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Do you really like your beer, or are you just a victim of Capitalist Propaganda? How you can learn how the free market works while you guzzle some suds, and how beer can help you to understand the vast conspiracy that is slowly degrading America.

TL;DR - I use the craft beer industry as a way to understand Capitalist Propaganda, how Capitalism and Socialism are inextricably linked to each other, and how through the use of propaganda, companies use the "illusion of choice" to coerce you into believing that you prefer the products that are most favorable to them. In order to change this into the consumer's favor, you need to be an informed consumer in the free market, and raise class consciousness to overthrow the tyranny of Capitalist Propaganda, that is called "Marketing".
You can't understand Capitalist Propaganda unless you have a solid understanding of what Capitalism is beyond the literal definition of the word, which is just an abstract ideal. Propaganda plays off of the discrepancies between the ideals of Capitalism, like the free market, which is another abstract ideal, and the reality of Capitalism in practice in America, which can be characterized as Trickle Down Economics. Capitalism sought to be a pragmatic alternative to its economic predecessors, a fact which drives Capitalist Propaganda. However, through layers of abstraction throughout the years, it has become more of a religion, as critics refer to the increasingly ideological concept as "Supply Side Jesus", meaning you give all the money to the rich, it'll trickle down to the poor, and they can "vote" on the actions of the capitalists through monetary interactions in the free market.
Capitalist Propaganda is engrained in America, because at the time of our founding, Adam Smith wrote "Wealth of Nations", which is considered the Bible of the Free Market. This groundbreaking work utilized Newton's Laws of Physics, which were en vogue at the time, to describe how interactions in the marketplace would balance each other out, just as the laws of Newtonian Physics do.
The very noble purpose of Wealth of Nations was not create the oligarchy we have today, but to do the opposite. He wanted to describe a system that would protect individual freedoms and be truly democratic. Just as Lenin and Stalin bastardized the works of Marx, so too have capitalists in America bastardized the intentions of Adam Smith.
Capitalism and Socialism are best learned side by side, in my opinion, to avoid falling into the trappings of either ideology that our brains like to do. Which one is better? It depends on the market, but the answer is almost always somewhere in between.
Through learning how Socialist concepts can be applied to problems in Capitalism, you can cut through the propaganda and will see for yourself that these problems can be solved if we just drop the labels and do what's best for society and the individual. The problem is always finding the proper balance.
Yep. You can never live in a pure economic system. Purity is always an illusion. If you want something to be pure, you have to put a lot of energy into making it that way. Nature likes to mix stuff up. This is why ideologies around racial purity and fascism always fail. There are people who want a "pure" economic system, but they are usually the people at the top and would only get richer from more purity while the rest of society loses freedom and slowly starves.
In a nutshell, Capitalism promotes laws that benefit those with money, while Socialism promotes a safety net that benefits everyone. Every single human is born into Socialism. As a baby, you need food, someone else works for it and gives it to you, but then at some point, you are expected to exchange labor for capital, and buy your own food. See? The two are forever bound as the yin and yang. You can also grow your own food, but for that you need land, which is capital.
These interactions are very tricky. I only want to tell you enough so that you can start to see Capitalist Propaganda, because right now, you're like a fish in water that can't see water. I often use this line to describe a person who can't see their own homegrown propaganda. The best way I found to study Capitalism is by relating it Socialism, the "air" above the "water" of Capitalism, if that makes sense.
I always find it best to look at a microcosm to understand these concepts. And today, that microcosm is beer.
Before I poison your mind with my own propaganda, picture you're on vacation and you walk into a bar and want to order a beer. If you really want to understand the power of propaganda in your own life, really think of this before we break this all down. Really think, what makes you decide which beer to order? Do you like to look at the labels on the tap or bottle? That's obvious propaganda. It has absolutely nothing to do with the taste or quality of the beer itself, but sways your opinion toward logos you've seen before, which is why you see so many beer advertisements, which means that money that could've gone into quality is instead going into propaganda, and you're already biased towards an inferior product. Interesting. You really can't help being swayed by marketing, but at least you can be conscious of that fact, and that's important in order to be an informed consumer.
Do you ask the bartender for a recommendation? Why would you do that? You don't know the bartender any better than the beers in front of you. How do you know they aren't paid more to offer you a beer that sucks and is 12 years old and the owner wants to get rid of it? Do you ask for a certain style of beer? Do you ask for a local beer? And once you finally narrow it down to a few choices, do you ask for samples so you can make up your own mind? You should always do this. Then we get into "flavor propaganda", which we'll discuss later. Jeez. Did you every realize there was so much complexity behind being an informed consumer and just ordering a simple beer? Maybe you'll give in and just tell the bartender to pour whatever. Choice is difficult sometimes.
If you really visualize this and take a minute to let this sink in, you'll start to understand how external forces hijack the processor in your mind to manufacture desire through the illusion of choice. However, your health and enjoyment of the beer is not the goal for these external forces, they only want you to purchase. The perfect example is fast food. They know their product sucks, but they know you'll keep buying it, but that doesn't keep them from lying about how delicious it is in their ads. There is far more at play behind the curtain. There is a science behind addicting you to things, this is reinforced by a corporate tax and subsidy system that contorts the free market pushing centralization of production through homogenization and use of chemicals to hide the homogenization, and simply because there is more than one option, they make you feel like you have choice. This, in a nutshell, is how the illusion of choice works in the free market. It's not about what YOU want. The producer manipulates you to think you want what they have. Through this, they deceive Americans into buying products with a list of ingredients that a person would never freely choose to consume. So if you want to order a beer with no shit in it, then you're shit out of luck in America. You could in Germany, but we'll discuss that later.
While you're standing at that bar, you aren't conscious of the fact that your interests are in direct opposition to those of the bar owner's. Capitalists hide this fact with their perfect smiles, but Marx described this in detail. You want the best beer for the cheapest price, and the bar owner wants to sell you the cheapest beer at the highest price you'll pay. It doesn't stop there. The bar owner flips roles in the same situation with the beer distributor, who does the same with maybe another level of distribution, and continues to the brewer, then goes to the brewer versus supplier, supplier to farmer, and even though you'd think it stops there, the farmer has to deal with suppliers of equipment and seeds, and on and on.
Add to this list their auxiliary staff of HR, drivers, managers, brewers, bottle/keg makers, and of course owners, none of them care whether you actually like the beer you're drinking as long as you keep buying more. That's the big driver here.
Did you ever realize that every time you buy a beer, your own capital is partially responsible for creating and sustaining all of these jobs involved? You, my dear beer drinker, are the true job creator. Budweiser can brew all they want, it means nothing without buyers, who are the true engines of capitalism. Instead, you're treated as a rube by suits in a boardroom somewhere.
Capitalist Propaganda tells us the billionaires are job creators, but this is a lie. Jeff Bezos can't drink enough beer to sustain all these jobs. So why do we let him hoard all the money? Wouldn't the economy do better if we spread out Jeff's money so more people could buy more beers and more jobs would be created? According to Socialist Economics, yes. That's actually, quite simply, a Socialist Free Market. Did you even know that existed? The power hungry greedy people who are too lazy for manual labor go to such great lengths to make sure you don't learn it. They want you to think that only Capitalism allows you choice in the market. I'm sure you can guess why they say that.
Capitalism maintains itself by exulting the wealthy who use their economic power to punch down. The only way this system won't fall into fascism and fail is if the consumers start to punch back. Where Marx envisioned the Dictatorship of the Proletariat as they usurped power from the Bourgeoisie, a modern alternative is just teaching people to understand the system we live in, so that we can just start making changes in the way we live and to whom we give our money.
See that? Capitalism and Socialism can get along nicely, so long as the consumers are informed.
What I described within the previous section is what Marx called "Alienation of Labor". Each step in the process of making your beer is isolated from the others, so no one feels ownership over the end product or a true connection to the consumer, or job creator. Even the bartender selling it is alienated from the profit of their labor in serving the beer, so they only focus on the service aspect of giving you the beer, because that is where they earn their tip. They can't really fix anything about a shitty beer other than to offer you a different brand. The capitalist owner is usually not there. Their only interaction is setting the rules for everyone in the bar to follow, and pay themselves more than everyone who has to follow those rules. This is part of the conflict between the classes. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just pointing it out. The bar owner themself has to spend money on propaganda to attract customers that could be spent in other places, so has to find ways to cut costs. Unfortunately, they buy cheaper beer...and this is why you end up with IPAs. No one is connected to the products, so they only look at prices and find the cheapest, passable product. This is the race to the bottom of Capitalism.
Compare this to when brewpubs were a new thing. The brewer would come out and talk to you about the beer, you would give feedback that could effect future batches and it connected everyone to each other through commerce. It makes business "social" and I think nearly everyone enjoys that, but it is losing out in competition with chain breweries that enforce isolation and make cookie cutter propaganda and cookie cutter business models so they can turn owners into managers and suck all the profit back their corporate headquarters and offshore accounts. They kill the experience and make everything transactional. And all the kitsch they hang around their cookie cutter chain bar is just to hide the fact that no one in that place cares about anything other than not getting fired. Everyone is effectually alienated from everyone else. It's worth a read to check out this page on Marx's Theory of Alienation.
This alienation is the root of a lot of misery in society. Humans are communal animals forced to live in a society of individuality and alienation. As they mope around, they seek an escape. And that is why advertising is so nefarious. It seeks to manipulate you in that state. Imagine driving home from your alienating job to you empty home, but looking up and see a billboard with bunch of actors laughing and drinking beer. They take pictures that make these actors look like friends. It's just for show. They aren't selling beer to those laughing people in the picture. They're tempting lonely people to drown their sorrows. Capitalist Propaganda is used so your brain doesn't understand what it wants. It wants friends, then sees the words Bud Light. So when the bartenders asks...Make it a Bud Light. Look at how much money they spend to manipulate and capitalize on people's suffering.
Propaganda in Communist countries is controlled by the government, so it's clear who the enemy of your freedom is. Capitalist Propaganda hides behind the layers of complexity of the same economy you rely on to survive, so you never know what's propaganda or where it's coming from. Marketers find every way imaginable to get their disinformation in front of your eyes, even enlisting your friends on Facebook in annoying MLM schemes. Propaganda invaded everything that can be legally monetized. It's in the media, and not just commercials anymore. There's product placement, stories injected into the news, and even movies and social media created an entire industry of "lifestyle propaganda", telling you how to live your life and indulge in overconsumption. It's REALLY hard to get away from Capitalist Propaganda. There is so much money and research behind it and so much depth, even this long post is only barely scratching the surface. I just want to open your eyes to it.
I can't make you see all this. No one can. I can only describe it as best as I can. What you will experience when you understand this is what I call "Economic Enlightenment", similar to what Marx called "Class Consciousness". Once it happened to me, the world looked amazing, and the shitty propagandists selling us false hope all look like clowns in a very odd circus of vanity, despair and mediocrity.
Once I understood this, I saw clearly how we are increasingly trapped in a form of Corporate Slavery, led by seriously ridiculous oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg, who thinks he's the reincarnation of Augustus Caesar or something. That's why he has that haircut! This is a guy who stole a company and hired "screen psychologists" from Las Vegas to get you hooked on Facebook the same as casinos do with slot machines. He wants to be the funnel for propaganda throughout the world. He wants to be the kingmaker, decide what people buy, who they like, what views they hold. He can only do this because so many companies spend so much money to put their propaganda on that platform. They can only have this much money because the free market is not actually free. It's bought and paid for on platforms like Facebook and Amazon. The money that was supposed to "trickle down" is instead being spent on Capitalist Propaganda on these platforms, to get the proletariate to trickle their money up through endless, nonsensical online purchasing and local businesses who send the town's money to people who can't do anything with it but buy up properties that increase your rent and cost of living.
When people get drunk on the power of propaganda, they forget the lessons of the past. Propagandists always fall prey to their own delusions over time. In reality, your life is better without Facebook. There isn't anything on there that is healthy. Even if you just want to talk to a few friends, you are going to fall for the propaganda there. You can't help it. And if your bar advertises on Facebook, just think, that money could've gone into purchasing higher quality beer then sold at the same price, instead of going to Mark Zuckerberg so he can drop $30 million to buy the houses around him so no one can spy on him while he spies on you. You really gotta watch out for a guy who combines spying and propaganda all into a single app and thinks he's going to bring 200 years of peace to America. History is littered with knuckleheads like that. It's best to get off Facebook and encourage everyone else to do the same. Zuck only wants to lead himself to the Promised Land, and he's using your ignorance to fuel his own delusions by deluding you into thinking you want what he has to offer.
Let's get back to beer.
I like beer. When I worked in Germany, it was easy to walk into a bar and, like Farva, just order a liter o' beer. Often, there would only be two choices, light color or dark. As a matter of fact, even at the most famous beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest, people mostly drink the same standard type of beer, and no one complains about the lack of choice. It's quite easy. You can order with one finger. No need to see a menu or ask what's in it. It's simply beer. This worked for centuries. Consumers are fine with it. Prost! Have you ever shared a story like this and people say, "Oh, that would never work in America. Americans want choice." Yeah. Because we are flooded with Capitalist Propaganda.
So if consumer choice isn't pushing for a selection, why would a free market call for it? Imagine there are two bars and one of those bars says "30 beers on tap" and the other doesn't. You're more likely to choose it, and the other bar will have to compete in some way, often by copying. This forms trends, and people mistake this for something customers wanted. Trends are always marketing. Don't believe me? What happened to fidget spinners? So now you have a bunch of beers that no one asked for, yet will now demand. Competition creates more Capitalist Propaganda to create demand for something you never even wanted, but makes you think you do. And that's the best propaganda. You think you are thinking for yourself. This is the fallacy of consumer choice.
If you want to understand just how important that last paragraph is, consider this, "consumer choice" is the same propaganda they used to get you to carry around a device that spies on you 24/7 and sends that data to people you don't know, and you can't stop it, can you? You chose that. You wanted it. Not only that, but you paid $1,000 for the device to opt into their spying program, for the privilege of being mind controlled by the propaganda their AI selects for you. Did you read the Terms of Service? As bad as you may have thought Communist Propaganda was, Capitalist Propaganda is far better, and far stealthier. You believe you have freedom of choice. But your only choice is usually take it, or leave it. Oh, you need it for work? Maybe find a different job. Or just succumb to mass surveillance, and next year, you can drop another grand on a device with a marginally better camera.
There is a way to free yourself. You just have to understand the nature of propaganda. It took me a while, but I eventually broke free. Under Socialism, there would be laws against the exploitation of consumers. Capitalist Propaganda tells you that this takes away your freedom. This is a lie. Regulations give you the freedom to not have to worry whether the beer you're drinking has poison in it.
Germany has a lot of regulations on beer. It has the Reinheitsgebot (purity order), a law passed in 1516 that states that beer can only consist of water, hops and barley. Note, this is a different use of the word "purity" from earlier, as beer is itself a mixture of things. Historically there have also been regulations where beer could only be sold regionally, so no matter what part of Germany you were in, you only got a certain brand of beer at the bar, but it didn't matter because they all had the same ingredients. They could make wheat beers or unfiltered, but they were generally variations of pilsners and lagers. One meaning of the word "Lager" in German is "storage", meaning the beer was brewed in a way that it could be stored, allowing them to brew in bigger batches and store it.
Lagers use a more complex brewing process, so only larger breweries would make them, but this worked because of protected territories. America has a similar system, because each state has its own regulations on alcohol, but this is changing as corporate lawyers fight to homogenize the rules favorable to them, but the consumer loses control. Big brands tend to be lagers as they have general appeal to a wide audience. Did you notice this is the second time I pointed out that corporations create homogeneity? Without regulations, corporations create Fascism. That is why I tell people that we already live in the NWO but corporations rule the world instead of governments. Why do you think so few conspiracy theorists make this connection? Propagandists are paid a lot of money to keep even our small community confused about the reality of what's happening. Now, check out conspiracy and you'll see what I mean. They are spreading propaganda for the NWO over there and don't even know it. I tried to point that out and they finally banned me. Oh well. They'll figure it out in their own time.
In America, in 1978 it became legal to brew beer at home. This is what led to the explosion of new beers in the US decades later. Americans don't have purity laws, so could test new recipes. But people didn't generally like IPAs before, so how did they become so popular that they control 30% of the market? Marketing, of course. Create the market and tell people what they want.
IPA stands for India Pale Ale. It was invented by the British as an easy way to make a beer that they could drink in India. People only drank it out of necessity, as the other beers couldn't make the trip. IPAs are very easy to make and very forgiving, because if you mess it up, it already tasted bad anyway. As people started trying to get into microbrews, they often didn't have the capital to make lagers at small scale, and also wanted a simpler process so they didn't have to hire or train expert brewers, IPAs are cheap and easy to make at smaller scale.
In order to make it drinkable, brewers experimented with many different flavorings. This created a cult following of craft IPAs, where people would drive hours to stand in line for hours to try the newest concoction. The trendy nature of the craft beer world kept people training their palate to adapt to the taste of an IPA, making people start to actually like them. The flavorings made people think they were different, so even if they didn't like it, marketing tactics kept people coming back to try the latest blend. Your palate can adapt A LOT. Swedish people love Surströmming, but watch this video of Americans trying it for the first time. They tried to get me to eat it several times, but I would rather sit in a sauna until Tuesday to avoid smelling it while watching them eat it. It really smells that bad.
IPAs enticed people with popular, aromatic ingredients like bananas and pineapple. This is what I call "flavor propaganda". It's not bad in and of itself, but it can be easily misused to cover issues with quality or hide the taste of preservatives. Since we don'e have laws like Germany, you're left to rely on the knowledge and honesty of the bartender to find out. They don't make this info readily available, which is another form of Disinformation.
So if you think you actually like IPAs, just remember, you are just like a Swede eating rotten fish. A lot of propaganda went in to making IPAs popular, but it's the cheapest, easiest product to make that can be sold at the highest price, so they become popular. This is what business students call a business plan. To overcome the bad taste, IPAs were marketed as "classy" to shame you if you choose the more expensive to produce and more appealing pilsners and lagers, which were given a bad name due to being associated with major brands like Bud Light. This makes it harder to market microbrew lagers, which can only fetch a certain price due to association. And this is what is referred to as the "race to the bottom" in Capitalism.
Instead of trying to innovate ways to produce the beers you want, they just figure out how to get you to pay more for an inferior product, just like they do with BBQ. They make you think you want it. From this you can understand why "food" is full of junk that you wouldn't feed your dog. Whatever legal poison helps cheapen the product is considered "smart business", another propaganda term designed to hide the reality of doing immoral and harmful things to other humans for profit. If you make money on it, it's good. As if there aren't better choices we could come up with if there truly were a free market with an informed consumer.
We don't need a Communist Revolution to make positive changes, so take off your ski masks and put your Antifa flags down. I like microbrew culture and still enjoy IPAs, but understanding the marketplace is how I do my part as an informed consumer and job creator to help create the world that I want to live in. I encourage you to do the same. Vote with your dollars. Don't let the Zuck-type sociopathic, corporate people in a distant land decide what you consume by looking at ads on his platform. Visit local breweries and talk to the brewmaster. Don't reinforce alienation from labor. Connect with the people who make the things you buy. Support independent entrepreneurship. These are the paths to a brighter future where we share in the abundance of wealth.
Discover Economic Enlightenment for yourself and realize that We The People are ultimately in control. Wealth inequality is greater than it was in France before the French Revolution. Don't let this train take us into the depths where another Lenin will arise and spend the night shooting people.
How you choose to spend your money today is what decides what will become the society of tomorrow. And remember, you always have the choice to buy nothing at all. I never saw a billboard that said that.
I hope this gave you a glimpse behind the curtain of Capitalist Propaganda. Propaganda isn't just political, it has invaded everything and it's at full blast right now. I hope you can piece together how Capitalist Propaganda is actually designed to make you subservient by controlling what you want so they can maximize their own profit and teach you to accept whatever they offer, the homogenization of choice. However, your life is your own and you should remain in control of all aspects of it, including your desires.
Richard Wolff is an economist who studied at three elite universities in America and discusses how he was not able to even learn about Socialist Economics in the ivory tower, even though Capitalist Propaganda calls universities leftist. He found no department in America that is even willing to teach it or study it. Capitalist Propaganda censors these ideas, especially at the university. People in power don't want the serfs to learn about themselves. Check him out on YouTube. You'll realize that unchecked Capitalism leads to Fascism and Slavery, which is why they want to get rid of the minimum wage, so that we can return to sharecropping which is already increasingly happening in America under different names, like "student debt", "mortgages" and "insurance". Don't you think it's odd that a person has to go into debt so they can generate profits for corporations who really ought to be paying for this education themselves? If you have to go into debt before they'll hire you, it's much easier to negotiate against you.
If you want to see other examples of propaganda, check out this random tweet from one of America's Top Capitalist Propagandists. These are very odd pictures, and the only thing I can see in them is that they must be promoting those outfits, likely the blue dress, maybe those men's outfits as well. One thing you know is that she didn't become a billionaire by letting any single opportunity to enrich herself at the expense of others pass her by. I didn't look it up, but I am certain they sell that blue dress, or whoever does paid her to post this.
That's the main reason celebrities use social media. It's marketing. Their whole schtick is to sell garments made in a sweatshop in a foreign country by people who can't even afford a beer to Americans who are facing bankruptcy and homelessness themselves.
Read the replies of the tweet. These people have influence that vastly outsizes their understanding of their impact on the world. There are guillotines in the comments. There usually are. I'm seeing them a lot lately.
This type of propaganda is everywhere. And it's destroying America. Just like propaganda led to the demise of Nazi Germany, we could be looking at the same thing, but worse. It could start off as famine.
If you're having trouble deciding between the beers you are being offered, it's probably because you don't want anything at all, in which case the proper choice is: nothing. Or, try tap water. Maybe you're just thirsty. Now ask yourself, when you envisioned yourself at a bar, did you ever think to order water instead? Did you entertain the idea that you didn't even want a beer. That's the power of suggestion.
What if the rest of the world just cut America off from the means of production outsourced to areas with cheap labor? We would have our own famine and likely war. And if we have a revolution here, with the masses in the country being so disinformed about everything and not having any sort of class consciousness at the moment and instead stuck in alienation, the leader that rises here will likely lead to something horrifying. And we censor ourselves from pointing out the simple fact, that the only way America will survive is to tax the deluded royalty like Kim and Mark back to reality, so they can't indulge their reckless, childish delusions by selling off the very fabric of our nation to the highest bidder.
That doesn't make me a Socialist, that just makes me honest.
Enjoy your beer!
Thanks for reading and I hope I helped you understand how you can empower yourself. I'm excited about the one I wrote for Election Day tomorrow to keep our NOPOL spirits up while all the politics clouds the airwaves. Cheers!
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At this particular online casino you will have the opportunity to play some of the most popular live dealer titles such as Live Blackjack, Live Roulette, Live Casino Hold’em, or Live Baccarat.
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Supported Devices

The operator has put in a lot of effort making the online casino to be as accessible as possible. For this reason, you can load up the virtual casino on just about any computer with a reliable Internet connection.
Basically, all you have to do is go to the casino website and you will be able to play any of the available games without any preparation beforehand. The instant play interface allows you to start any games directly within the window of your browser. However, please keep in mind that you need to have a relatively modern Internet browser since it needs to support Java and Flash Player. As it happens, all commercial browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, etc., come with this functionality built-in, so unless you are running ancient software, you should have no issue in this respect.
Additionally, there is also the option to use your mobile device, e.g. a smartphone or a tablet, to carry out your gaming sessions. The online casino has been very thorough in designing the mobile interface, allowing users to carry out all of their usual activities without ever experiencing any issues. The mobile version of the casino has been adapted to fit on any and all screen sizes, just like the games have been tweaked to be playable on a smartphone or tablet device. As a result, you will be able to enjoy a seamless transition from desktop to mobile. On your mobile device, you will still be able to access all of the usual features such as banking, customer support, promotional offers, etc.
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Omni Slots Casino Payment Methods

Since Omni Slots is an online casino you will not be able to use hard cash to make a deposit. Instead, you will have to make use of one of the many supported online payment services. These are varied and each one will suit your needs differently, but all of them will get the job done. The operator accepts players from a multitude of countries and therefore works in multiple currencies. At this online casino, you can deposit in EUR, NOK, USD and CAD.
Credit cards are a common payment method, not only at online casinos but in general. They give you the opportunity to use your funds for any online service and that includes this one. You can use several of the most popular credit card brands when making a deposit at this online casino, more specifically, Visa, MasterCard, and Diners Club. When using a credit card to deposit, you will notice how the transaction goes through immediately and there is no downtime. Withdrawals, however, are only possible for Visa cardholders.
Another popular deposit method are eWallets. These services allow you to store and move money in an online balance and can be used on any website that supports them. In the case of this online casino, you can utilize Skrill, Neteller and Przelewy24. When you make a deposit using any of these payment solutions, the transaction will clear through instantly. Withdrawals are also possible and will usually take up to 2 business days at most to clear.
Prepaid services are highly preferred by online gamblers due to the anonymity they provide and little setup that is required. Paysafecard is the primary method to use here and you can get one at many retail locations across the globe. Unfortunately, this payment method only goes one way and can be used exclusively for deposits.
Bitcoin has recently risen to high popularity on the Internet. This decentralized online currency will provide you with maximum anonymity and quick transaction times. This virtual casino accepts payment via Bitcoin, but it does not offer withdrawals in the same fashion.
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Omni Slots Casino Customer Support

Customer support is a major aspect of any online service and we are happy to report that this operator has employed a highly competent and dedicated team of experts who will assist you in any way possible should the need arise. There are several different ways that you can contact agents, live chat being the most convenient. This system will allow you to reach the customer service team in a manner of minutes and you can chat with them in real-time. All that will be required of you is to submit your username, name, email and your question.
Alternatively, you could always explain your problem via email. To do this, simply click on the support button located on the lower right corner of your screen and select the email option. From then on, you will be asked to enter your name, email address and your question or issue. The support team strives to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours of receiving them and so far it has not had any problems in that regard.
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Licensing and Restricted Countries

Online gambling may be considered by some individuals to be a shady practice, run by scammers and cheats. This could not be further from the truth. All over the world, there are government institutions responsible for the oversight of online gambling operations. These regulatory bodies audit each company and hold them to high standards, thereby ensuring that everything is above board.
In this case, we see a Curacao-issued license to operate. The Government of Curacao is known for its high demands on companies and the rigidness of its audits. Any company in possession of a Curacao certificate can be fully trusted to provide a safe and fair gambling experience. So far, online casinos licensed by Curacao have had a great track record and this particular operator is no exception to this rule.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Wishlist/Gameplay ideas by a starter on this thread

Hey everybody! I’m kinda new at this community and I pretty much fell in love with the ideas, concepts and the activity you all perform here, at the start I need to say English isn’t my native language, since I’m from Brazil, so I’ll try my best here... I’m a long date fan of the Test Drive Franchise, I think since Test Drive 5 from the PSOne and I have a long date relationship with driving games and gameplay concepts and I’m here to share some of my ideas, and please be comfortable to speak your mind about what I’m going to say now!
First of all – I think the line of gameplay that TDU and TDU2 had was pretty cool, start from the bottom with some classic and/or affordable cars like the Mustang Fastback from TDU2 or the Alfa Romeo GT from TDU (please we need those cars in the new Test Drive, that Alfa was pretty sick!), also the license requirement was something that draws me back to the oldies Gran Turismo's and in my opinion was a nice touch to TDU2.
Another thing that I think was great and could have a comeback was the car club schemes from TDU at the PS2 version, it was so cool have clubs about specific cars like the Alfa Club, or the speedsters club – that could come with some kinda of benefits like the rookies receive some special livery and as you rank up you unlock special leagues like a Mercedes Championship to unlock and/or get a signature car from that brand or that segment of vehicles. The clubs could also be a place to see some exclusive cars and throws some parties or even some pink slips. Speaking about club ranks, maybe when you become the president you can change some of the style of the club facilities, like put some cars displays, select photos for the walls and promote events like the parties I was talking about. The club mechanics could also go a little bit deeper like you need to bring more people to see the cars, come to the events and even become members. You can try to attract some famous drivers to attract and that generate money to the club and more fame since become a big player in the media and at the motorsport scene was a thing at TDU2.
We really really need a good physics for this game, please focus on something more simulation-esque and like Driver San Francisco – that showboating driving skills that Tanner had was so funny! – I know isn’t the same kind of game but I think Driver nailed the arcade style but the cars doesn’t feel like had weight. Of course cars like a Chrysler 300C or a Lincoln Continental should been able to do all that things like Drifts or easily jump 300 meters of the ground, they need to ride like a comfortable and Softly car when you want and be a mad crazy demon when you floor it.
Talking about customization, we don’t need all that crazy Rocket Bunny widebodys, that’s not the spirit of TDU, we need to be able to choose the variant you want, like if you need a Challenger SRT or a Hellcat, you choose the rims, the body color, the vinyls colors, the interior color, the stitching, maybe what is written on your personal side skirt plate like the Aston Martin's and Ferrari’s. The performance upgrades could be something that you can lead to the brand preparator, like AMG and Brabus to Mercedes and Nismo to Nissan and you buy packages like was on the others Test Drive's but you can also tune at your desire things like tyres pressure, gear ratio, suspension height and stiffness etc.
The cosmetic clinic is pretty much mandatory, we have that since the original TDU! One thing that could be added to the clinic is to choose your body style like be fat or slim or even athletic. That could be worked in some kind of gym but I don’t think that make sense to TDU. We need back the clothing stores with all kind of style you want. If you want to wear your favorite car brand tshirts you can, if you want to stay classy and dress to impress you got it, if you want to be a rich farmer or something more Country be my guest, a rocker style, hip hop style, hipsters, chavs you have them all! And if you want to precisely choose what you want to wear and how you want to wear will be so cool! At least something like Saints Row 2 with lots of options. Maybe the clothes and the clothes stores could be attached to some kind of fame system, if you have enough fame you got some special attires or if you become a member of a club, you get a brand new clothing item of the car brand. The clothes could have some kind of effect depending on what you are doing, for example: if you are in a classic exotic race and you wear some classic race attire or wear some classy suit you got a little bonus for the appearance or you get more fans according to the way you drive and the way you dress yourself. That’s just an idea I had since fashion and racing can be related.
Please, please, please bring back the used car dealer! That was so cool! They can also add some Easter eggs like certain days special edition cars appears like GT4 had. I’ll be a good thing if we had some kind of influence meter with the car dealer owner, like when you build up the relation with him he shows you the “Special Stock” like classic race legends and some of then can have some scratches and some problems so he’ll make those cheaper and store at your garage till you got the parts to get them running. Maybe you can pay a little more to him to get all the pieces and repair the car so you can drive off your brand new classical legend or you can get the car the way that is and you can see if the others dealers have the parts you need. The scrap cars we had in TDU2 can also make another appearance on this system as the act like transplant cars to get parts. Once you have a special classic car and enough fame, maybe you got na invite to some special event or a special club, that kind of progression and the sensation of having something special I think is something powerful thinking about game design and gameplay.
The casino! Also some of the coolest things TDU2 had could came back! The special challenges with the podium car was the cherry on the top of the DLC, see that sick Audi R8 Spyder on the lobby was insane! The slots machine was pretty nice too and the way the casino worked was fine.
Motorcycles! The motorcycle community need some love that TDU and TDU2 doesn’t have to them! We need championships with motorcycles, challenges, rinding in convoy options at free roam online, waypoints to our journey, things like was on Forza Horizon 2 but in this case we can create. Motorcycle customization will be cool too, change the colors, change the exhaust and things like this, but nothing too crazy, things more simple and discreet like the cars, you can also, for example, buy a brand new Ducati Panigale and drop at the Ducati preparator to build a Panigale R or a kind of Moto GP bike.
The real estate and the houses was one of the things that blew my mind when I jumped for the first time at the TDU series, was so cool building your car collection from the ground in your own house that you need to buy with your own money, that take a big step into the simulation and satisfaction ground. The customization was cool too but we need to bring that to a new level, like adding some exterior customization like put some fountains at the front of your mansion, or designate parking spots outside to show off your cars, or bring one of your favorite car to your lounge and display at the center. At the interior we could designate spots to put some bars and some interactive objects would be welcome.
About car selection I don’t think it’s a big problem, we need the iconic sports cars like Audi TT from the 00’s, the Silvias, 350z and that kind of cars at the start and then advances to the Mercedes Slk, SL, AMG GT, X-Class, G63 etc. The modern Hyper and Supercars, the classics like classics rally cars like the Stratus, 034 Stradalle, the Fulvia. Modern classics like the Impreza, the Lancer Evo, Celica, Corolla WRC. And please, bring a whole squadron of SUVs we need the Rovers, the Mercs, the DBX, Escalades, the Bronco, maybe even the new GMC Hummer EV and that Nikola Truck. You all athe Kylo You all at the Kylotonn can ignore this car list, but please give me back the Spyker cars! That sweet and nasty piece of crazy design needs to be at every TDU!
Now about the police, I don’t have problem with them being at the game but that doesn’t make so much sense to me, specially at TDU2, they aren’t so challenging and we are part of a legit competition, maybe we could have some special right to speed at the place – I know this doesn’t make sense in the real world, but I think the police is pointless..
That’s some of my ideas, I know I’m just a nobody but I was just trying to help with something and please everybody give me your feedback, I love to hear what you think about this game, the concepts and ideas you all have!!
submitted by HeisenberGeorge to tdu3 [link] [comments]

Susan Varraso (July 16, 1936 - October 27, 2020)

July 16, 1936 - October 27, 2020
Susan Varrasso, age 84, passed away peacefully in the comforts of her own home, after a short bout with lymphoma. She was surrounded by the abundance of her daughters’ love. Susan was born in Cornell, WI, and graduated from Raymond (WA) High School in 1954 and attended business school in LA.
Susan became a full-time mom to Nina, and to sister, Jana. She settled with her husband, Louis Varrasso, in Vancouver, WA, in 1979. In 1988, she began working at the Clark County Public Health Department until retirement in 2001.
Susan’s first priority was always family. She instilled the importance to her daughters of being a good listener and strongly believed that a person learns more about life, not by speaking, but by listening. She practiced this philosophy every day of her life. Susan was a devoted mother, grandmother and friend to many. There was never a family gathering that she missed. Her daughters and grandchildren were the love of her life and loved to spend time with them.
Susan had a love of crosswords, which kept her brain so sharp! In her younger years, she thoroughly enjoyed bowling and going on bus tours with friends. She also loved her weekly cribbage games with friends, experiencing all genres of movies and music, and going on excursions to local casinos to play slots. Lastly, she never missed attending the weekly Catholic church service.
Susan will be remembered by all as a consistent voice of reason, always willing to lend an ear and known as a classy lady who lived her life with the utmost integrity.
Susan was preceded in death by her devoted husband, Louis Varrasso.
She is survived by daughters, Nina (Braden) Strickler and Jana (Loren) Flindt; grandchildren, Drew, Collette, Zachary and Sara; brother, Jan; and sister, Penny.
Services will be held on Friday, Nov. 13, at 2 p.m. However, due to COVID-19, numbers are limited, and by invitation only. If unable to attend, the family invites you to sign her guest book @ or share a memory @ She was deeply loved by many and is missed immensely. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to NW Kaiser Permanente Hospice.
submitted by portlane to deadpeoplepdx [link] [comments]

Love? Give it six months

Love? Give it six months

Warning: this story will contain mentions of unhealthy relationships and adult themes. The main character also has some character traits that may differs from your own, please do keep that in mind.
Review and comments will be appreciated
There once was a dashing bachelor
(That looked like )(uses the OH male feces)
Face 1
Face 2
Face 3
Face 4
James Bond (black slick backed)
Don Diego Vega (dark brown wavy hair slicked back long neck)
Steve Rogers (Short blonde side swept hair)
Agent J (Short kinky curls)
Is this him?
No (go back to customisation)
What is his name?
(Default: George)
(Default: Bishop)
There he meets
A beautiful woman
A handsome man
A beautiful woman
Face 1 (Asian; has pale skin, dark almond eyes, straight black mid-back hair with a mid-part)
Face 2 (Hispanic: has tan skin, deep brown eye and over shoulder-length volumes wavy hair with side bangs.)
Face 3 (Afro-American: dark skin, expressive brown eyes with long blackish brown chest-length kinky curly hair.)
Face 4 (Caucassian: pinkish skin with freckles, clear blue round eyes, collarbone length layered dirty blonde hair)
A handsome man
Face 1 (Asian: pale skin, dark almond eyes, straight black hair put up in a pompadour style)
Face 2 (Hispanic: tan skin, with slicked back wavy hair that always looks like it is coming undone.)
Face 3 (Afro-American: dark skin, expressive brown eyes, with a crewcut with tight natural curls.)
Face 4 (Caucasian: pinkish skin with freckles, clear blue eyes, dirty blonde hair in a Taper haircut.)
As the two peoples eyes lock across the room. The sensation of a pull drives them to get closer to one another.
As the dashing bachelor offered his hand his partner gladly accepted it. Leading into a dance that lasted the rest of the night.
The whole world faded away to the sound of the Jazz band, their breathing and their dancing.
As their lips moved to meet...
???: “Oh come now Joanna, you know that is no way that would ever happen.”

(Record Scratch)
Joanna: “Oh for craps sake, George I was getting to the best part.”
George: “Forgive me for finding it uncomfortable that you have decide how my love life is going to go.”
Lance: “He does have a point there sis.”
Joanna: “Way to stand up for your sister Lance.”
Lance “Look I’m all for love conquers and all that jazz but it is kind of difficult to make a love life for someone else.”
George: “Thank you.”
Lance: “I mean he isn’t a completely lost cause. I’m sure some desperate soul will take him.”
Lance: “I mean he’s got dads looks, and he managed to get with mom when they were young.”
Lance: “That might make up for his zero tact.”
George: “Your faith in me is awe inspiring.”
Lance: “Oh cheer up. With your upcoming trip to Vegas, maybe you’ll have luck in love and not just on the poker table.”
Joanna: “Maybe you’ll meet someone special!”
You snort, finding the idea silly.
George: “I wouldn’t bet on it.”
Chapter 1: One night in Vegas
In an underground speakeasy decked out in old decor from the 20th centuries first half. You sit there nursing your drink. After a long day at the office you love nothing more than when you can enjoy your secret fancy. Dressed up in an old-fashioned pinstripe suit and a fedora. You feel like a king, this little piece of haven in Chicago that seemed to be frozen in time.
You feel your friend beside you stir, he himself having to relax from work as well as dreading an upcoming event.
After his fifth sight you opt to actually talk about it.
You take a swing of your drink and decide to talk about the elephant in the room.
Or more accurately you decide to talk about the issue in pre 1940’s slang
George: “Your bear cat of a sister still giving you a hard time?”
Jeremy: “Noneofya.”
He mumbled.
George: “Look Pally, I known you since we were scrubs and had squat. What's eating you?”
Jeremy: “That dame will chisel me out of every dime I own.”
George: “Stephie acting like a Big cheese cause she is getting hitched?”
Jeremy: “She wants everything spiffy and I’m quite sure her ankle biters will be paying the bills. My folks are on my case regarding my dame.”
You think for a moment. Jeremy and Katie had been together for four years. They got one another, they lived together.
George: “Stephie’s lucky her guy thinks she’s the Cat's meow.”
You said reflecting on everything you ever heard regarding Darren, he was a good guy. Definitely not the smartest but he loved Stephanie like she was the only woman alive. You just wondered why anyone would want to spend time with that woman.
Jeremy: “Alright, real talk.”
Jeremy said as he dropped ‘the act’, we were no longer hot shots in the prohibition era. We were now just George Bishop and Jeremy Jackson a financial advisor and a computer wizard.
George: “In all do honesty I do not see why you need to go there? Aren’t bachelorette parties strictly female?”
Jeremy: “They used to be, but I am quite sure I am not going with them to be pampered like the bridesmaids.”
George: “Then your function is?”
Jeremy: “If I were to guess, fall guy and pack mule.”
Jeremy: “I think she is also doing it to brag, that ‘she did it first.’ To rub it in Katie’s face.”
George: “You never really care what your sister does. Why now?”
Jeremy: “Because they are pressuring me and Katie. Not just my family but next to everyone we know. ‘When is the wedding? What is the venue? How many guests? Are you going to have it this year?’ Look I love my girl, but none of us is in rush to walk down the aisle.”

Yeah, you know, you were the first one Jeremy told about his plan to propose. You were happy for him but at the end of the day it was up to Katie and Jeremy. Not you or their families. However the rest of the world seemed to think differently.
Mom: “Oh sweetheart, happy valentine’s day! Are you spending it with someone special?”
George: “Mom, you know I am not looking for someone.”
Mom: “Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find that certain someone sooner or later.”

Yeah, it isn’t enough your sister is married and your brother is utterly twitterpated with his boyfriend. You need to ensure your oldest is also with someone.

Boss: “Mr. Bishop, I must say. I am impressed with your work ethics, but we have decided to go with Mr. Robinson as the face of the company.”
Never minding the fact that you worked twice as hard as said college.
George: “I understand. May I ask what made you choose him?”
Boss: “We did research and found that your college would be favourable, due to circumstance.”

Translation: we wanted a man that was married and not the workaholic bachelor.

Stranger 1: “You see that guy over there?”
Stranger 2: “You mean the one with the RBF?”
Stranger 1: “Yeah, probably one of those loners, will never find anyone.”
Stranger 2: “I mean who goes to a restaurant like this alone?”

Honestly? You can’t have a meal alone?

George: “Yeah, I know that feeling.”
Jeremy: “Seriously.”
Both of you take a sigh.
Jeremy: “But in all honesty. Thank you for coming along, I really appreciate it. Would probably loose my mind if I went alone.”
George: “Of course.”
  1. It would be a shame to lose my partner in crime.
  2. My boss would be pissed if I didn’t.
  3. Who would turn down free drinks?
Jeremy: “Yeah sounds about right.” *Choice 1*
George: “Remember how we got back at Marcus Thatcher?” *Choice 1*
Jeremy: “Oh, I remember. Too bad he didn’t check the file we sent, it might have saved him some embarrassment.” *Choice 1*
George: “Big tough football star being fooled by ‘two scrawny’ freshmen.” *Choice 1*
Jeremy: “And we were hailed as heroes for a month.” *Choice 1*
Jeremy: “Wait, don’t tell me HR department has been on your case.” *Choice 2*
Geroge: “Yep, too much overtime.” *Choice 2*
Geroge: “Never mind I make sure that everything is quality controlled.” *Choice 2*
Jeremy: “Geesh. Well glad to know I could be of service.” *Choice 2*
Jeremy: “Ah there it is, I knew you had a hidden agenda. *Choice 3*
George: “Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, when have I ever hid something from you?” *Choice 3*
Jeremy: “Alright fair, you are honest to the point of insult.” *Choice 3*
Geroge: “You asked for my opinion, besides those shoes where ugly as sin.” *Choice 3*
Both of you laugh, you had been in each other’s life since kindergarten. You where the odd ducks, most kids and adults always considered you to be cold or judging. Even if neither of you had that intention.
Jeremy raises his glass.
Jeremy: “To intellectual companions.”
George: “To intellectual friends.”
You said as you raised your own drink in a toast.

The weekend finally arrived for the trip. You arrived at O’Hare airport with a good three hours to spare. You crack open the book you brought with you.
It was a supernatural detective story you received as a gift on last birthday a few months back. While you applaud your sister for trying, it was still jarring to follow all the supernatural deus-ex-machinas that discarded real detective work.
So that is how a 31 year old was reading a supernatural book in broad daylight.
George: ‘ with gun drawn, Duskraven made her way down the basement, the surroundings smelled of blood and muck.’
Geroge: ‘Romano’s empire was now in full display in front of her. Fae, lined the walls, eyes hollow and only the movement of their chest indicating they were still alive.’
George: ‘Duskraven took out her polaroid camera, it was a risky but if this would ever have a chance to justice. Her leads and information would need to be solid if she wanted to take down the vampire cartel. She just hoped the light for the camera would be noticed.’
George: ‘With a blinding light the entire basement lit up temporarily blinding her, when she regained her sight again a new horror met her eyes. Multiple pairs of hungry red eyes.’
Jeremy: “George!”
You tear your eyes away from the book in your hand.
There is Jeremy and Katie, hand in hand. Seeing them together was always a happy occasion.
Katie and Jeremy met at your favourite speakeasy a few years back. You didn’t blame your friend for becoming interested in the ICU nurse. Curly red hair and big blue eyes. Even if the courtship had started out rocky due to both of them being so shy. They overcame that hurdle and found something they wanted.
Sometimes however you wished you didn’t feel like you were interrupting them.
George: “Good morning, is Stephanie and her friends also here?”
Katie: “No they had a sleep over at Daria’s house. So they will be carpooling.”
You look at your clock and it was about two hours before the plane would take off, your bags where checked in and you were ready to leave and get to the section where the gates would be. But there was still no sign of Stephanie.
As you though you heard a rumbling sound.
Both you and Katie looked at Jeremy as a sheepish grim grew on his face.
Katie: “Told you, a ham sandwich wouldn’t hold.”
Jeremy: “It will hold till lunch, which is a few hours away.”
George: “You sure that is a good idea?”
Jeremy: “Tell you what, I’ll go if you come with me and Katie.”
Katie: “So what do you say?”
· Sure, I could have a bite. (💎12)
· Perhaps we shouldn’t
Diamond Choice:
George: “Alright, let us have something to eat.”
Jeremy: “Good! Airplane food leaves much to be desired.”
Katie: “You always think with your stomach.”
Jeremy: “Yet you love me.”
Katie: “Yes, odd isn’t it?”
You make your way inside and stay in line.
You look at the menu and order
· Breakfast burrito
· Bacon and scrambled eggs
· Fruit and oatmeal
You order your food along with a big coffee. You all slide into the booth, Katie had her yogurt in hand both of you looked worryingly at Jeremy’s breakfast.
(Tilting tower of pancakes)
(Holy crap!)
You swore for a moment both you and Katie was reading each other’s mind.
‘He is going to puke.’
George: “Hey Jeremy, think you can get some napkins?”
Jeremy: “Sure.”
As he left you plied a few pancakes away, making sure that you saved the top one so he wouldn’t notice. Katie making sure the tower didn’t fall.
She gave a thumbs up, thanking you.
George: “So Katie, how have you been?”
Katie: “There is always a lot of things to do at the ICU, sometime I wonder where humanity is headed.”
George: “Really, that bad?”
Katie: “How would you explain having a locomotive lodge up your rectum?”
George: “How did that happened?”
Katie: “They claim they fell on it, if I had a dollar every time this happened I wouldn’t have any student debts.”
You shake your head, you have been thinking a bit about what Jeremy said at the Speakeasy. You had also noticed that something was up with Katie, she was on edge.
George: “Katie…”
1. “Did you want to go on this trip?”
2. “Has Mr and Mrs Jackson been pressuring you?”
3. “Do you want to get married?”
Katie: “In all honesty no, but Stephanie has made me a bridesmaid. I need to partake in these things. Even if I wish I didn’t.” *Choice 1\*
George: “Why?” *Choice 1\*
Katie: “I wish I could care as little about protocol as you do, but she is Jeremy’s sister, if I say no it might affect my relationship with Jeremy and his family.” *Choice 1\*
Katie: “Yes, I mean no, I mean… it’s complicated.” *Choice 2\*
George: “How come?” *Choice 2\*
Katie: “I’m 30 years old George, time is ticking. They want grandchildren to spoil.” *Choice 2\*
George: “And you have to be married to do that?” *Choice 2\*
Katie: “Of course I love Jeremy.” *Choice 3\*
George: “That wasn’t the question, do you want to get married?” *Choice 3\*
Katie: “It is just so big, all those expectations. I… it scares the crap out of me.” *Choice 3\*
George: “Listen, I will tell you something.”
You said using your stern voice.
George: “Jeremy loves you, he chose you. You chose him. That is the truth at the end of the day.”
Katie looked at you, a shy smile graced her lips. She mouthed a thank you.
Jeremy made his way back to you with a great pile of napkins. You all begin to take part of the meal. During the entire meal Katie and Jeremy’s shoulders touched and they looked as content as they could be.
(‘Loving it’ you had breakfast at McDermott)
None diamond choice:
George: “Let us just sit down and relax, we should be in Las Vegas at 1 am. Knowing Stephanie we will probably eat something there before heading to the hotel.”
Katie: “Maybe, I’ll get some water at least.”
Jeremy: “Good idea.”
(‘Not hungry’ you didn’t have a McDermott breakfast)
As all of you wait for the supposed ‘bride’ you hear commotion.
Sure enough you see a brunette with a close to permanent scowl on her face. Followed but two very flustered women.
“There you are! WHERE have you been?!”
Her tone is as pleasant as you remember, nails on a chalkboard.
Jeremy: “We have been here waiting for you.”
Stephanie: “You aren’t even going to help me with my bags. What type of brother are you?”
Jeremy: “Well we are here, we have about half an hour before the plane leaves. So let’s get to the gate.”
Stephanie just huffed. Storming away.
George: “Wow she is in a good mood.”
You state sarcastically.
Jeremy: “Yeah she gets like that some time.”
Jeremy: “Just try not to set her of, she can be a handful.”
Katie: “I mean how bad could it possibly be?”
You were never the very superstitious type, but you were quite sure that Katie just opened Pandora’s Box.

From the time the plane touched ground in Nevada everything that could set of Stephanie did.
Stephanie: “URRGH!!! where is that shuttle! He is LATE!!”
Jeremy: “They told us like five minutes ago there is traffic jam.”
Stephanie: “Then he should have planned it earlier!”
Stephanie: “I will not wait an hour! WE have a schedule to follow!”
George:’ This coming from the woman that almost missed the plane to her own bachelorette party.’
Daria: “They say it is only another 15 minutes.”

Stephanie: “I DON’T CAREEEEE!”
Stephanie: “What do you mean that our suits where not booked?”
Receptionist: “You never sent in the deposit for your stay.”
Stephanie: “THAT WAS GEMMA’S JOB!”
Gemma: “I told you, the suits needed to be paid for by the same person that booked them.”

Stephanie: “You are a bridesmaid, you are supposed to make things work!”
George: ‘Honetly…’
George: “Sigh…”
Waitress: “Yes it is, you wanted a calamari.”
The poor waitress looked exhausted and probably wanted to be anywhere but here, not that one could blame her.
Stephanie: “NO IT ISN’T! I wanted the pasta with bacon and cheese.”
Katie: “A cabonara?”
Jeremy: “Stephie we are at a seafood restaurant.”

George: ‘IS she ever satisfied?’
All of us where back at the hotel, Stephanie insisting that they ‘needed’ a new set of clothes for the casino and club they were planning on hitting. Jeremy looked ready to just give up.
George: “You know, you could simply say no to her.”
Jeremy threw an exhausted glair at me.
Jeremy: “If it was so simple neither me, you nor Katie would be here right now.”
George: “And you wouldn’t be here doing this Sisyphean task, which obviously brings you missery.”
Jeremy: “Yeah well, I still want my parents in my life, if I didn’t do this, they would never let me live it down.”
What to wear to the casino?
· Tuxedo 007 (💎 15)
· Basic black
Diamond option:
Jeremy: “You look like James Bond.”
George: “I’ll have a martini, shaken not stirred.”
You said and an amused smile spread across Jeremy’s face.
None diamond choice
“I Think I’ll stick with this.”
“Fair enough, I am too exhausted to care anyway.”

Jeremy said with a tired smile. You both left the room, making our way to one of the pulsing centres of the strip.
There in the golden casinos you thought finally your luck would finally turn for the better. That the glamorous atmosphere would rub off on the soon-to-be bride. Causing her to stop doing her impression of a screeching barn owl and let ALL of them enjoy Sin City.
Well it seemed to have worked, for now.
Both you and Jeremy where at the black jack tables, enjoying yourself. While the ladies were back at the slots machines.
Jeremy folded a while ago, it is just you and one more. You looked down at your cards a jack and an ace. You opponent opposite you had this confident smirk on his face. But you saw how the sweat was running down his face. He was bluffing.
George: “Hum…”
  1. Act as if you have a bad hand
  2. Act arrogant and self-assured
  3. Do not react at all and watch the man squirm
You decide to let your brows furrow in what would look like frustration. The man opposite you lets the edge of his mouth turn in a smirk. His confidence boosting with every minute. *Choice 1*
You decide to put on the theatrics, giving a smile like the cat that ate the canary you look at your opponent. That is growing more and more agitated by the minute. *Choice 2*
You keep your face natural, a lot of people often comment that you look angry whenever they see you. You could only assume it was true because your opponent was practically squirming in his seat. *Choice 3*
When he reviles his hand, you pause for a moment before reviling yours.
You won.
George: “I’ll be taking these.”
You said as you dragged them back chips and split them evenly between you and Jeremy. You had started with the same amount of tokens. Even if you did work with money daily, this was one of those occasions you allowed yourself to be a bit more relaxed regarding that subject.
Jeremy: “Nice one.”
George: “All in a day’s work.”
Jeremy: “So what next?”
Before you could answer you hear commotion from the opposite side of the casino. The screeching voice meant that Stephanie was somewhere in the middle of it. Both of you sigh, knowing that your happy hour was over.
Sure enough there at the era leading into one of the shows where Stephanie and her entourage, all of them except Stephanie wearing baby pink dresses and Stephanie herself wearing a sash reading ‘all hail the bride’ along with a tacky tiara probably worth a five dollar bill at most.
She was screaming at a bouncer, while all the others tried in vain to calm the soon-to-be bride.
Stephanie: “You are an idiot! What service is this!?”
When we had arrived there was already an audience forming. Yeah this was common whenever Stephanie was involved. ‘Drama Queen’ had been your nickname for her during high school for a reason.
Jeremy: “What happened?”
Bouncer: “Your friend here slapped one of your dancers, something about them stealing from them.”
Stephanie: “I am the BRIDE! I am not supposed to have to pay for anything during my bachelorette party.”
Jeremy: “Stephanie, what about we get some fresh air, okay?”
Jeremy said as he tried to deescalate the situation. He gently grabbed her arm, but Stephanie was having none of it.
It felt like it all happened in slow motion, Stephanie turned around and a closed fist and rage connected it with Jeremy’s face. Your friend flew back and hit his head on the floor pretty hard. Stephanie didn’t even care to check what state her brother was in. Katie flew to her fiancés side and the sight of your friend’s bleeding face was enough to make you see red.
George: “Alright enough.”
  1. Scold her
  2. Embarrass her
  3. Give her the evil eye
George: “Stephanie, you are way out of line.” *Choice 1*
Stephanie: “No I am not!” *Choice 1*
George: “You have taken no responsibility during this trip, you have been rude to every member of the party, you have caused a scene at every place we have been to. Do I need to keep going?” *Choice 1*
Your voice is like ice, you swear the temperature just dropped a few degrees. As you pointed out everything she has done during the less than 24 hours you been together. *Choice 1*
Stephanie looks angrily at her bridesmaids as is she is waiting for them to defend her. *Choice 1*
They do not, they know you are just stating the truth. *Choice 1*
George: “Your own brother did not want to be on this trip, he begged me to come along. Doesn’t that tell you just how vile you have been acting?” *Choice 1*
Stephanie: “You listen here…”*Choice 1*
George: “No you listen for once in your life!” *Choice 1*
You rarely let your emotions out but Stephanie was a special case. *Choice 1*
George: “If this is how you treat people, do not be surprised when Darren leaves you at the altar. He deserve better than this.” *Choice 1*
With that as a closing line you left, Jeremy might need to get to the hospital. He was worth more than Stephanie would ever be in your eyes. *Choice 1*
As you leave you are quite sure you hear someone applauding. *Choice 1*
With determined steps you made your way to one of the waitresses. *Choice 2*
George: “Excuse me.” *Choice 2*
You hand her a 50 dollar bill as you grab a big jug glass filled with beer and briskly walk back to Stephanie that is still screaming profanities. Because of her back being turned to you she didn’t see you. You saw how people began to take out their cameras and phones. No one made a move to stop you. *Choice 2*
With one quick movement you had poured it over her and a shriek of surprise entered your ears. *Choice 2*
Stephanie: “What the fuck is wrong with you!?” *Choice 2*
George: “Are you done with your little temper tantrum?” *Choice 2*
Stephanie: “What!? How dare you!” *Choice 2*
George: “You have been acting like a spoiled five year old since the moment we landed. I am surprised no one has done anything until now.” *Choice 2*
Stephanie: “You are so not coming to my wedding!” *Choice 2*
George: “It isn’t a loss, I was never here for you. Now excuse me I have more important things to deal with.” *Choice 2*
You left Stephanie to deal with the people that had gathered for the ‘show’ and she began to scream at them and calling them all sorts of names. But no one was intimidated, they found it hilarious. *Choice 2*
You grab hold of Stephanie, until she has no choice but to look at you. She is screeching, calling you every slur and bad name in the book. Your hands are firm on her upper arm, you just hold no squeezing, no pushing. You keep your eyes locked on her, you must have stood there quite a while until finally her defiant stare became weaker and weaker. *Choice 3*
You kept hold of her until she burst out into tears. At that point you let her go. Knowing you had knocked her down a peg. *Choice 3*

But Stephanie wasn’t your main concern, Jeremy was. You moved to stay with Katie and Jeremy, the crowd parted as the red sea as you walked by. All in stunned silence. *Choice 3*

George: “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”
Jeremy grimaced at the questing, blood still trickling down his face from where he had been punched. Luckily the nose would heal, the only question was what colour it would be in time for Stephanie’s wedding.
Jeremy: “I’ll be fine, Katie is here too. She knows what she is doing.”
Katie: “Having your fiancé being a nurse does have its perks huh?”
Jeremy: “Yeah one of many.”
The two of them smile at one another, before Jeremy turn back to you.
Jeremy: “Think you can manage your own?”
George: “I think I can stay out of trouble for one night.”
Jeremy: “Maybe, see you tomorrow George.”
Katie: “Have a nice night.”
With that the two of them made their way up to the hotel rooms.
You decided to check out the hotel bar. Despite being 10 o’clock it was surprisingly empty. Some people where there, some having already had a few to many.
But what caught your eye was a stranger sitting at the end of the bar.
There sitting in a knee-length ocean blue dress was a woman, leaning over resting her elbows at the counter. She had a faraway look in her face as she absentmindedly stirred her drink. *♀*
There sitting a young man, nursing his drink. His blue vest and slacks combo suited him well with the crisp white shirt. His attention seeming being elsewhere. *♂*
You sit down by the bar and is about to call on the bartender when I noticed a man, clearly intoxicated made a move on the man/woman at the end of the bar.
Drunk Idiot: “Hello there, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
The person in question just rolled hehis eyes. Clearly not in the mood to be the object of drunk admiration.
Drunk Idiot: “How about you and me go up to my hotel room and get to know each other a bit more.”
Haven seen the man/woman in question do every none-verbal que but slapping the idiot you decide enough was enough. He had disturbed you and the rest of the bar enough.
With the smoothest and coolest tone of voice you could muster you cleared your throat to get the drunk man’s attention. It wasn’t appreciated to say the least.
Drunk idiot: “What the hell do you want prick.”
The smell of alcohol radiating off him, one would think he had bathed in vodka. It was surprising no one had tossed him out from being a nuisance earlier.
George: “I do believe that you are bothering him/her. Please stop.”
George: “Look we are old friends, its noneofya business so bug off.”
George: “Oh really, then what is your friends name?”
Drunk Idiot: ”What?”
George: “What. Is. your. friend’s. name? If you are old friends you should surely know it.”
Drunk Idiot: “It’s ummm… Terry.”
???: “That is not even close.”
With both of you staring straight into him, mentally cornering him.
Drunk idiot: ”Screw this.”
The man declared in frustration and with that the idiot stormed off leaving both of you alone.
After making sure the guy was out of sight you turned back to the stranger.
He/She gave you a grateful smile.
???: “Thanks’ I really appreciate that?”
George: “It was nothing.”
You said making yourself ready to go back to your seat.
???: “Wait!”
The stranger called after you, out of sheer politeness you turned back around.
He/she Seemed a bit nervous, what now?
???: “Can I at least buy you a drink?”
You thought for a moment. You were on your own, Jeremy was probably nursing the bruise with some painkillers and you did not want to risk running into Stephanie or any of the bridesmaids. It also felt wrong to not take the opportunity to experience Vegas however.
So you accepted.
???: “Well What’s your poison?”
He/she asked in a joyous tone.
  1. Matrini
  2. Old Fashioned
  3. Red Wine
With a quick wave they called the bartender over.
???: “So what brings you to Vegas?”
George: “Bachelorette party.”
???: “Did it have anything to do with that brunette that slapped one of the dancers and had security physically lift her out?”
George: “Bingo.”
???: “No one got seriously hurt?”
George: “Thankfully no.”
With that the bartender served the drink and the stranger slipped a 50 dollar bill.
You lift the glass in a gesture for a thank you. And let the beverage slip down your throat. It was nice, it was a good year and the taste was strong but not overpowering.
You noticed that his/her eyes were on you, almost as if they were trying to decipher your character.
George: “What are you doing?”
???: “Trying to get a read on you, some say what you order is often an indication of who you are.”
George: “Really? Then what can you say about me?”
You asked, deciding to humour them.
???: “I can say that that you are a man that know what he wants and how you want them.” *Martini*
???: “You are an old soul, you probably know your liquor well. My guess you have a great library at home.” *Old fashioned*
???: “You are quite classy, and you can find a way to get drunk before noon.” *Red wine*
With that you give an amused chuckle.
George: “Well there is some truth to that statement.”
You take a look at the drink they self are nursing.
(Dark n Stormy)
George: “If I were to do the same to you, I guess you have a sweet tooth and might have wanted to be a pirate at some point.”
At that comment the stranger began to laugh. It was the infectious kind of laugh that made someone warm form the bottom of their stomach.
???: “Alright you got me there.”
He/she then stuck out their hand.
(My name is..)
(Default name: Skyler)
George: “‘Skyler’ it is a pleasure to meet you.”
You said as you shook it.
You take in Skyler’s look. You had to admit that they were an attractive specimen of a man/woman.
George: “The name is George Bishop.”
Skyler: “George Bishop, how professional sounding.”
He/ she said as if they were tasting your name in their mouth.
George: “Well I do hope so, would be difficult to be an advisor if people believed I was a joker.”
Skyler: “Ah, so you are one of those people that look at you and stamp ‘rejected’ on every paper?”
George: “I believe that I am fair in my judgement.”
George: “How about yourself?”
At that their eyes fell.
Skyler: “Right now, I’m a 30 year old trying to figure out my next move.”
George: “How come?”
Skyler: “Lost my job due to relationship issues between my manager and her boyfriend. Apparently, me being friendly was mistaken for flirting.”
Skyler: “What, they want a grumpy Greeter at the door?”
George: “That is unprofessional.”
Skyler: “Yeah, well relationships are messy.”
George: “Agreed.”
Skyler: “I must say the way you handled that woman, it was surprising.”
Skyler said in a genuinely impressed voice.
George: “You were watching?”
Skyler: “Kind of hard not to, I’m surprised half the hotel didn’t hear her.”
George: “Someone had to show her she isn’t the Queen of Sheba.”
Skyler: “What are your thought on marriage?”
You shoot up a bit, a bit startled by the blunt question.
George: “My thoughts?”
Skyler: “You seem like a guy that know what he thinks. I want to pick that brain a bit.”
It had been a while since someone had so blatantly flirted with you. To be fair you were a bit surprised. Dating had often been a minefield for you.
George: “Marrige…”
  1. It’s an institution
  2. It’s a partnership
  3. It’s indescribable
George: “Historically it was a way to ensure land, money and heirlooms where added into a new household.” *Choice 1*
George: “It was also a safety for children back in the day, since basterds often faced quite a few challenges from being born out of wedlock.” *Choice 1*
George: “It is a symbol of trust, that you do have someone that you can count on.” *Choice 2*
George: “But at the end of the day, if you are unfair to that partner hey might not stay.” *Choice 2*
George: “To describe marriage is like trying to describe oceans and water. Even with similarities we can see, gathering it all in an explanation would probably not give a fair judgement.” *Choice 3*
Skyler: “To me it’s a promise. ‘To have and to hold’ it is silly in this day and age were people divorce left and right for trivial things.”
Skylers eyes became dark, falling into deep thoughts. You had never been the poetic kind, but there was a sweet sentiment in Skyler’s view on things. Your parents where still married over 30 years now. Your sister was due some time in December, your brother was off celebrating a two year dating anniversary and your paternal grandmother still loved her deceased husband dearly.
To you it just never happened, perhaps it wasn’t for you.
George: “That we can agree on, people are so afraid they will settle. At the first sign of trouble they leave.”
Skyler: “So that woman form before… how long do you think her marriage will last?”
George: “If she acts like she did tonight, I wonder if her husband will even stay for the ceremony.”
You looked at your new companion and in an unusual turn of events you called the bartender over.
George: “Can I buy you a drink?”

With that Skyler smiled, deciding to keep you company.
Sometime later you awake to the sound of your alarm clock.
You feel a splitting headache, you drag you hand over your face as you do you feel a cold metal band around your finger. Pulling back as your eyes focus you see that it is a plain sliver coloured band.
(is that?)
· Oh no…
Feeling more sober than ever before you realised just what a mess you got yourself into.
George: ‘I just got married in Vegas.’
Well, you’re screwed.
submitted by ItLivesLover to Choices [link] [comments]

On line Gaming in Atlantic City

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submitted by Ubaid214 to u/Ubaid214 [link] [comments]

On line Gambling in Atlantic City

No spending some time and money to travel to casinos or planning on vacations to Las Vegas. Players may come house and straight away wood on to their beloved online gambling site.Online gaming is exceptionally easy for people who are scared of classy casinos, with properly dressed staff effectively completing operations and knowledgeable participants that are adept at the artwork and research of gambling. Internet gambling is an unknown activity. Many of these games are performed solo with the web casino software. Even in numerous participant games there is number must be experience to manage with different players. Nearly all of participants use nicknames and no one need know that part of the earth they're from. They can make their problems without fear to be made enjoyment of and can learn the ropes at their particular charge without fretting about losing a lot of money. And formal dressing may be allocated with.

Another key advantageous asset of gaming websites is so it provides better normal returns to the player. The costs associated with establishing and operating internet gaming internet sites is a lot less than that for area casinos. While there is number property, you can find no expensive buildings and small team to pay. Thus making gambling sites do not require to create a fortune to cover their charges and provide a go back to their owners. Because of the competition in the web gambling industry, the savings are given to the participants in the shape of larger average returns. This is specially apparent in on line slots wherever the common get back is just about 95%. Where as area based slots the typical return might be effectively below 90%.

On the web gaming nowadays addresses a wide range of product verticals. Sports betting can be conducted online. Participants have use of probably the most current chances and can also engage in live betting through online gambling. Poker is yet another well-liked form of gambling. Participants can play equally quickly cash activities and in on line tournaments. On line casinos provide gambling on blackjack, baccarat, roulette, craps, video poker, on the web slots and different games. Other types of online gambling can contain bingo and financial betting.

People have engaged in betting since antiquity. For quite a while gambling was an activity that needed position only in unique casinos. Not everybody can manage or accessibility these places. On line gaming, which became a fact around 1995, permitted gambling to be a activity for many more people. Software that simulates games of chance have been in existence for a while. The usage of web turned common position and inexpensive and was imperative to the establishment of gaming websites. Another essential component was the system to produce and obtain payments on line in a safe manner. The last little bit of the jigsaw problem was the creation of authorities that licensed and controlled gambling operators.
submitted by Ubaid214 to u/Ubaid214 [link] [comments]

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Videoslots Casino Mobile

It’s always great when you can take your work and play wherever you go— whether it’s taking that conference call with a new client at the park, or playing the latest online casino games while you wait in line at the supermarket. When it comes to the latter, VideoSlots Casino has you more than covered. We’ve figured out what all the hype over the VideoSlots app is about, and we’re eager to share it with you. So, grab your drink and hang on to every word! The operator doesn’t have any native apps in the Apple or Google stores, but the VideoSlots mobile site does everything you’d need from an app. Once you load up the website, you can tell that you’ve got the Mecca of Slots right at your fingertips.
Videoslots Casino works with the best developers and the games are super fun and worth trying using mobile browsers like Safari, Yandex, or Brave. The operator offers the mobile site to players who use iOS, Blackberry, Microsoft, and Android devices. The graphics are pretty intense, with deeper blacks than what you get from the desktop site and the pops of colour that add loads of character to the website. Unlike what you’d have with native apps, any new games that are added to the desktop site will immediately show up on the mobile version. Apart from placing their bets on the move, players on VideoSlots can also use the mobile site to make payments and communicate with customer support agents.
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Videoslots Casino Games and Software

Okay! Now is the point where we give up the secret behind the magnetic allure of VideoSlots UK. Just come a little bit closer…Exactly! Now…The truth is… VideoSlots Casino… Whaaat?! Setting jokes aside for a while, the casino provides, hands down, some of the best slot games that you’ll find online. Enter an eccentric doctor’s lab and tinker with some shifting reels on the exciting The Wild Machine slot from Pragmatic Play. Big Time Gaming is also firing up the burner with its brand new heart-stopper slot, Lil Devil.
The quality of the game graphics and themes is simply off the charts, and you’ll fall in love with the iOS, Android and desktop gameplay. How wouldn’t you when over 70 game developers are throwing in their best fighters into the melee? You’ll find some VideoSlots slots gems from popular developers like Microgaming, Play’n GO, and Nyx Interactive, as well as some rising stars like Sigma Games, Genii, and BlaBlaBla Studios. You’d be hard-pressed to find another place where there are so many online casino slot machines for every player’s taste and skill like VideoSlots.
But Wait…There’s a whole lot more, so keep both eyes peeled! VideoSlots is home to the best promotions and online casino UK gaming experience, and definitely wouldn’t let us just spin the slots all day. While we can’t ignore the draw of the classic slot game, the operator balances it out with an excellent selection of Roulette, Video Poker, and Blackjack games that’ll leave even the most demanding of players chuffed!
The variety of Roulette games is a bit small, but you can still kick it with the low, standard, and high limit French, European, Multi Wheel, and Premier Roulette. Blackjack fans, on the other hand, have much more to look forward to. There are a wide range of Super Fun 21, Atlantic City Blackjack, and Classic Blackjack table limits to suit every player’s budget. The available Video Poker games include All-American Poker, Deuces Wild, Jacks or Better, and more.
You’ll surely find your perfect variant of any of these table games. Live dealer casino games seal the deal at Videoslots Casinos – Now that’s something new! The influence of Evolution gaming created an authentic and immersive brick and mortar casino experience that you can get right on your sofa at home. The operator offers an impressive selection of Live Baccarat, Blackjack, and Roulette games, all with HD video and crystal-clear audio quality.
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Videoslots Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

Bonuses can provide temporary excitement, but there’s nothing quite like the buzz that you get when you’re jamming your favourite game for real money. Players at VideoSlots Casino can get into a more immersive and engaging gaming session when they deposit using cards like Visa, Cash Card, and MasterCard. There are also some e-wallet alternative payment options like PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz, Interac, and Trustly. The Paysafecard and Bank Transfer can also be some worthy options. You won’t have to worry one bit, as your finances are well protected by 256-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The minimum amount that customers can deposit at VideoSlots is £5. All deposits are processed instantly, and your funds will be available for bets in your account in real-time.
When you’d like to get some winnings from your VideoSlots account, you can use the same payment options. Some exceptions include Paysafecard and MasterCard. The on-line casino will process one withdrawal per day without any fees. Any subsequent payouts will attract a £2.50 charge, and a 3.9% charge if you haven’t played any games with your deposit. The least amount that players can withdraw is £10, and you should receive your money within 3 business days. It’s probably an excellent idea to verify your VideoSlots account as soon as you set foot in the casino, rather than wait for when you want to make your first cashout. As part of their licence requirements, the operator will require you to submit copies of your ID and proof of residence.
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Videoslots Casino Responsible Gaming

For the most part, online casino gaming and sports gambling at the bookies is harmless fun. However, a small proportion of players end up needing more to feel the same thrill they felt when they played for the same time. Even more, end up trying to make money from online casino games, and end up going bankrupt. What these players have in common is the uncontrollable urge to play with more money and time than they can afford. This type of gambling is commonly known and problem gambling. VideoSlots Casino is fighting very hard to ensure that you and every one of their customers continue to play safely and enjoy their favourite games. We took a thorough look at how they do such a fantastic job, and here’s what we found out.
VideoSlots views online casino games as only a form of entertainment and encourages every player to do the same. They can adjust the amount of money that you can deposit, wager, or lose during a particular period. Customers can also take the option to self-exclude or take a short break from the casino. Playing at VideoSlots on desktop or mobile devices is restricted to persons who’re over the age of 18, or the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction if it’s higher. The operator, therefore, verifies the ages of every new player. VideoSlots also recognises that the internet is now readily available to children, and urges their customers to use filtering software to prevent minors from gambling.
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Despite only coming onto the scene in 2011, Videoslots Casino has become a force to reckon with and has won the hearts and souls of a lot of online casino gaming enthusiasts. The operator starts with a selection of generous bonuses and promotions to get you started. Dubbed the Mecca of slots, VideoSlots is brimming with titles from over 70 game developers. They aren’t bookmakers, but the casino does have some sports-themed games for players who like such spice in their games. Table and live dealer game fans will also find several Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, and Poker options to cater to their tastes. What we know for sure is, whatever your game preference, you’ll most definitely find something to suit your needs at this gaming podium. Needless to say, VideoSlots is the online casino that most players have been missing. The casino website comes in a dark and classy theme and layout that create a relaxed gambling environment for both new and experienced UK players. In the payments arena, VideoSlots offers a comprehensive selection of banking options. Speedy processing times and workable minimum transaction limits are the order of the day. The operator also provides a responsible gambling-friendly environment where customers can play with less risk of addiction.

Pros and Cons

That all for our VideoSlots review folks! The games and bonuses were indeed memorable, but we think a recap would be a great way to sign off.
  • The casino has lots of games to play and is excellent all-round.
  • Quick payouts starting from just £10
  • Players get an excellent welcome bonus and generous promotions.
  • The games have fair RTPs
  • The customer support system seems to confuse some customers
>> Collect Free Spins Bonus Here <<
submitted by freespinsnetent to u/freespinsnetent [link] [comments]

Been searching for this dramatic for years...

I was on the bus a few years back and a girl was watching a drama and I’ve been wanting to find it. If you could help me find it that would be great! So the drama would have aired during or before 2012, I don’t think it would have been a very old drama at the time because the production value seemed quite good. Shortly after this I got into Asian dramas and watched older stuff made in the early 2000 and the production value was much higher the dramas like full house (2004).
Anyway what I remember happening is....
There was a male and female chatting in a fancy hotel room. The room look super expensive... like SUPER expensive.... like the type only REALLY rich people can afford. It had large windows were you could see a gorgeous night view of a city, from high above.
The girl was wearing a red full length dress (pretty sure but this was 8 years ago) and the guy was in a suit. They weren’t being romantic/ touching, in fact I think it looked they they may have been arguing about something. In any case they looked distant...
Another girl walks up to the room and sees them together as the door is slightly open. She becomes extremely upset and walks away. For some reason I am picturing the hallway colour as an army green but don’t fully remember. How ever again the hotel looks super expensive - classy and very upscale.
After she walks away the girl wanders around a casino for a bit looking extremely sad. This makes me assume that the hotel they are at is also connected to casino as it like immediately after (at least with like 10 min of each other).
I also assume casino as she walks past slot machines and I remember seeing a game of cards being played.
This is all I remember but it has been at least 8 years so I may have gotten some of the details wrong. So if there is a drama that like 80% matches this please recommend!
Now for my hypothesis about what was happening in the scene....
The 1ML was talking to the 2FL in the hotel room. They may have dated in the past... she is still in love with him but he has now started to fall in love with 1FL. They are talking about 1FL / their past relationship....
1FL comes to the room over hears them talking and misunderstand the situation, thinks 1ML is still in love with 2FL so she walk away sad and heart broken....
This part is just what I have always imagined what was happening, but I could be 100% wrong.
If you think you know the drama, can you also let me know what episode it is so I can go check it out quickly?
Thank you so much for making it this far :).
submitted by VIP_Nerd to KDRAMA [link] [comments]

How to play with cryptocurrencies at an online casino

Traditionally, if you wanted to play in a Casino, like classy ol’ James Bond, or those filthy rich VIPs who could afford to adopt us but didn’t, you gotta either
But hey, it’s 2020. And we got Option 3: Online Casinos.
Online Casinos are almost as good as the real deal, maybe even better especially when you’ve caught the winter colds but you still want to bet. I mean, what’s stopping you, right?
If at this point, you’re still Team Traditional, then you may just be missing out on half of the whole gambling scene lately. Most of us are going digital and staying in the comfort of our homes. After all, traffic’s not getting any better, so you may just want to check this convenient, futuristic alternative out.
Cryptocurrency technology is rapidly penetrating into many areas in our lives—which, of course, doesn’t exclude the iGaming world. This technology, in the simplest words, allows players to bet and transact under a system that’s not only fast but also transparent, convenient, and secure.
Simply put, Cryptocurrency in iGaming has put the fun back to the game or has made playing even more fun, since this time, finally, you can be super sure that you’re not getting cheated or questionable expenses whenever you transact.
But of course, before diving into playing with Cryptocurrency, you gotta do some due diligence in order to know that you’re playing at a legit Cryptocurrency casino. After all, in spite of everything, there are some red flag online casinos over there. Check the casino for safety, security, and reliability. Read the license part of the online casino as well as casino reviews about it on casino review sites. Questionably licensed and unregistered Cryptocurrency casinos will be your unbecoming, so be careful.
Basically, games that are offered with fiat money-based online casinos are also offered in Cryptocurrency casinos:
With a quick glance at a fiat money-based online casino and a Cryptocurrency casino, there’s hardly any difference. After all, it’s not hard for traditionally fiat money-based casinos to add cryptocurrency to their available transaction options.
But what other benefits are in here for you to ultimately play in a Cryptocurrency casino, for good?
As mentioned, there’s an enhanced level of security. You’ll enjoy the privacy of having known your losses and winnings. I guess the saying “For your eyes only” doesn’t only work for certain content, but also on your gambling transactions—as long as you transact with Cryptocurrency.
It’s also faster. Now, don’t get me wrong here. Yes, fiat money-based digital transactions are fast now, but withdrawals can still get quite slow to reflect on your account. But in a Cryptocurrency Casino, clearances are immediate, if not almost. This lets you keep an even closer eye on your transactions.
You can place smaller bets. The traditional casinos impose minimum bets that don’t allow some people to have fun simply because they can’t play. Cryptocurrency Online Casinos makes it possible for players to have fun in the online casino world.
These are the benefits of playing in a Cryptocurrency casino. If you become a player in the Cryptocurrency Online Casino and adapted and gotten used to the latest technology, it’ll be far easier for you to go ahead and accept, take advantage, and benefit from the new technologies to come.

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submitted by ALT_OFFICIAL to u/ALT_OFFICIAL [link] [comments]

Events for Fri 11/8 - Sun 11/10

Friendly reminder that this weekend includes some very large events (EDC Orlando, Veteran's Day parade) that will increase and worsen traffic and parking and may also involve road closures, so please be careful out there. Carpool with friends and family, take an Uber or Lyft, Sunrail or Lynx bus.
All weekend (Fri 11/8 - Sun 11/10):
43rd Maitland Rotary Art Festival; Lake Lilly Park, 701 Lake Lily Drive, Maitland, Florida 32751; The Maitland Rotary Art Festival has been entertaining Central Florida residents and visitors since 1976. Although hosted annually by the Rotary Club of Maitland, Florida, the event has evolved into a community celebration of the arts. The many public and private partnerships make it possible for Maitland Rotarians to showcase our community. The Maitland Rotary Art Festival Inc. is a not-for-profit501(c)3 organization that raises funds for the charitable activities of the Rotary Club of Maitland.
Annunciation Fall Festival; Annunciation Catholic Church, 1020 Montgomery Rd, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714; Live entertainment, rides and games, festival food favorites, crafts, live and silent auction and raffle! Free admission and free park and ride.
Free Admission for Veterans/First Responders, Nov. 9-10; Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E Central Blvd, Orlando, Florida 32801; The Orange County Regional History Center invites veterans, active-duty military personnel, and first responders to visit the museum for free on the weekend of November 9-10, 2019, in honor of Veterans Day. The route of the 20th annual City of Orlando Veterans Day Parade travels just south of Heritage Square adjacent to the History Center on Saturday, November 9, 2019, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Honoring the courageous men and women of the armed forces who have fought for our nation’s freedoms, the parade will feature marching bands, ROTC units, active duty military, decorative floats, and veterans groups from all military branches representing a wide variety of conflicts. Learn more here:
Fri 11/8
4p - 6:30p: Longwood Chili Cook Off; City of Longwood City Hall, 175 W Warren Ave, Longwood, Florida 32750; In conjunction with the monthly Longwood Car Show. The "Chili Cook Off " is a fundraiser that supports Parks & Recreation programming here in the City of Longwood and is hosted by volunteer Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Members. Chili Cookers Wanted!! All compete for cash $$$$ prize and trophies. Chili Cookers WANTED !!! Contact 407-260-3497 or email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Compete for CASH prizes. *Entry fee individuals is $25* **Entry fee for businesses is $75**
5p - 11p: College Park JazzFest 2019; College Park Main Street, 648 Dartmouth Street, 32804; College Park Main Street will host the 18th annual College Park JazzFest on Saturday November 9, 2019 from 5-11pm. The community’s flagship street festival along Edgewater Drive will feature 12 bands on three stages performing jazz, rock, R&B and more. College Park JazzFest will feature a vibrant street party atmosphere with diverse food trucks, vendors, and the local shops and restaurants open onto Edgewater Drive between Smith Street and Clayton Street.
Bands featured at College Park JazzFest 2019 include:
• Jackie Jones
• Ramona the Band
• The 8th Note Collective
• Dave Capp Project
• John Korbel
• Gerry Williams Band
• Brown Bag Brass Band
• Sideshow Revival
• Legendary JCs
• Lauren Lester
• The Lawbreakers
• Tarpon Springs Jazz Ensemble (a Dr. Phillips Center Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band)
5p - 12a: 70's Cosplay Party in VAULT 5421; Gods & Monsters, 5421 International Dr, Orlando, Florida 32819; Join us Saturday, November 9th, for 70's Homage Night in Vault 5421! FREE EVENT! To celebrate the new movie release of Charlie's Angels, we're hopping in the time machine and playing the classic 70's series and other 70's movies and shows on our big screens throughout the bar, with far out tunes playing, themed cocktails & Cosplay Cage-Dancing! Come in your best 70's cosplay or attire to receive 1 FREE SHOT or soda! (Just mention your attire, at the bar, for your FREE shot or soda.) Come early to enjoy our Happy Hours 5-8pm, featuring 20% OFF ALL DRINKS, including the special themed drink and shot created for the event! (Please note our store Gods & Monsters is All-Ages friendly, but our bar VAULT 5421 is 18+ to enter and 21+ with valid ID to purchase alcoholic beverages.)
6p - 8p: Fall Festival; UCUMC - University Carillon UMC, 1395 Campus View Ct, Oviedo, Florida 32765; All-things-fall coming together in one place: Fall Festival! While fall weather isn’t guaranteed, the fun is! We’ll be outside under the lights on University Carillon’s field with food, fall desserts, apple cider, festival games and live music! There’s fun ready for everyone—pumpkin games for the kids, football skills challenge for anyone brave enough, crafts for all ages, petting farm and more. Best of all, it’s FREE! Bring some friends and family and enjoy everything fall!
6p - 9p: Casselberry Food Truck Night; Lake Concord, 127 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry, Florida 32707; Casselberry locals park at the Target Casselberry, are escorted across 17-92 by police officers, walk to the lovely lush Lake Concord Park covered with oaks behind City Hall, buy dinner from the food trucks, then listen to live music and shop local art. To see which trucks are coming Go to and click on Truck Schedule. Free admission. Free parking.
6p - 9:30p: Movie Night at Adventure Lake: Spider-Man Far From Home; Nona Adventure Park, 14086 Centerline Drive, Orlando, Florida 32827; Sponsored by F45 Training Nona, this is a FREE event to the community from 6-9:30 p.m. • The movie will begin at 6:30 p.m. • A popcorn + soda combo will be available for $4 (FREE to Nona Adventure Park Members)! • Splashes Bistro will be open until 9:30 p.m. for dinner, snacks, drinks, wine, beer, sodas, lemonades, and water. • Featured Film: SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME • Feel free to bring pillows, blankets, etc. - this will be held under the pavilion near Splashes & the Pro Shop.
6p - 12a: 2019 Give Hope & Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament and Casino Night; Orlando Science Center, 777 E Princeton St, Orlando, Florida 32803; Come join us for a fun and classy event designed to bring Las Vegas to Orlando! Enjoy professionally-managed Texas Hold 'Em Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Fine Catering, and Raffle Giveaways! A night out like no other in Orlando - All for a great cause! Whether you play poker or not, this is an evening for all! Tickets and more information can be found on our website
Sat 11/9
9a - 4p: Great Day in the Country 2019; Oviedo on the Park, 321 E Mitchell Hammock Rd, Oviedo, Florida 32765; The 46th Annual Great Day in the Country Arts & Crafts Festival is produced by the GFWC Oviedo Woman's Club. The Festival is FREE to attendees. See This year over 350 arts and crafts vendors will be displaying and selling items that are perfect for gifts or your own home. Vist our food and beecraft beer vendors in either of two Food Courts (east and west). Enjoy music and local acts which will range from jazz to rock and roll. The Oviedo Woman's Club's famous Bean Soup will be exclusively available only at the festival. Great Day in the Country 2019 will mark the 25th year of the Student Art Fest, with work from art students in our local schools. The art will be on display and awards in excess of $2K will be presented to students during the Opening Ceremonies. Great Day in the Country is the GFWC Oviedo Woman's Club's major fundraiser. Over the past nine years, the club has awarded over $600,000 for scholarships, school grants, and charitable organizations. Last year, over 30,000 people attended the event. Free parking is available nearby and shuttles buses will take people to and from those lots.
12p - 4p: Bunny Cafe at The Nook; The Nook on Robinson, 2432 E. Robinson St, Orlando, Florida 32803; Come meet and pet our adorable furry friends while learning what it takes to give them loving and healthy indoor homes. Volunteers will be on hand to answer all your questions about feeding, housing, and connecting with these wonderful animals. ADMISSION IS FREE. The rabbits will be housed inside the bar for their safety and comfort while patron seating will be outside with tables and tents. There will be food available for purchase with La Empanada Food Truck and The Veggie Cart, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks from The Nook and Framework Coffee. Learning activities will happen outside along with a prize raffle benefiting ORCA as well. Guest time with rabbits will be in 15-minute increments from 12 – 4PM with a maximum of 15 guests per time slot. Sign up will be first come first serve outside the bar. Patrons should check in at least 5 minutes before their assigned time slot, so they don't miss their turn. ORCA’s goals with this event are to educate the public and to ensure we can continue our mission to rescue and re-home abandoned or distressed rabbits and provide them quality medical care by raising donations.
FOOD: La Empanada Food Truck, The Veggie Cart; DRINK: The Nook on Robinson, Framework Craft Coffee Bar; ART:
1:30p - 4p: Outdoor Family Concert sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities; Seneff Arts Plaza - Downtown Orlando, 445 S Magnolia Ave., Orlando, Florida 32801; Join the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra for this annual free Outdoor Family Concert in memory of Della Phillips sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities. Enjoy Dr. Seuss family classics The Sneetches and Green Eggs & Ham with beautiful music performed by the orchestra with live narration on Saturday, November 9 at 3 p.m. at Seneff Arts Plaza at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Also at the concert will be food trucks and family-friendly activities with an instrument petting zoo beginning at 1:30 p.m. Event sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities. This Saturday at 1:30 p.m. prior to the concert, don't miss family-friendly activities and delicious food from the following food trucks: Up In Smoke BBQ, Orlando Fat One's Hot Dogs & Italian Ice, SMAC Food Truck, Sugar Rush Marshmallows, Tacos Mazatlan, Rubios Baja Grill (\*to clarify, food starts at 1:30p and concert starts at 3p**)*
4p - 8p: Lake Nona Town Harvest; Crescent Park in Laureate Park, 8374 Upper Perse Cir, Orlando, Florida 32827; Bring out the whole family to enjoy a festive evening of entertainment featuring top 40 cover band Stereo FM, scarecrow stilt walkers, acrobatic surprises, and more! Oversized tractors, hay bales, and pumpkins create the perfect cozy photo op. Enjoy delicious treats from food trucks Bloque 45, It's All Greek to Me, Guacamole Co., Absofruitly US, Avofuel, a beer garden, and a large Kid's Zone sponsored by Laureate Insurance Partners for toddlers to teens! We look forward to you joining us for the first Lake Nona Town Harvest!
5p - 12a: Warriors Of Light: A Final Fantasy Tribute; The Abbey, 100 S Eola Drive, Suite 100, Orlando, Florida 32801; On November 9th, 2019 in Orlando, Florida, Ongaku Overdrive is honored to bring you Warriors of Light, a Final Fantasy tribute with music, games, art, vendors, and cosplay. Details:
▪︎Musical acts performing their renditions of Final Fantasy and other Square music 🎵 ▪︎Multiple video game setups 🎮 ▪︎Video game tournaments with cash prizes 🕹 ▪︎Artists, vendors, and exclusive event merch ▪︎A cosplay-friendly atmosphere ▪︎Final Fantasy-themed cocktails🍹 ▪︎And more!
🎵MUSICAL LINEUP🎵: Descendants of Erdrick, Mega Ran, The Returners - VGM, Knight of the Round
Plus, a Final Fantasy edition of No Borders Art Competition!
We have more to announce with music, games, and events. Tickets go on sale at
Follow us:,,
Sun 11/10
3p - 4:30p: Let Freedom Ring!; Cathedral Church of St. Luke,130 North Magnolia, Orlando, FL 32801; The Orlando Concert Band, with organ, salute the Armed Forces with Veterans Day favorites like Battle Hymn of the Republic, America the Beautiful, God Bless America, and rousing marches by John Philip Sousa.
submitted by whirlpool4 to orlando [link] [comments]

How to play with cryptocurrencies at an online casino

Traditionally, if you wanted to play in a Casino, like classy ol’ James Bond, or those filthy rich VIPs who could afford to adopt us but didn’t, you gotta either
But hey, it’s 2020. And we got Option 3: Online Casinos.
Online Casinos are almost as good as the real deal, maybe even better especially when you’ve caught the winter colds but you still want to bet. I mean, what’s stopping you, right?
If at this point, you’re still Team Traditional, then you may just be missing out on half of the whole gambling scene lately. Most of us are going digital and staying in the comfort of our homes. After all, traffic’s not getting any better, so you may just want to check this convenient, futuristic alternative out.
Cryptocurrency technology is rapidly penetrating into many areas in our lives—which, of course, doesn’t exclude the iGaming world. This technology, in the simplest words, allows players to bet and transact under a system that’s not only fast but also transparent, convenient, and secure.
Simply put, Cryptocurrency in iGaming has put the fun back to the game or has made playing even more fun, since this time, finally, you can be super sure that you’re not getting cheated or questionable expenses whenever you transact.
But of course, before diving into playing with Cryptocurrency, you gotta do some due diligence in order to know that you’re playing at a legit Cryptocurrency casino. After all, in spite of everything, there are some red flag online casinos over there. Check the casino for safety, security, and reliability. Read the license part of the online casino as well as casino reviews about it on casino review sites. Questionably licensed and unregistered Cryptocurrency casinos will be your unbecoming, so be careful.
Basically, games that are offered with fiat money-based online casinos are also offered in Cryptocurrency casinos:
  1. Live Dealer Table Games
  2. Lotto
  3. Keno
  4. Sportsbetting
  5. Slots
  6. Many else you can think of
With a quick glance at a fiat money-based online casino and a Cryptocurrency casino, there’s hardly any difference. After all, it’s not hard for traditionally fiat money-based casinos to add cryptocurrency to their available transaction options.
But what other benefits are in here for you to ultimately play in a Cryptocurrency casino, for good?
As mentioned, there’s an enhanced level of security. You’ll enjoy the privacy of having known your losses and winnings. I guess the saying “For your eyes only” doesn’t only work for certain content, but also on your gambling transactions—as long as you transact with Cryptocurrency.
It’s also faster. Now, don’t get me wrong here. Yes, fiat money-based digital transactions are fast now, but withdrawals can still get quite slow to reflect on your account. But in a Cryptocurrency Casino, clearances are immediate, if not almost. This lets you keep an even closer eye on your transactions.
You can place smaller bets. The traditional casinos impose minimum bets that don’t allow some people to have fun simply because they can’t play. Cryptocurrency Online Casinos makes it possible for players to have fun in the online casino world.
These are the benefits of playing in a Cryptocurrency casino. If you become a player in the Cryptocurrency Online Casino and adapted and gotten used to the latest technology, it’ll be far easier for you to go ahead and accept, take advantage, and benefit from the new technologies to come.
submitted by ALT_OFFICIAL to u/ALT_OFFICIAL [link] [comments]

Classy Pachinko in Tokyo?

I'm currently living in Tokyo, and my parents will come visit me next month. They like casinos (think Las Vegas etc.) so I thought I'll show them the local flavour: Pachinko.
But the problem is that so far all the Pachinko places I've seen are not really nice places. Especially the smoking will be a problem, and of course the exaggerated noise levels.
So I was wondering if there are Pachinko parlours that cater to an "upscale" audience, e.g. they are like a Las Vegas casino, only with Pachinko?
Anywhere in the 23-ku or even Yokohama would be feasible. Thank you!
submitted by Ohitlooksgoodguy to japanlife [link] [comments]

[Goldthirst Company] - Chapter 41 (Redcastle 12)

(First) (Previous) (Next) (Patreon)
(This is a double-release, sort of - it's the previous chapter from Janaxia's, then Semari's PoVs. It was a bit of a writing exercise, but let me know what you think!)
Janaxia took a slow, steady breath, focusing her magical powers to pull her outfit into position, making sure everything was in order. Would it really be so hard for Stathis to pay her attention (and compliments) for once? It had been quite some effort to acquire, to say nothing of ensuring it fit correctly, requiring either magical powers or several servants to properly don. Instead, Stathis was nothing but critical, saying that she looked like a cult leader! As if any cult leader would dress with such style and verve – most were grubby little degenerates, grubbing around for anyone desperate enough to believe their lies, without any interest in the finer things in life beyond a petty, vulgar venality. And their ‘style’ rarely extended further than drab robes. Even the guide here would stand out amongst such a rabble, her robe of fine cotton, belted with an elegantly chic sash of green and silver (that also served to highlight an attractively trim waist), far beyond the reach of any petty cult!
Although at least Stathis had put some effort in, managing some amount of dash and swagger in a well-cut suit, not entirely unsuitable for the occasion, her blonde hair tied up into a crown braid. The trousers could stand to be a touch tighter around her posterior and thighs though, maybe some golden piping down the side. Semari was as scruffy as ever though, hair looking as though she had hacked it short with a knife, her clothing, well, sturdy was the most polite term that could be applied, an utterly disappointing lack of style. A shame really – there was decided potential there, but all gone to waste.
From the look on Stathis’ face, she hadn’t been expecting to see such finely-rendered carvings, imitation of course, but depicting a number of famous romantic scenes from history and legend, gods and heroes enjoying their revels. Even Semari showed some interest, looking at them intently as they passed. Likely more interested in their prurient appeal than the true history, but it was a start.
The place had been refurbished somewhat since she had last visited, the grand doors (previously plain, banded wood, more reminiscent of a fortress than a place of pleasure) having been replaced. The detail was exquisite, a copy of the Rapture of the Golden Band rendered in full detail, even including the officially banned 8th panel. Then some mechanism pulled the doors open, a scent of agarwood drifting past, a flamboyant display of wealth.
The décor inside was certainly gaudier than Janaxia could truly consider tasteful, but the Khem’s business must be thriving, to support such a place. And Lady Kamarni was present, showing the breadth of their appeal. Although quite why she seemed to want to associate with Semari was a baffling mystery – it was entirely possible to have someone save one’s life and not fawn over them! Thoughts of the mysterious angel from that tiresome affair with Karilimanath’s hoard flashed through her mind, before she dismissed them – the being hadn’t been seen since, and her companions refused to talk about it. In other times, it might have been worthwhile greeting the woman, but there were other affairs to deal with, she her face seemed drawn and taut, likely a sign of poor luck at the tables.
Anef and Asai were both as well-dressed as ever, even managing to make their altered arms appear stylish, having the confidence to show them off rather than try and hide them. She introduced herself, mercifully managing to find the words without having to reveal her own ailment. She sat down, weaving a swift use of her magical power to tug her outfit into a position flattering when reclining, making sure she was presented to her best advantage. And of course, Stathis, with all the grace one would expect of the nouveau riche, almost ruined the moment entirely, asking if they were running a murder cult.
Did she have to be so crass? She was talented with a blade, to be sure, and her mother and sister were both impressive figures themselves, but Stathis did seem a touch lacking compared to such luminaries. And of course, there was the mystery of who her father was – Carissia was the product of an ancient and noble bloodline from her patriarch, but rumour had dogged the youngest Iristari for years. Not that Janaxia held truck with such gossip, of course, but it was decidedly mysterious, even if likely banal.
And now Stathis was threatening to sic Carissia on the place, as Janaxia accepted the drink she was offered. Aged Gauthaut, brewed from rare slimes, themselves fed only the finest grapes, refined and processed over decades, the drink smooth on her palette. She smiled at Anef, as Asai and Stathis came to an agreement, wondering if they would stay long enough to renew their acquaintanceship. Considering the events of the last time they had seen each other, where the pair had gained their unusual markings, they seemed remarkably affable; she had done what she could at the time to explain what she could the events of that night (which had, as far as she could tell, been entirely out of her control), but had feared they might be less accepting. As long as none of the rest of her family wished to use the house, then it should be acceptable to stay.
Violence and action suddenly erupted, as everyone drew weapons and starting swinging for each other. Janaxia tried to look appropriately shocked and distraught, portraying what she imagined an innocent young woman caught up in such machinations would look like. And then Stathis quite ruined the effect, hauling her off the couch, quite undoing elements of couture. Could the woman never deal with a situation without resorting to violence?
A guard charged at her, club held high, escalating matters rapidly. Janaxia gestured, hitting him square on, and sending him flying downwards, out of sight. He really should learn to read the atmosphere – this was simply theatrics, rather than anything to get excited about! Although the sounds coming from downstairs, where Semari had leapt to, indicated things were rather more serious, with likely some property damage.
‘Stop! She has a hostage!’ Asai shouted. Janaxia found herself yanked backwards, a sword suddenly against her throat, even as she managed to activate her magical powers, an invisible aura of protection snapping into existence around her.
‘Stand your men down, or I’ll cut her throat!’
That Anef was just barely holding back laughter cut almost as deeply as the potential danger to her ensemble, as Stathis’ fumbled around, hand running over her body, overly reminiscent of a drunken noble whose ardour had outpaced their tolerance for alcohol. Although the forcefulness did have a certain appeal, if perhaps better suited for a more private setting.
Do please fumble less! Try and show some class, if it isn’t too much trouble?
Stathis grumbled something back, lost in the general sounds of chaos.
Backing down the stairs was complicated, much like dancing with a far less skilled partner, who didn’t particularly want to cooperate, and could cause considerable harm if things went awry. The sharp edge of the blade was a decided nuisance, as she pressed herself tightly against her erstwhile “captor”.
Still, they somehow made it down without Janaxia getting her throat slit, as Stathis tried to solidify her grip, wrapping an arm around Janaxia’s chest, comfortably restraining her. Janaxia focused her magical powers, making sure nothing inappropriate was displayed, as a bronze disc shot past them, clanging on the far wall. While there was a certain frisson in having her vision forcibly restricted and being forcibly unaware of quite what destruction was being wrecked out of sight, it was also decidedly inconvenient, especially if she happened to be struck herself! ,
Asai slowly advanced, blade at the ready, face serious. ‘You will regret the day you crossed us. There will be a reckoning, and it won’t be to your favour!’
Abandoning herself to Stathis’ power, it was a simple thing to slide her hair loose and make it flick and toss around, hopefully the very image of a young ingenue, being troubled by some rapscallion rogue, forcibly pressing their suit above their station. ‘Oh, please help me, I have been captured by this rough brute of a knight!’
‘Stay back, or I slit her throat!’
At least try and make an effort, Stathis.
The woman sounded as though she were bored! A little emoting wasn’t that hard, especially in these circumstances, and would make the thing much more entertaining. Even if the proclamation did send warm breath tickling Janaxia’s ears, fluttering her hair, and quite distracting her.
Stathis continued to move backwards, Janaxia now having a better sense of her movement and steps, feeling her strong musculature and allowing herself to be guided, as they moved back past Semari, surrounded by a circle of downed guards and wrecked furniture.
Semari, even worse at dramatics than Stathis, just shrugged and slowly sauntered towards the exit with them, even giving a cheeky wave to Lady Kamarni as they passed. Janaxia tried to catch her eye, but she only seemed to notice Semari. Some people, despite their nobility, really had no taste.
Eventually, they were outside the casino chamber, doors clanging shut. As the blade moved away from her throat, she turned to give Stathis a piece of her mind, before strong hands encircled her waist, Stathis simply hoisting her up and throwing Janaxia over her shoulder, as if she were just a sack of food, then running for the exit. It took all Janaxia’s efforts on keeping her outfit from attaining a level of dishabille entirely beyond what was appropriate for such a place, meaning she couldn’t make her opinions on the matter heard, even with her telepathy. While some rough treatment could, on occasion, be entertaining, this was quite beyond the pale! She bounced on Stathis’ shoulder, air getting pushed from her lungs with every stride, an overly firm hand on her derriere keeping her firmly in place, and threatening to tug her clothing into quite indelicate positions.
When she was deposited back on the ground, it took her several long moments to collect herself, her thoughts hazy and her backside slightly sore from the tight grip. She settled for simply glaring at Stathis, trying to put the full force of her disapproval into a look. From the lack of response, the woman was entirely insensate to the insult she was responsible for, as she led them away, through a thoroughly disgusting network of alleys and backstreets, until they were safely away.


Redcastle 11.2 (Semari)

The wall was warm underfoot, Semari’s shoes thin enough for her to feel the heat the stone was releasing. Beneath her, Stathis and Janaxia were bickering, Stathis gesturing at Janaxia’s latest clothing. It looked spooky, uncomfortable and a bit evil around the edges, but that was pretty much Janaxia all over, and it wasn’t as though Stathis had to wear it.
The door was far too obvious for a real thief’s hideout, the snake’s head knocker a loud sign that something shady, but not too shady, was going on. The door was opened by a robed figure, looking fake-eldritch with a plain robe and a flashy belt led them down a long hallway, full of dramatic lights, and lined with creepy-sexy statues. Semari paused, trying to work out how practical they were, bodies shaped and contorted around and into each other in all sorts of interesting ways. Small slots revealed side chambers, for those that liked an audience, or to make a show. Giant metal doors, showing more people fucking, blocked their way, some magic sliding them open as they approached.
Semari nodded to herself in satisfaction. This was what a shady casino operated by dodgy folk should look like – cheap gold paint on the walls, massive chandeliers (that looked sturdy enough to bear her weight) hung from the high ceiling, shallow pits filled with cushions and cavorting entertainers dotting the floor, shady looking guards glaring at them from the walls. The floor was sticky underfoot, cloyingly thick incense not enough to cover the scent of spilt booze, sweat and other fluids. She eyed up the guards, all mean-looking, but a bit too comfortable, more used to poking fat merchants and nobles rather than proper violence. This place looked like it could be fun – no fighting pits, at least not yet, but lots of things to break if she needed a weapon.
She waved at Kamarni, enjoying a game of dice. For a noble, she seemed OK, although a bit fluttery. But she knew nice places to eat, and was friendly without being too weird about it. Although she’d been odd recently, suddenly really boring and stiff and cold, like Misutira.
The bosses were up above, the usual set-up, somewhere they could see and be seen. Two, twins, both with creepy demon arms, pointy teeth, probably not entirely human. The only surprise was that none of their boys had mirrored the red arms – if you get a thing like that, work it, make it the gang marker or whatever. Seemed a waste, really. But they had their boys well-trained, letting them through without even some token barking or staredown, up into their private bar.
Janaxia hugged them both, apparently trusting them enough to get close. Although they didn’t have any obvious weapons (other than claws on those creepy demon arms), both had a few scars, their clothing smart, but practical to move on. The guy was definitely a brawler and a looker, tight trousers and open shirt, easy on the eyes. Might be worth fighting, see if he could move, or if the muscles were just for show. He sat down, showing himself at ease, typical gang boss chilling in his domain. She grinned at him, getting a tight smile in return, as a lackey handed her a shot. She knocked it back – sweet and thick, slightly bitter, probably some fancy noble thing. Tasted good, although she’d rather have a beer.
Stathis spoke, sounding irritated and tired. ‘Look, I don’t really care about the gambling. But, Demons. They will destroy everything, destroy the world, all that stuff. So, unless you want to be devoured by howling monsters from the endless chaos outside of existence, it would be helpful if you were to tell me anything murder-cult related that you might have seen. Ritual circles, creepy murders, that sort of thing.’
‘And what may we expect in return from you, Stathis of the House of Iristari?’ The woman approached Stathis, squaring up against her in an open challenge to see if Stathis would back down.
‘OK, I’ll make you a deal. You tell me what I need to know, and I don’t tell Carissia about this place.’ Semari made a face. Carissia just showed up, stuff happened, and she’d bought that magical demon-goat. Goats! Weird furry horned bastards, always plotting something.
As they bickered, Semari took another shot, the taste seeming better this time, looking out over the casino and brothel. Looked pretty classy, in a fun, trashy way – must be fairly well run as quite a lot of the staff weren’t just thugs in suits, the cauliflower ears and broken noses being reserved for the guards. There were some side-rooms equipped for some of the weird stuff nobles got up to, but still no fighting pits, which was a shame.
Stathis and Asai were staring each other down, at the point they were either about to fight or fuck. ‘There are certain… considerations we must take into account. I’m sure certain associates of ours will have taken note that a Knight of the Sun paid us a visit, for example.’
‘OK, so we have a big dramatic fight, you make like you threw us out, then you tell us? I’m sure you know we’re at Janaxia’s place, send a letter or something.’
The man reached behind his chair, pulling out some knives, balanced for quick, nasty cuts, the sort of thing people would survive, but have big, nasty scars. His sister pulled out a sword, clumsily swinging at Stathis, who blocked the attack.
‘Get out!’
The guards below reacted impressively fast, gathering together and making a beeline for the stairs. Semari leapt from the balcony, grabbing hold onto the chandelier, swinging it once to gain momentum before letting go to let herself sail through the air, slamming into the ground in front of a group of guards. Her guess was right, they weren’t used to fighting, as she spun and ducked through them, punching out, knocking them to the ground, stopping them getting past.
She broke a chair, using the legs as paired clubs, flicking out and striking vulnerable points, trying not to do anything too permanent. More of them kept coming, goons and thugs spilling out of side rooms, so many they got in each other’s way. Well, that just made her life easier!
The brawl continued, as Stathis slowly shuffled past her, sword against Janaxia’s throat, a rather sloppily-caught hostage. Knives were better for that! And most hostages didn’t look like they were enjoying quite so much, but, then again, nobles were weird. Stathis was mostly normal, except for the occasional wings and stuff, and getting all weird when asked about it. It was so unfair that she couldn’t give her wings away, when she clearly didn’t want them! And she still hadn’t taken Semari flying!
Semari struck her bracer, lightning streaking through her, vision flicking white for a second. With the burst of strength she jumped forward, landing on the roulette table and hooking the spinning disc with a foot, kicking it up into the air and catching it. The ‘clong!’ it made when she clocked a guard across the face was deeply satisfying, before she spun around and then released it, sending it hurtling just above another cluster of guards, smacking into the wall and distracting them enough for her to charge in.
She’d always wanted to try that, but Kethys had always told her “no” before. Stathis at least was less controlling, although worse at hugging.
Get a move on!
Janaxia’s head-talk thing was weird, but kinda cool. Why couldn’t she learn that? Everyone else could do cool stuff. Still, the amount of damage she’d done was fun to see, loads of guards groaning on the floor, several tables reduced to kindling, the staff picking up stray chips and coins when they thought no-one was looking. She grinned at Lady Kamarni, a stray snatch of music coming to mind, “There was an old wizard of menace, who had quite the extraordinary…”
As soon as they were outside, she started running, having experienced this part of a heist before, when they most important thing was to get away, as fast as possible. Even Stathis knew this bit, although the closest thing she had to a treasure was Janaxia, slung over her shoulder and bouncing up and down with every step, costume flapping, magical shimmering the only thing keeping it in place. The expression on her face was curious, the crimson tinge to her cheeks seeming more than entirely justified by being bounced up and down on Stathis’ shoulder.
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