taller than Vel, and easily five times as wide. Vel didn’t even want to consider the disparity in actual mass between them, and his bar seemed to agree, groaning slightly as the burly human leaned across to greet his old friend.
“Well damn, Vel, when you told me you were expanding, I thought you’d at least make the place look a little nicer.”
“Hey, you dumb apes like the look of this place for some stupid reason. Who am I to disappoint my customers. It took a lot of time and effort to find enough keshfiber that was so weatherworn.”
“Smart man. Now, I’ve heard tales on the ride down that you have somehow learned how to make a proper margarita? If that’s true, I need two of them. The haul out here was an absolute bastard.”
“Lucy still giving you trouble?” Vel asked, as he started pouring ingredients into the blender.
“Trouble’s an understatement. She needs to have her whole damn drive core replaced. I don’t know if we got a faulty model or if it was just installed incorrectly, but I’ve got no clue how it managed to get us here. Spent a lot of sleepless nights just trying to keep Lucy from sneezing us out of sub-space. You know Bill, though. If I can fix it, he isn’t going to spend the money to replace it. Sometimes being gifted’s a curse, ya know?”
“Where is Bill?”
“Oh, he’s still in orbit wheeling and dealing. Doesn’t need the engineering crew to haggle, though, so he sent us down for R&R early. Probably knew we’d revolt if he didn’t.”
The blender pulsed, loudly interrupting their banter for a moment. When it stopped, Vel was quick to fill a pair of glasses with the slushie concoction and set them in front of Dan. The massive slab of mammal immediately grabbed one of the glasses and drained it in one long pull before slamming the glass down with a shudder.
Vel was about to ask Dan about the rest of his crewmates, but stopped before the words could form. The massive human had suddenly stiffened, his head had tilted to the side, and his face was clearly strained. Realizing something was obviously wrong, Vel started scrambling for a communicator to call for first aid. “Are you all right? What happened?” Vel asked, trying to figure out what had gone so suddenly awry.
“Ah, no. I’m fine. I’m fine. SHIT. Whoo, damn!” Dan shuddered violently one last time and then settled easily back into his previous, relaxed posture with his trademark grin on his face. “Brainfreeze, Vel. It was just a brainfreeze. I’m fine. Calm down, little buddy. Holy shit did that hit the spot, though. Damn good magarita, by the way. Whoever taught you to make these deserves a raise.”
Dan eagerly raised his second drink and started sipping. Vel stood staring at him slack jawed and with membranes blinking furiously, his hastily found and forgotten com-pad dangling precariously from his fingertips.
“Brain what?
“Yeah. If too much frozen food hits the roof of our mouth, it starts pulling heat from our brains, and… You know what, don’t worry about the details. It’s just a thing that can happen. It kinda hurts, some people enjoy them. There’s no need to worry about it.”
Vel was sure of it now. Humans were all insane. Any creature that would drink ice and willingly subject themselves to what was obviously excruciating pain couldn’t be all there mentally. Vel’s eyes flicked over to his gecko picture, and he took a few deep, calming breaths. He reminded himself that the universe was more massive than he could possibly imagine, and he was just a small piece of it. The details didn’t matter, and there was no reason to stress. With a final series of slow blinks, Vel started cleaning up the mess he had made scrambling to call for aid.
The two old friends sat in silence for several minutes, the big human sipping his drink, the slender reptile fastidiously organizing his bar. A fresh breeze blew in from the sea, rustling the fronds of the potted plants and blowing some of Dan’s sandy hair out of his face.
“You know, Vel,” Dan finally said, breaking the silence. “You really should look into buying more property along the coast of this sea. Especially farther north. What’s the climate like on the North shore?”
“About 25 degrees,” Vel replied after giving it some thought.
“Year round?”
“Pretty much.”
“Yeahhh. You need to invest in as much of that as you can. Once word really starts getting out about this place back in the Commonwealth, you are going to be absolutely flooded with humans. 37.5 is a bit on the warm side for us, but 25? That’s perfect. Mark my words. Within a generation, this place is going to be a tourist Mecca.”
“That’s way too cold for Vendrrin to operate in easily.”
“So? Buy the beach, build the resort, then hire humans to run it.”
“But Colventheth is a farming colony.”
“For now. But with those moons? Hawaii aint gonna have shit on this place. Most of our colonies aren’t fully terraformed yet. Bet your ass there will be people lining up to spend a month each way on a freighter just to spend a week here.”
Vel blinked doubtfully. “I don’t know. It just sounds…”
A thunderous boom and an accompanying low, dull roar prevented Vel from finishing his sentence. What had sounded like an explosion had come from the rear of the building, and what sounded like rushing water was filling the auditory void the blast had left behind.
“The hell was that?” shouted Dan.
Before Vel could answer, KlevinkthTial rushed out of the kitchen area panting, his jumpsuit soaked completely through with water.
“What did you do?” Vel bellowed, grabbing Tial by his soggy jumpsuit.
“I don’t know. I hooked the filters up just like the instructions said, I was running the test protocols, and everything started overpressurizing. Before I could turn everything off, a line blew somewhere, and then the pump just exploded. Now the tide is just forcing water through the system, and I don’t know how to make it stop.”
Tial may have been a slacker, but he was no idiot. Vel looked him over in a flash, and he was clearly mortified. Consequences for Tial would have to come later, though.
“Where did the line blow? Was it in the building anywhere?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t have time to find it.”
Without waiting for another word, Vel sprinted into the back of his bar. He barely noticed Dan effortlessly vault the counter and follow him. Vel tore through the kitchen to the backmost corner of the building to find the utility space in ruins. The pump motor had exploded, everything in the vicinity had been soaked, and water was gushing out of the ruined apparatus onto the floor. It looked awful, but other than the pump, nothing major had been destroyed. A quick patch would prevent any more water getting in, and then it would be just a simple mop up. Unfortunate, but not a disaster. Vel grabbed one of Tial’s wrenches and started towards the destroyed pump.
“Hey boss! I found the blown line!”
Vel turned towards the sound of Tial’s voice, and his heart nearly stopped. Tial was standing behind the door to the walk in freezer, tentatively holding it open an inch and using the door to shield himself from the dangerously cold air that was rushing out. Water was streaming from the opened door, far more than was coming from the pump.
The water pipes running underneath the building had ruptured directly below the walk in deep-freezer. Fixing the blown line quickly would require going into the freezer, and the temperatures inside were well beyond lethal to Vendrrin. Knowing exactly what he would find, Vel turned back towards the utility corner where, across from the pump and filter station, the bar’s freezer suit was hanging. Seven layers of insulation thick, and woven through with powered heating filaments, the freezer suit was more robust than a spacer’s vac suit, and was the only thing that would allow a Vendrrin to survive the temperatures that long term food storage required.
And Vel’s was soaked clean through.
Vel was ruined. The only way to stop his bar from flooding was to get the pipes sealed off. And he couldn’t do that without taking a day to dry out his freezer gear, or turning off the freezer until it was safe enough to work in and losing all of his frozen product, costing him his entire inventory. Vel had spent years stocking his long-term supplies with delicacies from around the galaxy. His stock wasn’t large, but it was varied, and it was expensive. Even if he could recover from the loss financially, it might be years before he ever saw the opportunity to buy some of his more exotic items again.
“Eh, that doesn’t look too bad.”
Vel spun to find Dan pulling his head out of the opened freezer door. “What do you mean, ‘not that bad?’ This is a disaster!”
“Nah, it’s just a busted pipe,” Dan said, striding across the kitchen towards Tial’s pile of tools, his feet sloshing as he went. He stopped and picked up a tube of sealant, a patch, and a wrench before sloshing his way back towards the freezer. “I’ll have it fixed in a minute. You just work on that busted pump.”
The Vendrrin entrepreneur watched in a daze, not fully processing what was happening, as his favorite human walked up to the freezer door, wearing nothing but his baggy shorts, loose shirt, and sandals, and simply walked inside to his death.
Vel stared at the freezer door for a full thirty seconds before the full weight of what he had just witnessed hit him and he was able to recover his sensibilities. He was across the kitchen in a flash, pounding on the freezer door and screaming for Dan to come out, hoping against all odds it wasn’t too late. Vel even briefly opened the freezer door, determined to go after the crazed human and somehow drag him out, but just the lightest touch of the frozen air was too painful for the Vendrrin to bear.
He didn’t know what to do. There was nothing he could do. Vel had just watched his favorite xeno die, and it happened for absolutely no reason. If the pipe had just burst anywhere else…
“Tial, help me plug up the pump!” There was a frenzy underlying Vel’s tone as he called for his employee and rushed towards the pump. If he could stop the leak, maybe he could enact some quick repairs, or depressurize the system, maybe there would be a chance that Dan was still alive and would somehow come out of the freezer on his own.
The two Vendrrin reached the pump at the same time, Tial sharing his bosses urgency. The work was frantic, but they worked in perfect sync, and within minutes, the last drops of water had hit the kitchen floor. Vel then turned his attention to the pump controls, trying to find a way to reverse the flow of the system, but it was beyond hope. The entire motor was shot, and every electrical interface was completely soaked.
Vel slumped down against the wall, defeated. He looked up at the freezer suit hanging by his head. Maybe if he were to throw it in the oven to try and speed dry it…
No. There was nothing more to do. It had been at least five minutes since Dan had entered the freezer. Dan was dead. There was no denying that now. How was Vel supposed to tell Bill what had happened? That his sibling had just up and killed himself? Would anyone believe that? Was that something humans did?
The freezer door burst open in a swirling cloud of frozen fog as Dan’s hulking form stepped out and slammed the door behind him.
“Son of a BITCH, it’s cold in there!” he yelled, giving a quick violent shake for emphasis.
He stood in front of the freezer door panting, and every inch of exposed skin was flushed a bright red. His loose and very loud shirt sat rigidly on his body, every fiber soaked and frozen together to encase Dan’s torso in a stiff shell. Most striking, though, was Dan’s face. Every hair was coated in ice crystals, from his eyebrows and eyelashes to the tip of his beard. Even the sandy haired mop on top of his head had lost all flexibility, staying weirdly in place as Dan moved underneath it.
“Well, that was refreshing. Pipe’s all patched up. Everything good out here? Why are you guys staring at me like that?”
“You should be dead,” was all that Vel could choke out in response. He was still sitting on the floor where he had slumped, held in place by shock. Vel was thrilled that Dan was still alive, but was very, very confused as to how such a thing was possible.
“Dead? The hell are you talking about?”
“The cold. You went in without any protective coverings. It should have killed you.”
“I mean, I probably couldn’t have stayed in there for too much longer without getting some frostbite or something. It’s not that cold in there, is it? How low do you have the temp set?” Dan asked incredulously. The ice on his face was beginning to melt, and as he spoke drops of water started to trickle down his face and beard before dripping to the floor.
“-25 degrees.”
“Shit, I’m from the Midwest. That’s damn near golfing weather back home.”
Vel stared at the giant, frost covered monster that was his friend for a long minute, watching as chunks of ice sloughed off his face before finally organizing his emotions enough to stand. When he spoke, his voice was tired and oddly emotionless.
“Thank you, Dan. You really saved me just now. I could have lost everything if you hadn’t been here. Drinks are on the house. Tial, can you start mopping up? I’m going to go make some calls about new pump and filter systems. I’ll be back to help when I’m done.”
Without waiting for a reply from either of them, Vel made his way out to the bar and fished out his compad. As he was scrolling through contact numbers for various plumbers and contractors, his eyes flicked up once again to the picture of the leopard spotted gecko. This time, though, it wasn’t enough to help Vel center himself. It only left him with a nagging question in the back of his mind:
Why was everything involving humans so damn weird?
submitted by STATICinMOTION to HFY [link] [comments]

The “Plan” of P2V4 (Spoilers up through P3V3)

Preface: Please note that my intent here is just to theorize and share my ideas; I’m not looking for WN spoilers to (assuming it's explained) reveal the ‘correct’ answer. If you do comment any spoilers for post-P3V3 content, please be sure to spoiler-tag and label them appropriately!
Word count: 4667. Read at your own risk lol.


I wasn’t around to discuss P2V4 on JNC when it came out, and I’m too nervous to necro its forum thread and potentially reignite debate there, so I’m writing out my thoughts here instead. This is my attempt at thinking through what we do and don’t know about the 'get Myne adopted' scheme, parsing between what was part of the plan and what went haywire, and trying to write out a sort of timetable of events that led to P2V4’s resolution. Thoughts / interpretations / viewpoints / pointing out I forgot something all welcome.
As far as what inspired me to write this up, some time back, I thought that the “black charm” Syl gave Myne couldn’t have been the overarching plan for Myne’s adoption. I then forgot where I first got the idea from (lol), only to recently go back through P2V3 and remember exactly what sparked it – the prologue, when Ferdie talks to Kars. Piecemeal, we get:
“She showed an enormous amount of mana to everyone,” Karstedt began. “Rumors have spread like wildfire through the Noble’s Quarter with the Knight’s Order at the center of it all. Myne will be in even more danger now than she was before.”
“Undoubtedly. Her mana was more extraordinary than I had anticipated. Although I declared that she was under my custody, I am ultimately no more than a mere priest. Nobles seeking mana will hunt her down, and one day she will be put in harm’s way. It is impossible to say whether I will be able to stave off all of their advances.” [...]
“What will you do, then?”
I would ask you to adopt Myne,” requested Ferdinand [...]
“...I am willing to adopt her, but there are some who would find fault with you for requesting my help before anyone else’s, no?”
Ferdinand could guess who Karstedt was referring to. His expression darkened and he drummed his temple while saying “Must everyone be so difficult to deal with...?”
Ferdie is specifically asking Kars to adopt Myne here, not Syl – in fact, he’s purposefully avoiding letting Syl in on the initial conversation altogether. (Granted, the identity of the ‘other person’ is never stated, but it’s undoubtedly Syl in hindsight.) As Ferdie is alone with Kars here, there’s no reason to believe he’s trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.
And yet, when P2V4 is resolved, we get the following (Sylvester – Cleaning up the Mess):
Once the presence of people outside the door faded, Ferdinand let out a low sigh. “And so, our plan worked. We’ve accomplished our goals.”
We’d secured Myne, who had refused to sign with a noble and tried running away for as long as she possibly could [...]
“Not too shabby. I’ve got a real bad taste in my mouth, though.” If you ignored how awful it felt to purposefully lead my mother into a trap and then rip apart a happy family, then sure, today was a pretty good day.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Sylvester. This was the best possible outcome.”
“The end doesn’t always justify the means, y’know?” Whenever something happened that led to me getting called black-hearted or cold and calculating, you could bet that Ferdinand’s plots were to blame. Most of the time, anyway. [...]
“What about Rozemyne, then? You don’t feel anything about erasing Myne from existence and turning her into Rozemyne?”
“...I think this is the fastest and most efficient means of giving her a brighter future.”
Despite some guilt, Ferdie now thinks being adopted by Syl is the best thing to do, and based on Syl’s internal complaint, the plan was probably Ferdie’s idea – it wasn’t something Syl randomly brought to fruition according to his whims, nor was he hiding his intentions from Ferdie.
Clearly, something changed Ferdie’s perspective between the beginning of P2V3 and the end of P2V4 – the question is, when and why did it change? Which means... timeline time.

The (Relevant) Events of P2V3

  • Prologue: Ferdie asks Kars to adopt Myne, intentionally avoiding involving Syl in the discussion.
    • As aforementioned, we have no reason to think Ferdie is lying here. The OG plan is for Kars to adopt Myne, end of story.
  • Punishment for the Knight’s Order and My Future: Ferdie discusses with Myne the prospect of being adopted by Kars. She immediately rejects the idea and has a panic attack; Ferdie compromises with her by saying she can wait until she turns 10 to be adopted.
    • Ferdie will later admit when talking to Myne’s parents that “[he] thought she would give in if both her parents agreed to it,” so the ‘age 10’ thing is merely temporary appeasement.
    • Syl hasn’t been introduced yet and nothing has happened to warrant Syl-adoption over Kars-adoption, so we can safely assume they’re not lying about Kars-adoption this early on.
  • Completion of the Metal Letter Types: We don’t really get the full details until later (The Title of ‘Gutenberg’) because our dear protagonist faints midway through the conversation, but this is a turning point where some people (read: Damuel and Benno) can clearly see how printing will change history.
    • This is the sort of thing Ferdie needs to report to Syl – but Ferdie later states that he originally didn’t fully understand Damuel’s report because he hadn’t seen the press in person (Visit to the Orphanage and Workshop), so whatever potential report he gives to Syl isn’t necessarily a game changer. At most, it likely just further piques Syl’s interest in Myne.
  • Temple Stay Extended: Myne learns she must stay at the temple for longer than expected, because Wolf suddenly died and she’s at risk of being targeted by nobles. Ferdie explains the situation to Gunther and Effa, also mentioning the restrictions that have been set by the Knight’s Order upon nobles entering the city. He then describes the eventual necessity of Myne’s adoption, and although he doesn’t mention Kars by name, he again cites Myne turning 10 as the deadline. Both Effa and Gunther give approval for the adoption at age 10.
    • I’ll give Ferdie the benefit of the doubt and assume Wolf died at the hands of a noble who was upset over Wolf’s failure, and not by Ferdie attempting to scheme Myne into staying at the temple longer – simply because her stay is only extended through Spring Prayer, and the adoption scheme occurs decently after that, right at the end of spring.
    • This is where Ferdie murmurs about hoping for immediate adoption. As he didn’t bring up anything regarding treating Myne as Kars’s birth daughter – which would be necessary if the printing press had changed his view and he now wants them to agree to Syl-adoption in the conversation – presumably he’s still shooting for Kars-adoption at this time.
    • However, the ‘easy’ plan (parents agreeing to immediate adoption) is shot down, so there’s a good chance this is when ‘scheme’ plans (force Myne into adoption) are now on the table. Though Ferdie may have hoped for the ‘easy’ plan to work, he would be prepared for its failure, which explains why the limitations on nobility – far too restrictive to be upheld for the next two-odd years for Myne’s sake alone – were already put into place before the meeting.
    • As a side note, Syl is now confirmed to be involved with the plan, as he’s the one in charge of restricting or allowing access to Ehrenfest. He was probably informed sometime earlier, but this is the first time we see the archduke taking relevant action in-text.
  • Preparing for Spring Prayer: Myne dreads travelling via carriage and asks for an alternative; the day before the trip, Ferdie announces they’ll be going by highbeast instead and introduces Syl as a blue priest.
    • Syl’s introduction is an “urgent matter” brought up very last-minute; the suddenness of it (plus Ferdie’s grimacing, though that might be due to Syl in general lol) makes this change appear to be one of Syl’s whims rather than a trio-concocted scheme. Had Syl determined it was important to personally meet and judge Myne based on the Damuel -> Ferdie -> Syl flow of information regarding the printing press, this would have been determined long ago and Ferdie wouldn’t be so rushed to change plans.
  • Ambush: Spring Prayer goes normally for some time: they travel by highbeast, occasionally switching to carriages and having Myne wear a veil to hide her face. The group avoids staying at Viscount Gerlach’s and instead stays at Count Liesegang’s, only for two brigands to enter Kars’s room at night looking to kidnap Myne. Both brigands kill themselves before they can be questioned. The next morning, Myne & co. are ambushed by several dozen commoners with weapons who aim to attack the carriages, and Myne casts a ridiculously large Wind shield to protect them, marking herself as a “dangerous threat” to nobles.
    • This event seems the most likely to warrant consideration of a transition from Kars-adoption to Syl-adoption. Spring Prayer was focused on keeping Myne hidden, only for her to shoot off a huge beacon detailing exactly how powerful she is in a broadcast clear for her enemies (P2V4, Prologue) to see. Kars-adoption was supposedly equipped to handle cross-duchy kidnapping to some extent (Punishment for the Knight’s Order), but its reliability had been determined by the assumed level of danger pre-broadcast, and we are never told explicitly if it remains sufficient or not.
  • Visit to the Orphanage and Workshop: Ferdie views the printing press for himself, finally understanding its worth. Syl visits the orphanage and workshop, and then the forest a few days later, gathering info from the orphans on their view of Myne (P2V4, Leon – Sylvester Undercover). Afterwards, he pulls out a “protection charm” for her – the adoption necklace – and tells her that if she’s ever in a “bad spot,” she can put her blood on it, and he’ll come save her. He emphasizes she should never take it off.
    • Presumably, Syl doesn’t just walk around with adoption contract necklaces lining his pockets 24/7, so he must have prepared it beforehand. We don’t know how long it takes to obtain one, but even if it was only decided on post-ambush, Syl had the rest of Spring Prayer and the days leading up to his forest visit to prepare it, which sounds plausible enough.
    • Recalling Syl’s comment post-scheme resolution about how Ferdie is usually the machinator, we can assume Syl doesn't pass the necklace along in secret. Both Ferdie and Kars should be aware of it.
  • Epilogue: One of the High Bishop’s associates (Bindewald) is planning a visit to Ehrenfest, as he is seeking a child with the Devouring.
    • This is the next step of HB’s ‘remove Myne from my sight’ plan, formulated in the aftermath of Spring Prayer (P2V4, Prologue). Because Myne’s actions at Spring Prayer were unplanned, Ferdie couldn’t have taken into account beforehand the level of response it would get, though he can still intercept or take advantage of any plots so long as he learns of them.

The Status of the Plan

If the above is accurate, we know both the ‘when’ and the ‘why’ of the major shift in plans: Myne’s actions during Spring Prayer. While originally just Kars-adoption was fine, and there were suggestions of a plan in motion to facilitate its attainment before Myne turns 10, Spring Prayer puts Myne in enough danger to warrant a Syl-adoption for her safety, resulting in Syl handing over the necklace as the first step in the new plan. So, are we all good on the plan’s formulation and can move forward to analyzing its application in P2V4?
Nay! Nay, I say!
As it stands, I take issue with ‘the scheme to get Myne on the adoption fast-track is the necklace,’ simply because it’s really sloppy. If that plan is the basis of the adoption scheme, the entire thing becomes completely reliant on the single act of Myne signing the adoption contract – which is very shake grounds to hinge a plan on. In a general sense, we have three potential issues: (1) the availability of the necklace, (2) the presence of Myne’s blood, and (3) sufficient trust in Syl.
  1. The availability of the necklace. There are several ways this can go wrong, the first being if Myne just ignores Syl and never wears the necklace again. That much is easy enough for Ferdie to notice beforehand, and he can probably figure out how to get her to start wearing it. However, Myne generally wearing the necklace doesn’t preclude the possibility she just so happens to forget it the day of. Because the timing of the scheme relies on HB’s actions, Ferdie can’t tell HB “sorry, try again tomorrow” if he notices she isn’t wearing it that day. And atop all that, even if she does wear the necklace, the chains or clasp could break during the day at random or even amidst the kidnapping scuffle – and a lost necklace means no contract.
  2. The presence of Myne’s blood. The lower city kidnapping attempt is facilitated by HB, not Ferdie, meaning he has no control over the specifics of the attack. When things play out in-text, Myne only has blood to sign the necklace with because she scrapes her knees when she’s dropped; she could’ve not been dropped, or her injuries could’ve not resulted in any blood, both of which would prevent use of the charm. Unless, of course, Myne willingly bleeds herself for the sake of signing the necklace, but she’s not a ‘bite my thumb dramatically’ sort of protagonist. We’ve repeatedly seen her fear having to sign magic contracts with blood – as has Ferdie in P2V1, The Meeting Begins, and technically also P1V3, A Quiet Commotion, although he might not remember Myne’s baptism. Assuming Myne would injure herself on the spot to use the charm is a non sequitur.
  3. Sufficient trust in Syl. We know from experience how Myne is far too trusting of people, to the point Benno is surprised she was attentive enough to distrust her attendants to carry her donation back in P2V1. This is probably the easiest issue to overcome as a result, since Syl manages to present himself well enough to Myne – not perfectly, but decently in line with Ferdie’s introductory description of “good heart beneath his rotten everything else.” But at the same time, were Myne to waver at all or otherwise not feel it’s worth calling on Syl for help, she could simply not sign the charm and be on her way.
When everything else is being meticulously plotted out, it seems ridiculous for Ferdie’s adoption scheme to rely entirely on a single unplannable moment, enough so that despite constantly seeing evidence to suggest otherwise, it’s almost easier for me to imagine Syl tacked on the charm in secret as a haphazard backup plan. Okay, that’s probably a bit mean to Syl, but this is Ferdie we’re talking about, Mr. “I only start fights that I know I can win” himself. Relying on Myne signing the charm is inherently not a fight he can be certain he will win.
As such, my next thought is that the plan therefore doesn’t hinge on Myne signing the necklace.
Let’s consider the ‘perfect’ scenario (from Myne’s perspective): the downtown attack leaves her uninjured, and she makes her way to Ferdie without any toady interruptions, the necklace unsigned. She would still be scared, but since she didn’t get into an altercation and her family isn’t at risk of being executed, I don’t think Ferdie could coerce her into leaving behind her family to sign with Syl. Recalling Tuuli being in danger would probably be enough for Myne to sign with Kars immediately, though.
In contrast, the ‘perfect’ scenario (from Ferdie’s perspective): the downtown attack either injures or otherwise frightens Myne enough for her to sign the necklace. I’m not sure whether the plan was for Myne to avoid the HB altogether or for Ferdie to swoop in before things get physical, but either way, Myne still avoids directly battling any nobles – which means that, again, her family is not at risk of execution. If Ferdie’s ideal is met and she’s already signed the contract, he might at least attempt keeping it in place, but Ferdie is presumably aware of the very much non-zero possibility of Myne’s ideal playing out.
All of this is to posit the idea that, rather than being the main goal of the adoption plan, Syl’s charm is more of a bonus feature slash contingency plan. As a bonus feature, it works in the case Ferdie’s scenario wins out over Myne’s, and they can try promoting Syl-adoption over Kars-adoption. As a contingency plan, it works to protect Myne in the case that something goes wrong (which it does lol). And, to be pedantic, the post-resolution quote I mentioned at the beginning does still line up with this concept: Ferdie simply says “our plan worked. We’ve accomplished our goals,” and Syl follows up with the thought “we’d secured Myne, who had refused to sign with a noble and tried running away for as long as she possibly could.” Ferdie or Syl could have explicitly said their main goal was Syl-adoption, but instead their statements are left ambiguous.
If this is the case, the creation of the updated plan around the end of P2V3 would be as such: after Myne jeopardizes her safety through her actions during Spring Prayer, Ferdie & co. have increased need of backups in case things go askew, as they usually do when Myne is involved. They shoot for catching HB, his conspirators, and Veronica through the forgery, and for Myne to agree to immediate Kars-adoption to prevent future kidnapping attempts. And in case things go haywire, which Ferdie would absolutely want to avoid, the charm can act as a safety net.
Now let us examine how the scheme plays out in-text.

The (Relevant) Events of P2V4

  • Prologue: We touched on this a bit already; HB and his cronies are behind the events at Spring Prayer. Having revealed his Darkness feystone, Bindewald is now officially in cahoots with HB for the ‘remove Myne from my sight’ scheme.
    • Although Ferdie doesn’t have incriminating evidence at this time, he knows to some extent who HB is associated with, as that knowledge determined who Myne wore a veil in front of during Spring Prayer (P3V1, Elvira and Lamprecht Attack). This means he knows who to keep an eye on for suspicious activity.
  • Both Sides of the Story: An emergency bell rings out one afternoon and Damuel whisks Myne home. Gunther reveals that a non-Ehrenfest noble attempted to enter the city without a permit and was refused entry.
    • Bindewald tried initiating the kidnapping, only to fail because HB was never informed of the latest entry permission changes for nobles (The Two Who Left). Obviously, this notifies Ferdie of Bindewald’s involvement.
  • The Two Who Left: Damuel tells Gunther to inform all the gates to not let in any nobles, as the archduke is away for the Archduke Conference, meaning permits might be forged. Delia takes Dirk to HB and gets him an “adoption” (read: submission) contract with Bindewald. For the first time, HB wants Myne to visit his chambers, tipping off both Fran and Myne that something must be up.
    • Damuel’s message comes from Ferdie, passing it along in a strange chain of command (blue priest -> apprentice knight -> gate captain -> gate commander, rather than as a direct order from the Knight’s Order) at an unusual time (Syl has already left for the conference). This is part of the plan, probably instituted because Gunther is a soldier working at the gate – the east gate at that, which connects to the main outside road and is therefore the most trafficked (P1V3, Epilogue).
  • The Shadow Falls: Otto finds Myne and explains that while Gunther immediately informed his commander about the issue with the permits, Bindewald slipped in before the east gate commander informed his subordinates. As Damuel sends out an emergency flare, Tuuli and Myne are briefly kidnapped; Myne is saved by Gunther and helps rescue Tuuli immediately. Having fallen and scraped her knees, Myne decides to use her blood on the “protection charm,” and Gunther carries her back to the temple for safekeeping.
    • Either the east gate commander is incompetent and deserves to be fired, or they were told by Ferdie & co. to keep their mouth shut and let Bindewald pass. Under the hopeful assumption that incompetents aren’t being assigned commander, it’s probably the latter. It makes Gunther think that Ferdie is doing everything in his power to foil their enemies, which prevents him from complaining about the measures taken as a result of the (orchestrated) failure to protect Myne as a commoner.
    • Here is the big ‘lucky break’ of the plan, where Myne bleeds and decides to sign the charm. It would sorta suck if Myne made it safely to Ferdie after this, only to be informed she absolutely has to be re-written as Rozemyne and adopted by Syl; magic contracts can be voided with the consent of all parties (P2V3, Meeting of the Minds), so that’s always an option, but I wonder if Ferdie would allow that when it’s already been signed. In the end it would be up to Myne and Syl though, and Syl might be willing to cancel it if the safety measure is unneeded.
  • The Noble from Another Duchy: Arno intentionally lies to Fran about Ferdie’s absence (Arno – Fran and I), but when Damuel says that Ferdie isn’t with the knights, they go back to check again, only to run into HB and Bindewald. A fight ensues when the baddies try to force Myne to sign a submission contract.
    • Surprisingly, it’s Arno rather than Myne who sends the plan into disarray. Had Fran’s message gotten through the first time, Myne should have gotten to Ferdie safely, wrapping up everything in a neat and tidy bow just the way Ferdie wanted it: a sufficiently scared (but not truly life-endangered) Myne ready to be persuaded into immediate adoption.
  • The Black Charm: Ferdie finally comes out from his room, understandably shocked at the fight playing out in front of him. He tries extracting info from HB and Bindewald, only for them to claim Myne attacked them. Ferdie talks to Myne, who brings up having signed the charm, and he reveals that Myne and her family can avoid execution if she agrees to be adopted by Syl, which she does. With that determined, Ferdie casts Divine Smite on the baddies while Myne protects herself and her allies with a Wind shield.
    • A brief tangent, to discuss Myne’s overarching observations of Ferdie’s emotions.
      • When Ferdie talks to Myne in this scene, she notes “his eyes [are] sad and full of sympathy,” and he shows “a brief flash of pain on his face.” Then, when she reveals the necklace, “he stared at the stone for a solid second, then widened his eyes in disbelief” before “his flat expression [was] replaced with a gentle smile.”
      • As most of the series is told from Myne’s POV, we normally get her interpretation of events – but those evaluations are generally relatively spot-on and representative of the matter at hand. This includes her descriptions of Ferdie, which are built upon several volumes of exposure. She experiences an emotional Ferdie throughout the falling action of P2V2, where he is apologetic after the trombe extermination (“his tone was dripping with frustration and remorse”) and teary-eyed after use of the mind-reading tool (she hugs him to calm both their emotions). There are many instances of Rozemyne seeing through Ferdie’s “grin” to detect the “evil” underneath – just look at how often it happens in P3V2 (A New Task and Winter Preparations, Hasse’s Contract, My Winter Preparations, Starting Merchant Activities), where the text repeatedly suggests that she not only has her finger on the pulse of his emotions, but also that she can read between the lines of what he presents versus how he actually feels. Not to mention the countless times she sees the brunt force of his displeasure – often aimed towards her lol – up close and personal. She even picks up on his “scientist” mode the rare occasions it appears (P3V2, The Monastery’s Barrier; P3V3, The Night of Flutrane).
      • Granted, Myne is probably running off a lot of adrenaline during P2V4’s climax and isn’t in maximally efficient ‘analyze Ferdie’ mode, but based on her many observations of his mood across P2 and P3, I’m inclined to trust her interpretations of his presentation here as predominantly truth rather than complete façade.
    • So, why does Ferdie feel this way? It’s because things are no longer going all according to keikaku. Myne ended up in a direct scuffle with HB and Bindewald, and unless she happened to sign the contract – which was never a guarantee – she’s now extremely screwed. So he wheedles her for a bit, sincerely worried (though I imagine “eyes sad and full of sympathy” are Myne-speak for something like ‘eyebrows furrowed 2 cm. closer together than usual’), and is legitimately happy he can take action when she reveals the already-signed charm. Of course, she is indeed slightly off the mark, since his worries are ‘the plan was messed with and Myne might die’ rather than ‘how awful, Myne might die,’ but Ferdie isn’t about to correct her on that.
  • The Source of Strife: Syl and Kars arrive, and the trio finally closes the noose around HB and Bindewald (and Veronica) for all their crimes.
    • Santa, get. Toad, get. Mother Gothel, get. Goodbye, faction opposing Syl as archduke.
  • The New Me: They decide to commit money laundering, but with identities. It is announced that Effa, Gunther, Tuuli, and Kamil will no longer be Myne’s family. I am very sad.
  • Ripped Apart: Myne becomes Rozemyne; the Syl-adoption contract and all its particulars are completed. Idk why I read the whole chapter when I knew it would make me cry.
  • Sylvester – Cleaning Up the Mess: We’re back to what I mentioned at the very beginning, where the trio applauds a successful plan. The scheme is complete.

Final Thoughts

Arno screwed the plan up in a very simple but major way; had Ferdie not eventually left his room, Myne could truly have ended up kidnapped, what with all her guards beaten and her lack of physical strength. Luckily, Ferdie does leave his room, and Myne signed the necklace downtown, leading to what I guess is the second-best possible ending of the scheme, where things go wrong but everything still gets accomplished.
My view of the events of P2V4 arose specifically from the question of “why would Ferdie rely on the adoption necklace,” which I think is worth asking once you observe the supposed transition from Kars-adoption to Syl-adoption. Considering that the original plan was Kars-adoption, Myne is never told pre-scuffle that Syl-adoption is now legitimately necessary because of safety issues, and we later see in P3 exactly how close Kars is to the archducal family, I don’t think Syl-adoption was ever truly a ‘must obtain’ goal until Arno botched things.
I’ve done a lot more thinking on this topic than I ever needed to, so I’m curious as to how it lines up with other people’s understanding of events. Did I miss something important? Did I consider something you never thought of? I’m eager to hear anyone’s personal thoughts on the whole scheme and the intent behind it.
And of course, if you got through this wall of text, thank you for reading! Happy Saturday, y’all.
submitted by MasterLillyclaw to HonzukiNoGekokujou [link] [comments]

Poor Indigent Stained Sloppy (PISS)

In terms of humans, the United States Army can easily fit ten pounds of shit into a five pound bag. There is no room to swing a cat in the numerous vehicles I have been subjected to enter. Capacity is the objective, and comfort is meaningless. "We're going to pack you into a cattle car, then pack you into an airplane, and then we are going to pack the sky full of Paratroopers! The old life changed after Assessment and Selection, and I found myself flying "White Tail" (Commercial Air) more often than "Gray Tail (Military). However, flying White Tail is not without issues.
My second deployment to Lebanon was "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles." My initial flight out of Baltimore Washington International (BWI) was canceled without notice. It was time to call the Travel Princess who coordinates all our civilian travel.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Travel Princess: Hello
Sloppy: Hey Travel Princess. It's Sloppy. My flight out of BWI was canceled.
Travel Princess: That sucks. Need me to book the same flight tomorrow?
Sloppy: No. I have an engagement tomorrow, and I need to fly tonight.
Travel Princess Magic!
Travel Princess: I just found a flight out of Dulles International Airport (IAD).
Sloppy: When do I fly?
Travel Princess: Three hours!
Sloppy Brain: Fuck. My. Life.
Sloppy: Okay. Looks like I will be...
Travel Princess: Having awkward conversations with a Cab Driver!?!
Sloppy: Exactly.
Travel Princess: I have bad news though!
Sloppy: Excellent. What is it?
Travel Princess: I can't get you a window seat. I got you an aisle seat.
Sloppy: So long as I am on the end and not subjected to two strangers.
Travel Princess: Also, you won't be going through London Heathrow. You'll be traveling through Kuwait City International (KWI).
Sloppy: (Frustrated) AWESOME!
That's how it started. Thankfully, my cab driver was more introverted than I and there was zero conversation during the commute to Washington D.C. Much to my surprise, the new-start of my international travels went swimmingly. Unlike BWI, the Transportation Security Authority (TSA) had little interest in the gadgetry in my suitcase.
Minor Rant
Dear Reader, have you ever been told a "Fact" that you did not know, or believe to be true? I am typically that guy for other people, but Troy was that guy for me. He was a former Troop Sergeants Major, and full of absolutely useless knowledge.
Troy: Did you know you cannot hum while holding your nose?
Sloppy: Bullshit!
Sloppy: Fuck!

Troy: Did you know bleach expires?
Sloppy: Bleach does not expire.
Troy: Yeah, actually, it does.
Sloppy: You're a fucking idiot. Bleach does not expire.
Troy: Bet you lunch it does?
Sloppy: Deal
Detailed Internet Calculations (DIC)
Sloppy: Fuck. What do you want for lunch?
Dear Reader, there are also the moments in which someone tells you a "Fact," but there is no way to scientifically prove that it is, in deed, factual. My "Army work"was uniquely different than the typical "Army work." There are times in which I travel with equipment that peaks the interest of a TSA Agent. I have no issues providing a mundane overview, but I don't have the time, or the authorization to provide detailed insight. Thus, Airport Security can quickly become a lethargic process.
Troy: Did you know TSA Agents try to avoid inspecting luggage with sex toys?
Sloppy: What?
Troy: Like if you have a giant dildo in your bag. They won't check it.
Sloppy: How in the hell do you know that?
Troy: My buddy. He is a TSA Agent and said he never checks bags with sex toys.
Sloppy: That does not mean this is indicative of all TSA Agents.
Troy: No. Probably not. I know they never check my bag though.
Sloppy: Crazy Eye Glare!?!
Troy: Yup. I travel with a dildo.
Dear Reader, I am certain TSA would check your bag with your dildo was nestled tightly to an object that screamed, "I'm a blast at parties." Simply writing, Troy's advice is by no means backed by substantiated fact, but TSA has never asked me to explain my unique gadgets, or the dildo in my carry-on baggage.
Rant Complete
I am not enthusiastic about aisle seats. I don't particularly care for strangers. I found my seat near the end of the aircraft, and the four seats to my left were empty. They also remained empty when the Captain announced they would be closing the doors, and we would be departing in thirty-minutes. I thought I had just won the lottery. Then I seen a mother, Crib-Midget, and Mini-Human approaching. There were four seats, and only three humans, but I felt that someone had just kicked my puppy.
Dear Reader, I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Everything has it's place, and I match everything when I dress. I iron and hand my clothes the day before I wear them. I take great pride in my appearance. My OCD-alarm was pinging when I seen them approach. The Mini-Human was likely around ten years old, and carrying the largest drink Starbucks ever made. They forcefully made their way to their seats, and the Mini-Human plopped down next to me. He set his frou-frou drink down on the flimsy tray-table, and then started jostling around.
I take Tylenol PM as soon as I sit down on an international flight. Sleeping is my way of time traveling. I found myself in a dilemma. My body was telling me to close my eyes and visit the sandman, but my brain was forecasting a catastrophe.
Mini-Human Jostling Around
Sloppy, with the reflexes of a cat and speed of a mongoose, catches the drink as it's about to tip.
Mini-Human: Sorry. Thank you.
Sloppy: No problem.
Second Time
My reflexes are starting to fade, but the cup nearly tips off again as he plays video games on a handheld device.
Mini-Human: Sorry.
Sloppy: No problem. Please just watch it though.
TIME TRAVEL (Thirty-Minutes)
I wake to a very cold sensation on my brand new pants. There was chilled coffee, delicious caramel, and whipped cream all over my crotch area. My facial expressions clearly frightened the Mini-Human, but I knew it was an accident. I told him it was okay. However, I was forced to wait until we got to "cruising altitude" before I made my trip to the bathroom. I was forced to sit and just let the frothy goodness embed it's deliciousness into my outfit.
Cruising Altitude and Failed Un-dirty Clothes (FUC) Sloppy returns to slumber.
I don't recall exactly how long I was sleeping, but I was out-to-the-world. I awoke to a stewardess frantically shaking me, and telling me that I need to address an immediate issue.
Stewardess: Sir. Sir. SIR!
Sloppy: (Groggy) Yeah!
Stewardess: Here. You're baby is crying.
Sloppy Brain: Fuck. My kid is crying.
Sloppy: (Groggy) I'm so sorry.
Sloppy is now holding the last thing anyone should trust him with; another human life.
Sloppy Brain: Wait! Wait! Wait! You don't have a kid. Well, you do, but you don't have a baby, or kid on this flight.
Sloppy: Ma'am. Ma'am. Ma'am!
Stewardess turns!
Sloppy: This is not my baby. I don't have a baby.
Sloppy motions "HERE! TAKE KID NOW" gesture.
Stewardess: I am sorry, but I can't.
Sloppy: What?
Stewardess: I can't take the baby. Where are the parents?
Sloppy looks at empty aisle seats.
Sloppy Brain: Great! Fucking great. You're dream of an "empty aisle" came true, but know you don't know where the mother of this screaming child is.
Dear Reader, I have a baby cradled in my arm like a football, and I don't know where the endzone is, and spiking a football-sized human is not generally a socially acceptable practice. I need to "Heisman" this kid, but had no earthly idea where the mother was, aside from being on the airplane of course. The plane was a great place to start though.
Contrary to what many people would assume, I love the Middle East (ME), and predominately Muslim countries. I love the food, and I love the people. I have a disdain for Muslims whom initiate the lead jellybean exchange with me, but I would have that problem with Christians and Atheists as well. I generally dislike anyone who wishes to expedite my shelf-life by way of supersonic paper-cuts. There are cultural customs that make finding an absentee parent difficult during an international flight, specifically burkas.
The mother was a "ninja," and wore a head-to-toe black burka. I literally didn't know what she looked like. Further complicating my location effort was the fact that she was not alone. There were at least another hundred ladies that shopped at the same Dooey & Burka store.
Stewardess: What was she wearing?
Sloppy: That!
Stewardess: (Puzzled) Is that her!?!
Sloppy (Fuck. My. Life Face) NO! She is wearing a black burka. Aside from that, I don't know what she looks like.
Stewardess: My god! This is gonna be challenging.
The stewardess was firm on her stance of not taking the Crib-Midget, but she thankfully assisted during Operation Find Unattended Kid Mother En-route (FUK ME). We, but mostly me, woke up at least thirty people before finding the mother's ass planted in Business Class. I can only imagine what the other ninja ladies thought when I asked them...
Sloppy: Ma'am. Ma'am. Excuse me? Is this your child (Extends human outwards)?
There were a considerable amount of "NO" answers. Worse? Some of the people did not speak English. I wonder what was going through their minds.
Sloppy: English. English English English?
"Would you like my child?"
"I found this "thing" next to me. Is it yours?"
"Free Baby! Piping hot Free Baby here. Get your Free Baby."
The stewardess had a long conversation with absentee-mother, and she returned to Coach with the rest of the animals. I couldn't see past the eyes, but she looked angry with me. Not only did I rat her out for her stealthy move to Business Class, but I passed off a crying human.
Dear Reader, the rest of the flight was uneventful. The landing and hustle at Kuwait City International was anything but. I was familiar with the layout of the airport, but I was low on time. I had decided to take another attempt at washing my pants. I entered the nearest bathroom and found a line of men, and they were all washing their feet in the sink.
I get it. I understand why they were doing it, but there is no "wait in line" in the Middle East. You, like an asshole, push your way to the front and skip everyone else in line. It's "a way" in the United States, but is not "the way" most Americans practice "wait in line." I got sick of standing in line after about ten men budged. It was my turn.
Sloppy: Excuse me. I was in front of you, and I am going to...
He looks me up-and-down, and then it happened.
Male: At least I didn't piss my pants.
It was perfect English, but I didn't have the time to explain that I didn't piss myself. I just rolled with it. The second cleaning attempt was just as fruitless as the first cleaning attempt. The only thing that made my trip better was chaos in Beirut International (BEY). I arrived, and managed to beat the rush through customs. I was then greeted by a nearly seven foot tall giant named Jimmy.
Jimmy: Whoa! Did you piss your pants?
Sloppy: Not yet. Long story. I have to piss before we roll.
I was more than familiar with the layout of this particular airport, but I was paralyzed with piss-pain. I could barely walk, let alone run, to the bathroom.
Jimmy: Ahh. I will go hold up the line.
It was an odd statement. I was not certain how Jimmy would, "hold up the line," but I would soon find out. The bathroom at Beirut International is immediately to the right after you depart customs. However, it's the size of a small closet. There are two urinals, and one toilet stall. The spacing between the urinal and opposite wall is no more than four feet though. Again, think long, but narrow closet.
I continue the agonizing pee walk and I am a bit disappointed when I see a large line forming near the bathroom. There was "loud chatter" that I didn't understand, and some clearly disgruntled humans. I rounded the corner and nearly pissed myself. Jimmy was in deed "holding up the line." Jimmy's back was firmly planted on the wall to the right, and a flowing stream of yellow piss was arcing across the room, and landing in the urinal to the left. Jimmy was peeing from wall-to-wall. Nobody was going past urinal number one without receiving a golden shower.
Jimmy: (Smile) I got you man. Come in. I'll pinch her off.
Sloppy, like Moses (Kind of) parts pee stream and proceeds to second urinal.
I take a look to the left to get a glimpse of the chaotic line at the entrance. There were loud grumbles of displeasure, but, then I seen an old man. The old man was at least 70 years or older, and his face went from scowl, an onto smile. He then started to clap and I congratulate Jimmy's technique.
Old Man: (Laughing with Arabic Accent) Bravo. Bravo.
Sloppy: That was fucking brilliant.
Jimmy: Yeah. Didn't think you wanted to wait in line. Pulling out a gun would have been too much, so I figure peeing across the room would work.
Sloppy: Good to know for the next time.
That's that Dear Reader. Not an ordinary Military tale, but it was the oddest Military travel tale I have had. I "pissed my pants" with coffee, which ruined them. I was handed a baby that was not mine, and then forced to conduct a Ninja-hunt. I was accused of pissing my pants by men who were washing their feet in sinks. I was then accused of pissing my pants by Jimmy, and then Jimmy saved the day with four feet of arc pissing that was superbly executed. I'd like to thank the Army for this tale, because I don't know if Joe Civilian has experiences like this. Fucking Army!

submitted by SloppyEyeScream to MilitaryStories [link] [comments]

Which team NCT 127 and WayV are on during Rooftop Fight. Let's take a look of NCT's biases in Dream!

2021 came, the year all Nctzens anticipated for THE ROOFTOP Fight! If you have no idea what rooftop fight is, take a look if my recent post covering the issue.
The thing is, Dream is ready and Nctzens made their bets. Polls were prepared and choices are made. Even SM is ready which is suprising because the content is now scheduled and it will be in NCT Dream's yourube channel. But for today we are covering an importsnt question, who do you think NCT 127 and WayV members root for deep down? Which teams are they in? And does your bias roots for also your Dream bias? Lets find out. As usual we go from oldest to youngest.


Taeil is a pacifist in the nature, the unofficial maknae of Dream probably closest to Haechan because of 127 and clearly has a huge soft spot for Haechan. But recently he filmed It's Awkward but its okay series with Jeno who happens to be another pacifist in the nature just like Taeil! As you can guess it was a bit awkward since both of them are introverts but clearly they hit it off well. Although his pacifist nature and the old man he is, he advices all Dreamies to not fight and prays for all of their health. However he just can't help but be sliiightly biased towards Jeno and Haechan.


While Markyong is the son and father duo, offically THAT duo, I also think that Taeyong has a cute little soft spot for Jisung, the maknae of whole Nct. Sure Markyong bonds over many things like for their passion for music, dance and writing lyrics even though they are absolutely worst at explaining... Yeah they can make eye contact and think they should look out for each other because there is a lot coming with diffrent units. They make breakfast together, jump to the pools and do face masks... They kill on the stage together and work on many unreleased songs and they bond over struggles of being a leader for their unit... BUT Taeyong just can't help but also root for Jisung, the ultimate maknae. His leader instincts take the control and looks over for the youngest. In the end Taeyong roots for Mark and Jisung, probably the ones that will lose first... Taeyong I am sorry but your love for your kids will not help you win this bet.


Well Johnny is a man with suprises. He roots for Na Jaemin, the man who is as passionate as him in photography and the owner of this catch phrase 'Sexyy' which Johnny approve. This pair bonded over in It's Awkard but it's okay series and showed a great chemistry and proved they are a hilarious duo indeed. Their bond continued to grow in Work it promotions. Despite the similarities Na Jaemin and Johnny shares like their perfect english vocabulary we can't forget Mark Lee. No Johnny can't forget him because this duo is iconic. Mark Lee who is a permenanet guest in JCC, Mark Lee whom Johnny just can't help but tease lovingly. Although we know Mark has absolutely no chance at winning this fight, Johnny just rootes for him so that he can tease him for losing in the most Johnny way ever, meaning protectively. Like how a brother does to his little sibling...


Chenle as the biggest fanboy of Nct 127 previously promised to cover for Yuta if he is busy in future! Knowing all choreographies of nct 127 and remembering them even better than original members, with his passion of rap and nearly stealing Markyong's main rapper position Yuta and Chenle were a pair destined to happen. On the other hand Yuta bonded with Mark for a long time ago and this time he is shameless with his affection. From threatening people if they ever hurt Mark in HSR and ultimately resulted for his screentime to be cut to teasingly start "Don't overreact Mark" catchphrase and clowning his farts their relationship evolved something more affectionate and loving. Now we are seeing Yuta absolutely dote on him and hug him every possible time. With that it's safe to say Yuta is on team Chenle and Mark!


There is no suprise Doyoung is on team Jeno after he announced that Jeno is officially his son and his favourite dreamie and Jeno returning the favour by telling Doyoung is his favourite nct member. However Renjun climbes the top of Doyoung's bias list very fast, after bonding over an Awkard meeting which created an iconic series, pair also did many vlives proving their chemistry. However the real reason why Doyoung %100 supports Renjun is obviously because Renjun is his successor. Renjun will do what Doyoung couldn't do and that's beating Lee Haechan. Doyoung is known to lose to Haechan in everything. And I mean everything... And the solution is crystal clear to Doyoung. It relies on Haechan's scary, you g and ruthless friend Renjun who is most probably the only one that can challenge Lee Haechan. Well Doyoung got Renjun's back so we will see how this plan will end up! While we can never know who Doyoung would root since he is an unpredictable person we are absolutely sure that there is no chance Doyoung roots for Haechan.


I am pretty sure this didn't came with a suprise since Kun not only adopted Chenle but also spoiled him like there is no tomorrow and showed his bias without even regretting. These Chinese duo is known with their cute bickering but also faking care of each other and sharing cute stories. Despite being in completely diffrent units and mostly in diffrent countries it never stopped them to share their affection towards each other. You can see how Kun stays back for Chenle in recording diaries, in his radio show and Chenle constantly mentioning Kun in his Weibo and Bubble. Based on all these evidences I will say Kun is a hardcore Chenle biased!


Ten and Mark has known each other for years, debuting together and now in SuperM. They are also one of the pairs that never lost connection even though they both had diffrent and packed schedules. Ten letting Mark use his Netflix account, their wholesome moments in JCC and 90s Love promotions it's clear these foreign swaggers cherish each other very much. But Mark isn't the only one Ten has an amazing chemistry with. During Work It promotions Ten hyping Jaemin with his own catchphrase and Jaemin's affectionate himself hugging Ten passionately clearly shows how also this duo missed each other. That's why Ten is on team Mark and Jaemin, his younger brothers who he missed a lot!!


Jaehyun is infamous with his neutral unreacting face. While people may think it's cold actually Jaehyun loves all dreamies so much saying they are closer than expected. So he chooses to stay neutral and enjoy the show while he surely roots whoever wins because his competitive ass doesn't let him do otherwise. But can you blame him? Who should he needs to root? His other half Mark or his former roommate Haechan? His favourite younger member Chenle or his awkward pair Jisung? Or should he root for Renjun and Jeno whom take a lot of pictures together? In the end he loves all dreamies and he will root for the winner. You can say Jaehyun is a man with smart choices, there is absolutely no losing for him.


Winwin who dodges every affection from NCT members suprisingly only affectionate to Mark and Chenle. While I do not know his reasons and I am just guessing maybe because he relates Mark with that affection and how Chenle is just adorable and his young Chinese brother, it's clear that Winwin bias them.


While Jungwoo showed a quite great chemistry with Mark he decided to scrap that plan with his It's Awkward but It's Okay series partner Chenle. They both decided to not rely on Mark to communicate with each other and promised to play basketball. On the other hand he and Jaemin goes way back, especially in their trainee days which is clear by how Jungwoo can freely tease Jaemin and work well. To put it blatantly Jungwoo is team Chenle, Jaemin and he is a passionate supporter of them in every way.


Lucas and Mark, the same age friends that got close with each other very fast in 2018, made a great iconic vlive with full of laughter. Till this date Nctzens still miss that vlive. Luckily they were able to meet with each other with SuperM and now Resonance where we can still see the great chemistry they have. However Lucas is also close with Renjun who is his other Chinese friend and is strong enough to carry Lucas. While Renjun impressed all Nctzens who underestimated his strength with that stunt it also made everyone painfully aware with his capabilities. And Lucas is a man who respects that, he is team Mark and Renjun.


Xiaojun is China line biased and jt shows! He did instagram lives with Renjun and Chenle often and joined their lives as well. You can see how they are comfortable with each other because they joke and tease so freely. Watching their lives feels like a sitcom show where you thirdwheel to very close friends. Xiaojun just has that energy when he is with Renjun and Chenle. He is just so carefree with them you can't help but stupidly smile at them. With that I will say Xiaojun is team Renjun and Chenle!


While Hendery is already a friendly guy he particularly gets along well with Jisung and Chenle who are goofy enough. Their first Vlive was very comfortable and they mentioned how they don't feel awkard with each other despite they met new. Hendery also mentioned how he wants to get close to them so with that I conclude thag Hendery is team Chenle and Jisung!


Yangyang roots for Renjun and Haechan who are ironically their biggest enemies, but it's simply because Renjun is his best friend in nct. As expected from China line, they have a great chemistry and their lives are even funnier than normal who are equally savage. On the other hand Yangyang also expressed his wish to get closer with Haechan and in 90s Love promotions we can tottaly see that! So Yangyang roots for Renjun and Haechan who both have high rate of survival. Safe to say Yangyang has solid bets!


So Sungchan who just debuted with Nct has mentioned several times how he appreciated Haechan and is comfortable enough to tease him which takes a lot of courage. There is no need to deny he is Haechan biased but also he is unexpectedly close with Jisung. He constantly mentioned him as a person who he wants to get close and because of his age he feels comfortable with him. That makes me think Jisung is Sungchan's biaswrecker which means Sungchan is either team Haechan or Jisung!


Shotaro who is the new Nct member, very shy but cute but also very comfortable with Jisung who is most probably his dream bias. In a nct content where Jisung and Taeil introduces new members to Nctzens with some healthy tips, Shotaro looks more comfortable than ever. Thinking how they are also close in age it's safe to assume that Jisung is Shotaro's dream bias.


And with that we finished NCT's biases in Dream and who they root in this rooftop fight! Luckily SM announced they will release the rooftop fight and I am so excited. We will see how close our predictions come and also I will end this series with one last post that means next in our series which will be posted after the video...
Rooftop Fight Analysis... Who winned and why? Where did our predictions go wrong?
Stay tuned
submitted by DooOooT-dOOoOOt to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

🚀GME DD PT2 🚀🚀🚀🚀 + Coordinated Charity for Autism and Kids + making it rain at GME + Coordinated Social Media

Post updated and complete

There are plenty of 🚀🚀🚀🚀 to keep your attention. This will be long. This will be epic. It even includes a physics lesson and how GME is in a physics equation, validating Valhalla.
Just as reminder, most of you should have possibly received your first “welcome” $5 certificate from GME. Your first month’s Certificates will be available at the beginning of calendar month. You also received 10k points to be redeemed for 2x$5 off coupons or donate $10 to a charity. So by tomorrow you should have $10-$20 incentive to make it rain at GME. (You can end up with min $75 in certificates in the 12 month period)
Since “people” are lurking and keeping tabs on us, let me have your full attention with this.
Ryan is Vito Corleone and Mel is Don Ciccio. More on this later, but just in case you are clueless, here is a little preview.
Since many people like to compare GME to BlockBuster, both BlockBuster and Toys R Us can be Antonio Andolini. I’ll include an important economic lesson later regarding all 3 companies.
I want to start some #️⃣ #trends

1. #TheDogFather

I think it’s very fitting for our savior Lord Cohen. Yet still “clean” and catchy for mainstream media. He may be aware of us, but we want him to know that we support him and are looking forward to him.

2. #AnOfferHeCantRefuse

I think we all know this one...

3. #HireOptimusPrimo

GME didn’t take me seriously. I contacted HQ, the HR department specifically. I said I would like to get on board with GME and that I’m responsible for a massive spike in their memberships. The guy was dumbfounded of my request to look into Pro Membership numbers and said he would “email others to look into it and they may contact” me...then he suggested that I should still apply for positions at GME....when I said I want to be on board, I literally meant the board....but I’ll be willing to start off as a district manager or in marketing.
Now it’s been a few days, and I know it’s right before New Years, but Sherman has yet to contact me. Then again, he doesn’t even have twitter, showing how old school he is.
3) I will need your input for additional # ——————————————————————————

Official Start of the Post

WSB is what GME is to the general public. Just like GME, most people don’t understand WSB and have a negative view on us. They hear rumors, see glimpses and glorified headlines and make their opinion on WSB.
Are we perfect? Hell no. Are we saints? Absolutely not. Do we have some bad apples who are cringeworthy that even we at WSB despise? Absolutely! WSB isn’t for soft ❄️ and the faint of heart individuals who take things at face value.
The truth is, just like GME, there is a lot of positives to us, but not everyone notices that and looks at both GME and WSB as pure evil. Many are betting against GME and WSB. Unfortunately for them, both are here to stay, and will become a greater presence as time goes on.
Have you ever beat it up so good that months later they contacted you back for a repeat? Well you haven’t, but your wife can attest to this experience.
“The axe forgets what the tree remembers.”
We are going to hit Mel and other shorts twice.
Before I lose you since this will be a lengthy post with lofty goals of charity and coordinated social media presence...
GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
This is an attempt to coordinate our efforts and become a more powerful force to be reckoned with.

Speaking of Force, even Physics validates GME🚀🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀

You see there is an equation for Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation. The law is that objects with greater masses have a greater (attraction) gravitational force. The attractive force is directly related to the mass of the objects, and inversely related to the distance between them.
The more massive the objects, the greater the force. The greater the distance, the less of the force. Want proof? Have you ever seen any chicks on my 600 lb life who is single? They all have a partner. Have you seen the 1000 lb sisters? One of them is currently pregnant. That means that someone, possibly one of you, managed to get her pregnant.
The law validates itself, the more massive you are, the more attractive you become. GME has been a massive target for shorts, it has been and will remain a huge attraction to shorts and bears.
GME is so attractive, that Mel left GME for dead. They could’ve closed positions, they weren’t satisfied at $4. They want GME bankrupt.
Don Ciccio was wise enough to order Vito to be killed when he was 9, but his foot soldiers weren’t the best. In fact, when Vito’s mom begged Don Ciccio to spare Vito who is ”dumb-witted and only 9 years old” after having killed her husband and her oldest son who has vowed revenge; Don Ciccio responded “when he becomes bigger, he will come for revenge and kill me.”
So calling Mel Don Ciccio is an insult because Don Ciccio was wise to attempt to tie up loose ends, but the fate is the same.
Back to Physics: The law and equation...
The equation (for Earth) is:

F = GMeM / Re2

Can you believe this???

We all know what Re means...but if they are scattered and too far from each other, the force is not as great. This is why we have to recruit and bring all the scattered individuals to join the cause. The closer the distance of Re, the greater the force.
With that said, not all forces are evil, and we will be benefiting many great causes.
We are the leading sub in gifting awards, by a landslide, and that’s not even coordinated. Imagine if we did actually start to coordinate for our goals.
FFS, we may have set the record of most awards given to a post for a post that said to buy shares instead of awards.
People are aware of us....but they don’t take us seriously. They notice us, they lurk for their headlines and etc, but they don’t see the true power behind us. Every now and then, they may acknowledge or refer to us, but the reality is, it is always in a negative way. In fact, that’s ok. We don’t want to give the illusion that we do charities and donations to improve our “image.” We are not like the powerful and famous people who do things for PR purposes. We are just your regular individuals who have a more giving heart then the people who look down upon us.
Many people here have individually donated to charities and towards great causes, for genuine reasons, and that is far more valuable than those who donate for pure PR.

Back to the tree and axe saying:

The tree is Mel, old, ancient, and deeply rooted in their beliefs. While trees are beneficial, this one is rotten and is experiencing heart rot. On top of this, there are many termites planning on feasting (smaller position shorts and bears.) We are not going to eradicate them, we are going to hit them twice. They’ll call the first one a fluke, contribute it to new console releases, and pure luck of WSB.
But at some point, in order to realize gains, we will have to sell. Eventually time will pass, GME will be lower than its peak values because of the inevitable squeeze, and some unfortunate souls will be FOMOing at the top and be left bag holding. These bags will be so big and heavy that not even Southwest Airlines will let them fly for free.
The likes of Mel, boomer analysts, and bears will rise again and claim that it is going back to the “5 year trend.” They’ll be setting themselves up for a 2nd round...But by this time

TheDogFather Cohen has taken over GME

and laid the foundations of successful business that will help GME transition and thrive.
GME has consolidated and we’ve kept it above $19. But no one is taking us seriously. There was an obvious attack that made the Uptick Rule go into effect this week, and many expected today to be the dip. We here at WSB don’t have 🧻 TP hands, but there are others who do. Those individuals are not aware of us and are easily manipulated. We should educate them, harden them up and have them join the cause.
Just like how many of you and the public weren’t aware of the memberships, many people (outside of here) aren’t aware of the strategy. Or if they are, they may not understand what to do and what not to during uptick rule times and not using margins etc.
We also want to quickly spread solid info. Some of you posted my post on stock twits and noticed other people talking about it. Thank you for that, we made a reach, but we need to make it bigger.
This is where my new info and DD will come into play, and many others as well.
The reality is, many people (consumers and “investors” are still having the stereotypical view of GME. These stereotypes are leading to a downfall and an uphill battle.
Getting the word out and educating people is the best thing to do, not just for GME, but for all businesses. There is great lesson to learn from and there’s more to it than just “they didn’t transition with the times”
There are valuable lessons to learn from BlockBuster and TRU, which I will get to.

You can redeem 5k points for an additional $5 certificate or donate to the current charities GME is affiliated with.

We can also come up with our indirect donation / charity. One of my ideas was is that we can organize a program with hospitals.
We can buy memberships under fake names or possibly

Ryan Chewy

The Ryan Chewy name will serve a 2 fold purpose. Besides in the name of TheDogFather, it’ll serve as a warning signal to Sherman as what is to come and that he better not start taking credit for more “memberships and retention.”
And use the phone number of a local children’s hospital. This bit of info can be shared with that hospital, and they can use the certificates to purchase little toys etc. Obviously the hospital would need to use their own funds to cover the remaining balance, but perhaps they already have such budget, or maybe they can set up and we can donate here and there.
At the very least, they can get a physical copy of the magazine (assuming you signed up for $20)...but since it’s COVID, the magazine can’t really be maybe digital is better.
These are just random ideas, if we combine all of our low IQs, we can come up with some good benefit drive ideas etc. ——————————————————————————-

New Update

Alright earlier today I wrote an Erotica novel of DD, which was mainly a preface / foreplay to this. The idea was to be able to finish it all in one go, but I ran out of my supply...
All jokes aside, life came up and I thought I could finish it rather soon but that didn’t happen.
Many of you have an attention span that is longer than you could last in bed, so I’ll just spill the DD here. I highly encourage you to go back to that post because I’m trying to coordinate and a make a push for charities, donation ideas, and creating a social media push / trend to not only round up undiagnosed Autists out there, but to also to send batman signals to #TheDogFather Ryan Cohen.
The best “news” can be slaughtered by poor presentation. I have doubts with Sherman up there, perhaps they’ll use someone effective. 🤷🏻‍♂️

DD points: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

1) GME is making a bigger push to becoming PC oriented, not just games and accessories, but parts as well.
2) The reason Sherman was able to qualify GME as “essential business” was because of the few PC stuff they had. Then they sold out of that PC stuff in March and after that they were basically open because of PC qualification despite not having any PC items. By switching to “technology” category, Sherman would have to qualify them into that. The way he has been able to do so is for 2 reasons.
A) To ensure that they’ll stay open in similar lockdowns. This will probably not be mentioned...but the dude did push for his stores to remain open and got backlash for it. Already tarnished a damaged image.
B) Change business model and get in that Tech Train.
3) OmniChannel experience.
4) GME has signed contracts with “about 6” vendors and providers “a couple which were just recently.” That number was a ball park # off the top of their mind. These include MSI, NewEgg and so on.
5) You will be able to outright buy gaming PCs in stores and / or just order any part you may need. They’ve ran small trials for these and plan on rolling it out to stores at different times. Unfortunately not every store will have the same experience/ products based on demographic/ size...but they should still be able to order and ship to home or store pick up.
6) Stores will have dedicated areas for PC experience. Ok let’s be realistic, most stores are the size a the PC area will be a house for ants.
But if you check out local GME stores and see empty display areas / locked glass with nothing in it, this is where it is probably going to be dedicated.
7) Even if you buy $10 card with $5 certificate, you’re not hurting GME. All those cards have been paid for before they got on the wall. You’re helping money come back, plus the goal is that people will spend more money.
The goal from my 1st post with push of pro memberships wasn’t to rely on the $15 or $20...and have that as the savior.
The idea is that with more memberships, you have more leads, and you have people who are more likely to buy products from you. You’ve now successfully pried someone from going a bigger retailer or online merchant.
8) Buy memberships for other people. You can also buy memberships for business such as daycare / hospitals etc. At the very least they can have a physical magazine delivered on a monthly basis ($20 version) even if they never choose to use certificates.
9) Pro Rewards:

digital gamers benefit hugely.

Remember those PSN / Steam etc cards, there is 40pts for every dollar spent on those as opposed to 20 pts on everything else.
Why does this matter? Faster points to redeem certificates for yourself or charities already affiliated with GME.
Every 5k can be redeemed for $5 certificate or donated to charities.
If you just recently signed up, you got 10K points already, plus welcome $5 coupon. Your 1st official $5 certificate will be available 1st of each month... so you may have up $20 available pretty soon...
10) GME now offers their own CC, which is available to use the same day. They also offer flex pay options from 3 different vendors who allow you to qualify from your phone and make payments ...GME isn’t taking this risk, they get paid from the vendors, customer pays the vendor.
They also have a rent to own program, with minimum of $120+.
Final points:
Most customers are buying for other people, that isn’t going to change. So while e-commerce is huge, some Karens will always need to show up to store...
But GME sells “used games” for nearly same price as new or more expensive than new games. They don’t make this decision, they sign contracts that can’t reduce price on these games until x amount of time...
But GME barely offers any $$$ for my product.
Hi there, they are a business, the most important thing for a business after great customer service is to have profit margins.

How long 1 minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you’re on...

Let’s talk a quick lesson of value vs worth.
Your PSP might be worth $100 to you, but it only has a a value of $5 to GME. Why? Because for every 1 person that comes in looking for a PSP, they have 15 others trying to trade in. After they reach their limit of trade in, wtf are they going to do? Collect every PSP at the price you want them to? So that’s part of why you get offered low prices.
There’s other things involved. They have bills to pay, electricity, rent, wages, medical benefits, legal fees, alarm / security, maintenance on commercial grade AC/ventilation and many more. Oh yea, they also provide people with a safe place to trade in without risking getting robbed, shot, or killed.
When any business closes, it’s not just those employees who lose their job. The services that that business relies on (mentioned above) now lose a customer and revenue as well. There is less stores for that AC company to send people out to...which means less money for them, which leads to more lost jobs.
And you know what caused it? That lazy bum who chose the comfort of purchasing from home from an online merchant etc. There’s much more to this and this is just the tip of the iceberg when people choose how you do business and shop. There’s pros and cons to everything. I’m not saying never order online, but try to keep a balance. Support your local businesses when you can.
People complain about not giving their child the same memories of going to TRU, but don’t realize that they themselves led to the downfall. GME was also there for many people who went and played video games at stores for free, as opposed to an arcade. Now people turn their backs on them when they have the opportunity to pay it back, by simply buying the same stuff they are going to anyway from other online / brick & mortar merchants whose gaming department is less than 5% of their piece of pie.


ICR changed to Tech because they are changing their ways, and going more PC oriented. They’ve signed contracts with vendors and providers. More focus to PC gaming, include actual gaming computers, and parts that can be ordered.
Don’t forget the hashtags when @RC
  1. #TheDogFather
  2. #AnOfferHeCantRefuse
  3. #HireOptimusPrimo

[Check this comment for info on stacking points vs auto redeeming](

4) Already being used but never hurts, remember to use #WeWantCohen
Makes donations easier!!! Educate people and 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
submitted by 0ptimusPrim0 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Alien-nation Chapter 7: Introspection

Ha...sorry, did it again. Posted wrong chapter title.
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I got the rest of the details of the bombing from Vaughn over lunch at our hangout behind the school cafeteria.
The bomb had partially dislodged the pillar from the bridge and gravity had done the rest. The vehicle was designed to do many things, but ‘float’ wasn’t high on the list. Our primitive infrastructure and years of neglect on our bridges had worked against the troops inside. Once they hit the water they were doomed. The purps’ armour was tough enough to stop a .50 calibre bullet, but physics was still physics. Armour tough enough to withstand a bullet or homemade bomb had to be dense, and density had an unfortunate negative correlation with flotation.
The rumours spread fast after lunch. One of the ones was that among the casualties had been a kid at school’s parent- probably their mom or older sibling. I couldn’t tell whether that rumour was actually true or not. That was when I noticed someone had switched chairs in class to sit in front of me. It was a blonde kid- lanky with a head shaped a bit like a 2-nut peanut tilted vertically. He was one of the neighbours I’d grown up with as friends but hadn’t talked to in years. He was sitting in front of me, facing the wrong way around in his chair. The teacher didn’t mind- History class was barely organised anarchy at the best of times. “You didn’t do it, did you?” George asked, staring right at me. There was only one ‘it’ at the tip of everyone’s tongues.
“What? No,” I lied. Vaughn would have been proud.
“A fuckin’ shame,” George said, unexpectedly shifting the tone of the topic- because I had a feeling he didn’t mean the rumour mill about the kid’s possibly-dead relative. For all I knew they were doing that for attention. George wouldn’t have come over here to ask me about that. He-
“It was me,” the words came out of my mouth. Was he referring to the bombing as being sad, or that I didn’t know who did it as being the shame? I met his eyes, and he met mine dead-on. Words seemed to fail me right then and I stammered out “I-I’ll talk with you after school?” Not here.
“Yeah? The old daycare?” A pretty convenient halfway point between our houses back home. I nodded and he jumped up from his chair and took back his normal seat. I checked to see if he talked with anyone. George didn’t look up from his homework once the entire time or make any kind of eye contact with anyone.
The last few minutes of the period eeked out and the class emptied out. One more class to go for the day. I’d probably just put myself squarely in the rumour mill’s crosshairs. But on the off chance I hadn’t… I knew we were dead in the water anyways. Six was a start. We needed resources. We needed manpower. The more I looked at our situation the more I realised that it was doomed to failure without help.
That meant I had to cure myself of peoples’ irrational disdain for me, somehow.
Something went ‘pop’ in my head. I looked upward and asked the obvious: “
I lay down on the slide and looked up at the stars. Some of them were moving- ships overhead.
How does one become likable? All my books were on the subject of war. How does one make peace? Why does one make peace? Why was I fighting at all?
The moment those words crossed my consciousness, I felt like the careful castle I’d built around myself, my personality, all my defenses started to crumble down in the face of truth- what I thought I was doing didn’t match their effects. ‘Master and Emissary,’ dad called it one drunken time at the table before falling asleep in his chair. When you got to a certain point in your observations of what was around you, and you could no longer pretend that your view of the world was correct. I felt that I was on the verge of having an epiphany, or a mental breakdown. Which were basically the same thing. The choice of word depended on your perspective.
The immediate answer blared itself so loudly in my skull I had to mute it just so I could think for another moment. I was ‘Fighting for Justice, for Independence of Earth, for Liberation!’ All ideals, starting in the thought equivalent of capital letters. I muted them.
Fighting for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity, Carlin had once famously said on stage. That sort of made sense. War also needed an eventual outcome. If I was waging a war, then I needed an end goal beyond ‘killing people.’ Why had I settled for killing without a real goal? All this pretense of a higher cause when really, I was just angry. The sun’s set finished, crickets and cicadas starting their orchestra, but still I didn’t tear my eyes off the sky. I didn’t even care if George didn’t show up anymore. I wanted answers. Had I fought just to fight? To have something to lash out at over the way my life was going?
Who was I? What was I? Where was my position in life? It stunk everywhere I walked. The whole world stunk of hypocrisy. If it stinks everywhere you walk, look under your foot.
Just like that, a thought occurred to me that froze everything in its place:
...Am I a bad person?
And like that, the whole world fell away, even the slide I was resting on. It’s hard to say what the exact thoughts were that went through my mind. Words are discrete and used to best-fit thoughts which are so rarely fully a perfect match. When something like this happens, how do you even give a sublime experience enough words, when they are building blocks used mostly used for the mundane? I lay and watched the stars overhead as my mind raced at a million miles an hour. Spaceships. Honest to god Spaceships. How long had it been since I’d been filled with a sense of anything other than hatred and anger? How long since I’d felt genuinely awed by something I’d once thought impossible now carried out as if it were routine and within grasp?
I put my hand up and reached for the stars, and it sank into me just how vast space was. Something I’d once felt flipping through pages of my old NASA book in Dad’s library- realising that for the gigantic scale of a Saturn V rocket, it didn’t even make a tenth of one percent of the distance it travelled to the Moon, our nearest non-artificial solid object in Space. Given the scope and scale, I knew then that there was something wrong with my motives and goals. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
I certainly had room for improvement. The meaning of Dr. Harriet’s words slammed me like a freight train- or a falling Dodge Minivan. My outcomes so far, objectively, were terrible. People flat out didn’t like me. For someone so outcome-obsessive I had missed the terribly obvious. How many years had it been since I’d met or hung out with anyone? I’d become something hideous and hadn’t even seen it. Something about me needed to change. I needed to keep a more open mind to others’ perspectives. I needed to stop assuming I knew everything. I was only thirteen. I was involved in a war for our planet that I was fighting for reasons that even I didn’t fully grasp, but knew whatever justification I’d give if pressed would ring false even in my own ears.
I was finally shaken from my thoughts by the sound of footsteps kicking over ankle height grasses. I sat up from the slide. George was approaching, looking nervous.
“You came,” I said. I realised I sounded surprised.
“You’re here.” He didn’t sound any different to me in his opinion.
“It was us.” I said, sitting up. I walked over to the swingset adjacent to the swing. Fresh chains and a seat had gone on to the old metal frame.
“Who’s ‘us’?”
“Do you even know?”
“Uh…no, I don’t know everyone in it. It’s sort of cell-based.” French Resistance tactics- no one would know how big the resistance was, not even the people running it. This made sure that even if a leader got nabbed it kept at least some of the movement alive. That was how it was supposed to be. In reality it was just Vaughn and I, but George didn’t need to know that. I wasn’t sure why I was so paranoid of counterintelligence; A seven foot tall masked, curvy woman with dark hair who spoke through a translator was probably not very likely to get far. Still. Principles were principles. I realised belatedly that I’d probably just blown his cooperation, and searched for a better thing to say when he answered me.
“Right, that does make sense. Look, I’ll get my dad-” now that blew my mind. This was a quiet neighbourhood. Hardly the place I suspected to find sympathisers to bomb-laying maniacs. If we had sympathisers here then we could get them anywhere. “-just before I go. You’re not bullshitting?”
It was time to lay my cards on the table. “I built the bombs. I’m actually out of them now and could really use the help.”
“That makes sense. You’re not the type to set off a bomb.” I didn’t feel like correcting him about the fact that I’d tried for the first attempting bombing. Right now if he came back with a Shil’vati platoon I could still be a kid who was lying to impress someone. If I started naming other incidents and that hypothetical happened, then I’d be signing my own death warrant.
“Meet at the town library?” I still needed to return Fighters in the Shadows. “Not exactly great to be meeting in a park at night.”
“Why not my place?”
“You get tagged at home, they just start snagging anyone who shows up. Lots of people use the library.”
“No one normal uses a library.”
I wanted to counter with ‘I use the library!’ It was where I got most of my books. Then I halted and realised I’d be starting an argument over nothing.
“Fine, what do you have in mind?” I challenged George. He looked unsure. I guess I’d made a point.
“Library.” I reiterated. “Eight thirty. Tell your dad. Do you have others?”
“Alright. Bring a few, but only the ones you really need to be there. Bring a mask, and tell them to do the same. Don’t be an idiot and wear it on your way over, that would look so suspicious.”
“Okay. See you at eight.”
Dinner was over with hardly a word. I took a breathing mask I used to protect myself from mixing chemical ingredients and slipped out through the basement, making my way away from the Library. I didn’t want to be seen going. I had called Vaughn, using code words. He said he wasn’t coming. I was on my own, and was going to need to ask his questions for him. I know he took a different bus home from school, so him getting over here tonight on short notice was not something we’d prepared for.
I took my cell phone out and turned it off, then doubled-back and made my way to the library.
The ‘library,’ was quite literally a room set inside an old converted barn, filled with bookshelves without so much as an electrical outlet, let alone a PC. It kept track of loans with those olden-style stamps that rotated numbers and an inkpad. Returns and check-outs were entirely honour-system based, something I’d taken advantage of repeatedly to avoid getting on any sort of a list given the books I’d checked out. A volunteer librarian would occasionally keep track of overdues and send reminders. There were two doors, and given that the refurbished old barn was mostly used as a venue, we weren’t likely to get intruded on. I sat in the chair and tried to summon back those thoughts. As disturbing though the thoughts of my own insecurities were, they were less scary than the thought of what might be coming for me if I’d screwed up. I slipped the mask on and tried to control my breathing.
The door opened right as I began to question again why I was doing it all for, and was still short of answers. In strode the broad shoulders of George’s father, Vern, whose bright eyes scanned the room. “Ay,” he said, almost jovially. “I have to admit, I did not expect it to be you of all people.” He even let loose a surprisingly mirthful chuckle.
“Yeah,” I said, realising I also knew who was behind him with a pit in my stomach. This was bad. None of them were wearing masks- so much for that plan. Worse, I knew all of the two people who had come. Both were neighbours. My mouth was a little dry. “I sort of expected more and less at the same time.”
“The Army get the shit kicked out of them and that scared most everyone into just giving up,” Larry said at the one tone of voice the man had- loud.
“Not you though?” I asked.
“Fuck no,” laughed Larry. Larry was the local mechanic who had made a decent living off running a few local outlets. His shoulders rolled a little as he sat back, resting his giant beer belly on his thighs. “I bled too much for this old nation to see it kick the bucket just because some suits say so.” He took a seat opposite me and then leaned forward, examining me.
“I think we should take our cell phones, and turn them off.” We three looked amongst each other, but we did it. “I know I’m young, but I’ve been reading about guerilla warfare for a long time. Electronic warfare is the newest thing- keeping tabs on people. Metadata. That sort of thing. That was when we had a country and constitution protecting our privacy. Whether we think so or not, what was once our human government works for the Shil’vati now. That means whatever tools we used to go after our foreign enemies and terrorists, we are now in the crosshairs of. Heck, the Eggplants shot down all our satellites, yet our cell phones are working again. My bet is they’re routing it through Shil’vati ships. If you think it’s safe to talk with your cell phone on you, or through your cell phone, you’re wrong.”
“Alright, kid,” Larry said, looking annoyed even though I probably had a point. “We didn’t come here to turn off our cell phones like we’re in a movie theatre. Let’s get down to brass tacks?” It both was a double edged sword that everyone knew me. If they were captured, and tortured, I might be rolled over onto. On the other hand, if I backed down now, the movement would die. Time to take another calculated risk.
I took a deep breath. “I blew a bomb on the highway. It didn’t work- the first time. Those vehicles are tough. Then one of my cell members took one of my bombs and blew it on the highway, and now they’ve got casualties. Of our cell members, I’m the bomb maker.”
“‘Cell members’?” He quoted, leaning back.
“We operate on anonymity. If he gets captured, he can only tattle on me and maybe one other person. He doesn’t know you two for example, and you don’t know him. So, if one of you gets captured and talks...”
“Yeah, but you do know him.”
“True, but it will take them time, and hopefully he’ll notice that I disappeared. All it takes is one person to refuse to talk and they’re back at a dead end in rolling up the resistance.” I met their eyes. “That’s why I asked for masks and for only a few members to show up.”
“Yeah well, I changed your diapers when I babysat for you, I think I’d know you in a heartbeat, mask or no.”
I shrugged. “Still a good idea.” I forced myself to not correct or talk-down to a grown-up, but also couldn’t admit to looking foolish here. “But you’re right.”
Verns and Larry exchanged a meaningful glance. “Alright, you’ve got our attention. What’s your bomb composition? How are you making these?”
So I slowly let them in on what I’d been doing, and what the plan was- to keep the Shil’vati from getting to where they were taking their armour off and walking around with impunity. To where they fully integrated with our society.
“That’s good work, kid. You got six through your work. It’s a real start, and shows promise.” Verns said it straightforwardly. “We meet at Lucky’s. I’ll bring you in. You can wear the mask if you want, but I think a few will recognise you anyways.” Luckys was a local tavern.
It seemed agreed upon. “I think we can help each other.”
“Why are you doing this?” Larry asked, at last. “You are the last person I expected to be in that chair.” Verns just nodded along.
“Why isn’t everyone?” I asked- it was a question that rang true in my ears. I had suspicions on the answer- fear. Everyone was afraid of the Shil’vati. “We’re scared, but I don’t think they’d kill us all. When they realised that they didn’t need to, that’s when we let them have our planet, to do whatever they want with us. We need to show the world that they can be hurt, that they’re not invincible. Then we can get our planet back.”
They exchanged another look. “Well, that’s a pretty good answer,” Larry seemed to accept the answer.
“Come by Lucky’s tomorrow after school. We’ve got a few people for you to meet. Bring one of your gadgets.”
“I’m mostly out of material.”
“We’ll get you more, bring what you’ve got. That mask idea’s a good one, but everyone there will recognise you. That much I can guarantee.”
I had a sinking feeling in my gut when he said that and couldn’t quite pin down why.
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